Features of living room design with a TV on the wall


The TV is currently not a luxury, it can be found in each apartment, and many of them are even a few. You often see him in passing, preparing in parallel food or gathering somewhere. But often with a TV arises the Association of pleasant things in the evening when you can drink hot tea on the sofa in the living room. Therefore, there is the most common location of this device. Today, when old appliances have changed with ultra-modern and fashionable plasma, the living room with a TV on the wall has become one of the favorite design interiors. After all, the situation in your home should be comfortable, and safe, and look beautiful. And for this you need to provide a lot of important points.

Features of living room design with a TV on the wall

The TV on the wall in the living room should be convenient and safely located.

Wall TV: Main Nuances

The first step will be the choice of the TV itself for the living room. The fact is that it is worth a detailed approach to this issue and determine for yourself in advance where exactly you want to install the device. At the same time, see whether the selected model will fit and how it will be combined with your interior. The second important point when choosing a TV is a distance accounting that will be between the instrument and the viewing places. This will help you choose a device with a suitable diagonal. The optimal distance is at least 2 diagonals (from your eye to the TV screen). This applies to liquid crystal models. If we talk about plasma, then the distance in 3-4 diagonals will be required. For planning a comfortable, beautiful and functional living room with a TV, try to follow such simple recommendations:

Features of living room design with a TV on the wall

Table of the distance of the TV from the viewer, depending on its size.

  1. The living room is often built around the TV or under it. Consider what your living room is small or big. In the first case, your task will competently distribute all the necessary items in it, while in the second, first of all it will be needed to make zoning to make the room as cozy as possible.
  2. How the furniture in the room is placed, will dictate the location of the TV. The main thing - take into account the window not turned out to be opposite, because in this case you have every time it is tightly fired or close the blinds, Roleto or invent other devices to watch TV.
  3. The height on which you hang the device on the wall should also be comfortable and convenient for you, and not to play only in favor of the interior, style and effect. Therefore, the main rule is that the eyes of the audience were directly opposite the center of the screen. You also need to take into account furniture features (height of seats, sofas, etc.). It is best to get comfortable and look at the opposite wall (as if the TV is already hanging). The middle point is fixed slightly below the level where your view stopped. In the same way, you can determine the correct location of the TV and on the wall in the kitchen, bedroom and other rooms.
  4. Prepare a place for a TV on the wall. Niche under it should not be too close, as the device cannot be installed in a closed space. If there will be no free air circulation through the ventilation holes, the TV will fail very quickly because there will be constant overheating. In addition, plasma models in working condition are highlighted much more heat than liquid crystal. Camping niche, consider that free space will be needed and below, and on top, and on the sides (at least about 20 cm).

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It is better to read the technical characteristics and features of the operation of the selected instrument in order to properly prepare the place for it.

How to hang a TV on the wall

Features of living room design with a TV on the wall

The perfect height is when the middle of the TV is at the level of the eye - 1-1.2 m.

Correctly and accurately calculate the possibilities of your wall when installing the instrument. If the wall of the living room is ordinary (from drywall), then the weight of a big TV will not stand it. The weight allowed for it is 30-35 kg, no more. To be confident that nothing will roll, it is better to build a wall on which TV will hang. To do this, simply need to be used with thick plywood. There is another option. You can make a small completion in the form of a drywall protrusion and a strengthened wall.

Using TV Mounting Brackets

If the wall is made of blocks or bricks, you can hang a TV with hinge brackets. You can buy them with a TV. Ask you to help choose the appropriate view of the brackets. They are distinguished by what type of device you will install (liquid crystal or plasma), and by how much it weighs. All necessary requirements and characteristics are described in the manual. Be sure to pay attention to it.

By the degree of mobility, the brackets are classified on:

Features of living room design with a TV on the wall

Movable bracket diagram.

  1. Still - brackets with rigid fixation. They allow adjustment only in a vertical or horizontal position for slopes, turns. More suitable for very heavy and bulky television models, as they provide high fastening reliability.
  2. Adjustable - good option when the device mobility is needed. They allow you to change the angles of inclination, rotate the screen to any side. True, suitable for lighter models.

Be sure to use the electronic metal detector before starting the installation. Where the position of the dowel is planned, in no case should there be wiring.

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Cables and wires on the wall

Features of living room design with a TV on the wall

The dimensions of the non-reflection bracket.

Before installation, it is also worth seeing how much additional equipment will be located in your living room and what will be connected to the TV. It can be cable TV, tuner, children's play console, DVD player, adapter, musical columns, etc. This technique contains many wires that can not just hang or hang around in different directions, as it does not only look repulsive, but also He is unsafe.

It is better to take care of the presence of an integrated block of sockets on 4-5 compartments. They will easily hide behind the monitor itself or behind a table under the TV. Of course, if you do not plan to make repairs in the living room, then the exit is to build a special box right on top of the wall. It is called the Channel Cable. It can be narrow, wide, may be subsequently painted in the color of the wall for disguise. Although many practiced another option is its allocation. Then the box is painted in contrast with the walls, additionally decorates, decorated with painting or a mirror film. It all depends on your imagination and creative approach.

In the drywall wall, the cable channel can be cut inside, and then remove all cables there.

Or, as already mentioned, there is an option to make an additional design, which may be in the form of a protrusion, and in the form of a niche. Be careful with the niche, do not forget about full-fledged natural ventilation for the device. The protrusion in this regard is more reliable and safer, you can also make additional racks or shelves on the sides.

TV on the wall in the design complex of the living room

Features of living room design with a TV on the wall

Mounting bracket to the wall.

For decorators and interior decorators, in connection with the appearance of fashion on suspended TVs, a new field of activity has opened. Now there is a new concept, which is called either the design of the TV walls, or the design of the TV zone. In priority there is a question of the competent selection of the wall, provided not to be out of the overall interior of the living room:

  1. On the wall with a TV, you can make a finish or completely different material, or the same as in the whole room, but use the contrast color or tone a little lighter (darker).
  2. With the help of properly selected furniture for the TV, it is created from it a kind of frame.
  3. The device hides in a niche, and that, in turn, also covers. This can be done with the help of decorative curtains, paintings or just carved doors.
  4. Many interesting decisions are offered to decorate the TV with paintings within, where and the device itself fits into a special frame for it.
  5. Combination with fireplace, mounted shelves and other options.

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If you show your fantasy and artistic taste, you will definitely find the right solution for the living room. And then the TV in it will not only become the subject of the interior, but also create a cozy and comfortable area for recreation, communicating and many pleasant moments of your life.

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