How to make a septic tank without pumping for giving


How to make a septic tank without pumping for giving
Is there really a septic tank without pumping, which is able to work for a long time without accumulating waste? Many will say that it is hard to believe. However, experts argue that certain types of septic plants are able to work every day for 15 years and do not need pumping.

This kind of construction is arranged, as a rule, in country houses and dachas, where there is no centralized sewage, and all the amenities are located in the house. And then, the problem of the timely pumping of the septic, which carries and additional efforts, and additional monthly costs.

Sealed septicists allowing the tenants of such houses to use all the benefits of civilization, at the same time they require considerable concerns from the owners, like the septicum pumping. You will not do this on time, especially in winter and wait for serious problems that reduce all efforts to arrange a comfortable stay.

Surprisingly, the fact, many knowing what can be done on the septic septic area without pumping, with different types, with an enviable share of constancy continue to build hermetic septicities. And it means its work and for their money create a lot of troubles in the future. What is the reason? Most likely, in the desire to go beaten, they say like a neighbor and me.

What is septic tank without pumping?

How to make a septic tank without pumping for giving

You should not be afraid of a new one, especially since the device of the septica without pumping with your own hands is not such a time-consuming case, and and financially less costly rather than septic tightness. What is needed to build such a septic tank? First of all, it is necessary to prepare a container consisting of two cameras, which has to the same thick and durable walls and a drainage bottom. The result of such not very complex manipulations, will be a practical septic. Such a structure will allow you for 10 years, or even 15 forget both about the pumping itself and about other problems related to service septic.

This kind of septic tank is differently called biological, it is the most suitable option for a country private house and for apartment buildings. And for the cottage it is simply indispensable, because it is often there are no associated cars in the country villages.

What is an asserenitator machine? This is a machine equipped with a tank with a pump and intended for pumping drain masses from stationary storage facilities of liquid waste.

Septic - so called stationary temporary storage, where liquid waste is collected.

Septic without pumping - Constantly self-cleaning storage for liquid waste.

These structures are built for quite a long time, and what is surprising, in our time this device is not very popular. As it turned out, the reason was that the market shows more modern and as a result of the expensive analogues, such as Los (local treatment facilities), and about the existence of the septicity without pumping just forgotten.

Today, in the era of the Internet, this technology required by the owners of country sites is gaining widespread, and a huge number of people learned about the existence of Septic without pumping. It pleases that people received such useful information capable of much easier to make their lives.

After reviewing the septica scheme without pumping, reading the phased description of the production process of the two most simple variants of septicists that do not need to have a pumping over the years and even decades, you will understand that this is the best way to protect yourself from many worries for a long time. The description was prepared as detailed that even a person far from construction, using proven methods of building such a septic, can perform all work at a completely professional level. And the installation of septic is necessary to perform the septicately, to consequently, it is impossible to continue to work much more unpleasant as repairing storage for liquid waste, and sometimes it is impossible to do it. That is why the septicch is constructed once and for all so that later, it's never remembering him and not to return to it.

For example, septic tanks made back in 1992, to this day do not need a pumping, although they were satisfied with such a calculation that the pumping would be made at least once a year. Agree to have for what to make efforts. However, Septic has exceeded the most bold expectations, now it is possible to talk about it with full confidence in his more than good work.

High-quality operation of septicism contributes to the correct insulation of pipes intended for drain. Today on the pages of sites is offered a lot of reliable options for insulation of pipes, where their emergency thawing is provided, but today it is not about this.

No wonder they say that laziness is a progress engine. Probably, this statement is close to the truth. It is only possible to work a little bit and consider, provided it for many years of rest.

Construction of septica without pumping with your own hands

How to make a septic tank without pumping for giving

Consider the construction process of the septicity with their own hands. Often, the sections of country houses do not have access to the place of the future septic, so you have to arm a shovel and dig a pit manually. Worry about the fact that the machine will not be able to drive up the machine for pumping is not necessary, because we already know that it will take at least 10 years before they need to do the revision of the sewage treatment plant. But the shovel to wave still have.

