Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame


Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

An embroidered painting with a cross is capable of beautifully and originally decorate the interior Living room is not only soothing and relaxes, but with the help of this method of needlework you can get real works of art, such as embroidered paintings by a cross. Volume work, of course subject only to experienced craftsmen, but beginner needlewomen will be able to decorate their home with small original things.

What do you need to embroider the picture

Embroidery is a monotonous and time consuming process that requires a majority and patience.

It is possible to facilitate work if you prepare all the required materials in advance:

  • Canvas;
  • Threads (Moulin);
  • Needles (better double);
  • Flash (or embroidery machine);
  • Scissors;
  • Scheme;
  • Text marker;
  • The pencils.

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Quickly and easily embroider with a cross, you will help you already ready for embroidery, which includes all the necessary materials for work.

Prepare all materials in advance, it will be possible not to be distracted during the work of additional steps.

When choosing materials, it is better to pay their attention to their high quality so as not to be upset about the wasted time spent. Canva can be of different sizes, that is, have a different number of cells in a square inches. To create works of art, it is better to choose a smaller canvas, then the cross will not be as noticeable, but work with such material will require more strength.

The number of threads also need to be provided in advance, since different craftswomen use different stitch thickness and can embroider with threads in two or four layers for greater relief of the picture. In order not to encounter the problem of the lack of threads of the desired shade in the store, it is better to purchase them in advance in the right amount.

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Schemes of pattern embroidery cross

The embroidered canvas can be of various themes that will like the master. The plot can be chosen on Feng Shui.

The most popular topics are:

  • Flowers;
  • Feelings (waiting, love);
  • Animals (horses, wolves, swans);
  • Reproduction of the paintings of the Great Master (Shishkin, Aivazovsky and others);
  • The famous masterpieces of the Renaissance (Sicstinskaya Madonna, Joconda);
  • Images of nature (crying rain, lake in the mountains, garden, summer, jumping carps in water, butterflies on colors, meadow with tigers);
  • Vintage skillful patterns;
  • Religion (Saint Tatiana icon);
  • Great people (Cleopatra, Napoleon)
  • Japanese motifs (fantasy, mysterious diva, melody of Syamisan).

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

The most popular among needlewomen are embroidered paintings with the image of flowers.

Whatever the themes of the picture either is selected, it is necessary to pre-draw a scheme.

This can be done as follows:

  • Purchase ready-made embroidery sets (for example, from the producers of the hazelnuts, Dimenshens or Josephine Wall);
  • Choose an existing scheme (directory will come to the rescue, new ebbing 2019 on the network or the embroidery gallery with photos and video);
  • With the help of a special program to turn the usual drawing into the circuit.

It is a qualitatively developed scheme that is the key to an excellent result. In addition, it is better to have a scheme in a paper version, and not only in electronic, it will simplify the work process.

How to quickly embroider with a cross: tips

Go to creating embroidered masterpieces follows only after you managed to learn to embed small pictures.

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

If you decide to embroider the picture for the first time, then you better choose a simple and small scheme

Professionals, starting serious work, can take advantage of the following tips:

  • Selected patterns should not be too large, especially if it is the first serious work;
  • In order not to lose interest, you can simultaneously engage in the embroidery of two works: big and small;
  • Especially simplifies the work of the use of a double needle (this is such a needle with an ear in the middle, which allows you not to turn it into operation);
  • The embroidery machine also simplifies the process, freeing both hands, or you can simply somehow fasten the hoop;
  • The scheme must be printed on paper so that it can be spoiled, painting already embroidered areas;
  • The scheme is better to redraw the scheme on the canvas, it will be more convenient to work, at least the main details of the picture;
  • The scheme and canvas need to be divided into squares for the convenience of work;
  • Canvas Mono Coloring a special easily flushing marker on a water basis, it will significantly simplify work.

Following these ordinary tips, you can embroider a picture much faster and better.

Still should never give up. Of course, in the process of work it will be difficult, as it will be difficult to notice the result, but the finished masterpiece will bring indescribable pleasure.

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Beautiful flowers embroidered paintings

Among the most popular topics for embroidery, flowers occupy an honorable first place. And all because the flowers do not oblige to embroider completely the whole picture, just portray only the key central part of the embroidery.

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Stylishly complement guest room interior or kitchen bright and beautiful embroidered flower arrangement from roses

Among the flower compositions, the following can be distinguished:

  • Floral ornaments (good for napkins, pillows, towels);
  • Bouquet or flower bush;
  • Composition of their colors of one type (for example, poppies or roses);
  • Portrait (unknown girl with flowers in her hair);
  • Artistic canvas (for example, still life or landscape with flowers).

Flowers - this is exactly the topic from which you can start a familiarity with the world of embroidery cross. In case of questions about how to properly embroider one or another element, you can watch video lessons or master classes.

There is no exact face, how much you need to embroider to be taken for the painting, the needlewoman simply should be sure of your abilities and not give up.

Original frame for cross-painting

As soon as the masterpiece is ready, I want to place it as it deserves, namely, hang on the wall so that the family and friends can admire the creation of the hostess. Of course, just so cloth on the wall do not hang, and therefore you need to think about the successful frame.

You can do this one of the proposed options:

  • Attributed to the barn workshop, where professionals competently conclude a picture in the selected frame;
  • Use as a frame the hoops that can be thematically decorated;
  • Buy a conventional photo frame and insert work into it;
  • Make a frame for the picture yourself from the girlfriend (cardboard, wood, plastic thresholds, knitted elements).

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Additionally, decorate an embroidered picture can be stylish wooden frame

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Of course, the frame from the bagent workshop will look very adequate and will emphasize the beauty and cost of the work of art. However, such frames are usually expensive.

The most original option will be a frame for embroidery yourself, then not only the picture, but the frame will have the value of handmade.

The best beautiful frames can be made using different tips of craftsmen from the network. People love to boast their own creations, laying out a full size photo and explaining the principle of their actions to create it.

Embroidered paintings by a cross - this is a wonderful decorative element in the interior of a house or a valuable gift for loved ones. For those who have nowhere to give a self-created beauty, there is a buying.

Embroidery with cross: paintings (video)

It should be accepted for this time consuming process, having some experience of such a needlework. Some presented above will help relieve and speed up the "embroider" process. And the completed work should be necessary to hang in the frame so that it can admire the owners and their guests.

Examples of embroidered paintings by Cross (photo)

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

Embroidered paintings by cross: Cross are great, photo, like fast, video and gallery, drawing on canwe, flowers and frame

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