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Where to locate septicchik?

The selection of septic locations is determined by the direction of the movement of waste and groundwater, so it should be considered particularly carefully.

What else should consider when choosing a place for a future septicch? Of course, the mutual location of the house, wells or well is taken into account. According to existing standards and rules, a device of septicism near the well is not strictly allowed, while the direction of the sewing and groundwater movement is taken into account. It is also not recommended to make a septic tank in the immediate vicinity of the house.

Calculation of the Camera Cleaner Pit

Manually either with the help of technician we prepare a hole, its size is calculated based on the needs of the family. There are special construction calculations based on which septic tank is constructed depending on the size of the drain per day and there can be less than three times. But in this case, the calculation of the drain chamber is personal, and yet the stock in 20 percent does not hurt at all.

Calculate the volume of the chamber, it is necessary on the basis of the maximum problem of draining the corresponding needs of your family, if the septic tank is made on two neighboring houses, the daily drain of two families is taken into account. And the day is taken as the day when washing, washing and all kinds of cleaning are made in the house, that is, when it merges as much water. The calculated volume is made for the first, working chamber septic, while the size of the other chamber should be about one third of the volume of the first chamber. The volume of the pit for the septicity without pumping should be no less minimally permissible according to the calculation, while it is possible to increase it in a major side.

For example, it is necessary to dig up with a septic for a family of 4 people with a depth of 2 to 2.5 meters and dimensions of 2.5x3.5 m, however, depending on the soil and the overlap layer, it can be deeper. After concreting walls, the size of the septic is slightly decreased. And know that the greater the size of the sizes, the less you need to be cleaned.

Note that the higher the lower part of the drain pipe and more depth of the structure is located, the less you need to do the size of the septicity horizontally. Having made the right calculation of the house to the pit and the point of installation of the pipe, you do not have to make an excessive work with a shovel.

When determining the required size septicism, as a rule, the distance from the bottom of the pipe to the bottom of the septic is taken. This is the only parameter that cannot be reduced, whereas other sizes are subject to adjustment and can be calculated with the calculation that after filling the septica with concrete, or the installation of metal or concrete rings or plates the size of the pit is changed.

The lower arrangement of the edge of the drain pipe relative to the bottom of the septica either to the feet of the foundation of the house largely depends on how the inclination is laid, as well as from the distance of the septica from the building. These parameters determine the desired septic depth. The distance is optimal for the location of the pit from the house is from five to ten meters.

We give one example from construction practice. At one of the production, there was a need to build from a washbasin, with the subordinate centralized water supply, drained. It so happened that at the moment the sewer pipes, having a diameter of 100 mm, did not turn out. It was decided to temporarily use the PVC pipe with a diameter of only 50 mm. It was laid at a distance of 10 meters in an attic room, but water shutter was built in a warmer room. It turned out in the process of operation that the plum installed during the time did not warm even in the strongest frosts and surprisingly working efficiently. Correctly say that there is nothing more permanent than temporary.

Thus, a large distance cannot be the reason for refusing the construction of the septic. The main thing is that it should be borne in mind that a greater distance will require greater septic depths, as well as work on the installation of pipes for drain.


Having preparing the pit for the septic tank, you should try to get a pit to the soil, able to skip water well. This can be a combination of sand, stone and gravel or each of these components separately. Remember that the clay does not allow water well and is not suitable as a drainage layer. In this case, the septicch will need to pump out very often.

However, it often happens that when digging three meters, the drainage layer does not appear. Nothing remains how to continue to dig further, a little decreasing the area. Surely, attaching efforts you will achieve the desired result. Of course, ideally, before starting work, it would be nice to exploration the composition of the soil. This can be done, asking the neighbors who have already done such work or to consult a municipal institution. It will save you a lot of effort.

And again for clarity, we give an example. One of the owners of the country house dug up under the septic tank of a 2.5 meter depth. The soil turned out to be clay without the slightest enclosures of solid particles. Well knowing about the existence of such a design as a septic tank without pumping, he nevertheless installed a metal container into the pit poverty, sprinkling it from top of the earth.

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Whether it is necessary to say that the first winter brought him a lot of worries for pumping the septica. Mashed experience, for the second year, in order to reduce the number of pumping, I decided to arrange a second camera next to the first container. Dropping the pit under him 50 cm deeper first, he came across a clay with sand and stone splashes. So he managed to build a septic tank without pumping.

The withdrawal here is simple - you should not grasp the difficulties. Digidly digging the pit, you sooner or later stumble on the treasure in the form of a drainage soil. Even if you are not stumbled upon it, then significantly increase the working volume of the septic, increasing its depth. Of course, it will help reduce periods between pumping, depending on the volume of plots, they can range from several months, and maybe years.

Formwork for septic tank and pouring walls

How to make a septic tank without pumping for giving

The next stage of work will be the implementation of the inner formwork from the 40 mm boards throughout the perimeter of the pit. You can save a little if you have used the boards already in use or unedged boards, they will need only for the period of pouring the walls with concrete, while the formwork is installed inside the pit, since the soil will become as an outdoor formwork.

A double-sided formwork is prepared on the dividing line between two operating chambers, and a cast-iron or plastic tee is mounted in the septum, having a diameter of 100 mm, its top is located at the level or below the lower edge of the pipe.

For better and reliable execution of work, the fill of the walls is recommended to make layers. First, the formwork is performed in size in three or four boards and filled with concrete with reinforcement, after which the concrete must be carefully tumped, in order to remove all possible emptiness, it is done with a wooden cutter. Note that the fill of the formwork needs to be produced throughout the perimeter of the pit.

Then the formwork is added from several boards and again it is poured with concrete and tamper. In the event that there is no required number of boards in the presence, then you should wait until the first formwork is free, and then removed the boards to transfer to the second layer.

In order to reduce the time to fill, the best option will be the construction on the first day of the formwork from 6-8 boards and begin the pouring of the solution with layers. After a day, we remove the boards, except for the two top rows, these boards are nailed over the formwork produced and the fill continues.

Thus, it is possible not only to save the building material, but also make the fill more dense and high-quality without voids inside the layer of concrete. By the way, air bubbles are able to significantly weaken the reliability of the chambers walls, their presence in the device of the inter-chamber partition is particularly dangerous.

Next, to lay a guide box for a drain tube between the septic and the house, a ditch is dried. This box is made of boards having a thickness of 40-50 mm, it is inserted into the front wall of the septic. In this case, the formwork is performed in such a way that the box is embedded in the inside of the wall, while forming a window designed to install a plum pipe. Please note the place intended for laying the pipe can be located anywhere in the front wall, it is not at all necessary that it will be the center of the wall.

All space between the soil and formwork must be pouring with sand-cement mortar, as mentioned above. At the same time, the walls of the chambers and the partition is flooded in such a way that a single case is formed. The addition of large stones will allow not only to save the solution, but also add additional strength to the partition. It will not be superfluous and reinforcement of the walls, for which you can use all sorts of scrap metal - backs and frames of beds, slices of wire of old pipes.

You can also make a partition between cameras only to a certain level, which is located below the edge of the pipe for a drain by 2-3 cm, which will also give additional savings.

It is possible and not to fill the entire partition, instead it will be enough to insert a wave or flat slate, admixing the sheets to each other, in the base of the partition. If it is necessary to install a support for overlapping septic chambers, it is installed in the center of the partition. In this case, it disappears the need to fill the top of the partition, as well as tees designed for overflow of liquid waste.

Easy work on the implementation of concrete works can fit - trough, which is easy to make with your own hands. Prepare a solution in such a trough and pour it is much easier than when using the concrete mixer.

The solution is best to interfere with the help of a hole, with a hole done inside it, and to facilitate the process of kneading on the water bucket, you can add one tablespoon of washing powder, this cunning will also add concrete of frost resistance and moisture resistance, will protect it from cracking. It is possible for the construction of the walls of the chambers septica to use also concrete and metal rings, but in any case, the septicch must consist of two cameras.

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A schematic septicist is as follows: concrete walls of the cameras, the partition between them, while the bottom of the septic is not flooded with concrete and is a drainage soil.

Overlapping septica

How to make a septic tank without pumping for giving

After completing the pouring of the walls of the cameras, we suspend all the work for 7 days until it freezes and does not get the strength of the concrete. After that, you should start laying from the boards. This flooring is required to create a concrete cover of the septic. Armature is laid on the board. For reinforcements, as in the previous case, the backs and frame of beds are used, etc. Such measures will help prevent the booming of boards during the fill of their concrete.

In the event that the septic overlap is at the level or a little higher than the level of the Earth, then the septica should be septicized at an external perimeter to make an additional formwork size. If the overlapping turned out to be in-depth, then on its perimeter it is worth it to clamp a stone or fall asleep the earth.

Two pipes are installed in the septic overlap without pumping. One of them with a diameter of 50 mm and a height of 2 meters from the ground level is designed for ventilation of working chambers. This pipe is obligatory. The outer part of the pipe can be painted in accordance with the design of the courtyard, then it will not rush into the eyes.

The second pipe is intended for pumping. It must be a diameter of 100 mm, that is, compatible with the size of the hoses, which are equipped with the association machines. The lower part of the pipe is located at a distance of about 30 cm from the drainage bottom of the first working chamber and the tube is made in the pipe with a diameter of 1 cm at a distance of 10-15 cm from the lower edge of the pipe. This hole is designed to ensure that the drainage layer is not injected when pumping into the car. The upper edge is placed above the level of septic overlap, so that a convenient approach is provided to the pipe. However, if there is confidence that the pumping of your septic is not needed, it is not worth doing the pipe.

The septic cover is made with a thickness of 200 mm, while in the solution it is advisable to add a small bogged stone into the solution, which will reduce the cost of fill, and that, it is important to give the strength to concrete.

How to ennoble septic tank?

7 days after concreting the lid, fall asleep its land and put the shrubs in decorative purposes, we divide the flower beds or a bed, depending on your preferences.

However, the beds on the septic look are not only a beautiful design, but also favorable conditions for growing a harvest, because plants planted in this place are warm from the processes that flow into the pit. Septicka also the perfect place for the device of greenhouses and greenhouses.

Those who dealt with such a septica, well know that the construction does not spread absolutely no smell, but it is not recommended to build it at all, it is not recommended that the foundation is not recommended, as it may wet the base of the foundation and the house will give a shrink.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that a special pit, diverted near the house should not weaken the ground under the foundation of the building. Septic tank must be placed at a distance of about three meters from the outer boundary of the foundation wall, despite the fact that the structure is single-storey, and five meters with a two-storey building.

What pipes use for ventilation?

The ventilation pipe is most often used asbacked, and best of all PVC. If there are no such pipes, then it follows from inch boards treated with machine oil, make it possible to paint the box, and the outer part of them is painted or even painted under the courtyard interior.

Among other things, you should refine the ventilation pipe so that it can be used to pump it.

First of all, it is better to make it a composite, when the first lower part is fixed in the ceiling and performs above the surface by 10-20 cm, and the top is attached to the lower threaded connection. Most often, this is done as follows: PVC pipe is inserted into the lid, having a diameter of 100 mm, another pipe with a smaller diameter is inserted into it with an adapter. Simple and aesthetically.

If still the need for pumping septic, then the upper part of the ventilation pipe must be removed and insert a pipe for pumping into the lower part.

That's all, you can say the septicchik is ready for work and you can forget about frequent annoying pumping either about the comforts in the yard. The new septicch will serve you, and maybe your grandchildren for many years.

Acting septic and to this day without pumping

The method of the device of a two-chamber septica is based on septic, built in the 90s of the last century, and it is designed for two families. Until now, such a septicch without pumping has never needed pumping. Moreover, it is carried out permanent measurement with the help of a wooden rail, the level of its contents for many years is located on the lines of the tee for overflow, therefore, liquid waste into the second chamber has not yet arrived, this is despite the fact that the drainage layer consists of clay and stone.

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