Tarldicular toilet


Tarldicular toilet

A plate toilet is familiar for many plumbing views, where the bowl has a flat bottom. Today, such products are practically not available, since manufacturers have developed more efficient, modern solutions - with direct outputs.

But those few companies engaged in production are ready to offer an extensive assortment with the use of different materials - faience, porcelain, plastic, glass, cast iron, steel. If you are a completely fan of unique and unusual solutions, you can make a toilet coated with gold.

A plus

The main advantages of such plumbing include:

  • When washed, there are no bursts. Actually, because of this particular, many people bypass dozens of stores in search of a plate toilet. Modern options, though equipped with the so-called anti-letters, the same effect, cannot be achieved;
  • It is possible to learn waste. Before entering the sewer, they are delayed at the "plate", which is especially relevant for hospitals;
  • Affordable price. As the market analysis shows, such products are selling for a small amount.

Tarldicular toilet


When buying any product, it is important to explore not only its strong, but also weaknesses. In our case, we are talking about such disadvantages:

  • "Plate" delays pollution, because without a rash can not do;
  • From the bowl often appear smells of waste;
  • Water consumption is high enough, so it is impossible to call similar systems;
  • Water is formed on the shelf, which leads to the appearance of divorces, rust and other troubles.

Tarldicular toilet


Bowls are distinguished by the fact that the drain hole is made with a slight offset forward, and on the path of water from draining to the drain there is a certain recess.

When washed, all human life products, waste first turn out to be on a plate with a deepening, which are removed by the flow of water from the tank.

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As practice shows, When installing such plumbers require additional tank setup to adjust the flow of the fluid feed. If the pressure is too strong, the swirls are formed, resulting in the appearance of splashes.

Tarldicular toilet


In essence, the plate toilets can be divided depending on the features of the issue:

  • Vertical;
  • Horizontal;
  • Oblique (shelf is located at an angle of 45 degrees).

Tarldicular toilet

To choose the appropriate option, contact your professional plumbing. It is not always possible to connect the vertical type toilet, if the riser is designed under the oblique release.

Your choice is entirely dependent on the type of water supply and sewage device.

Bowls with shelves have three types of drain:

  1. Cascade. It allows you to evenly rinse the inner surface of the bowl.
  2. Shower. The flow of water follows the perimeter of the internal space of the bowl by creating a funnel. It effectively flushes waste.
  3. Sharp reset. The system provides for filling the bowl of water in a large volume, after which the fluid sharply goes into the sewer. Not the most effective way, but economical enough in modern variations of toilet toilets.

Tarldicular toilet

Tarldicular toilet

Tarldicular toilet

With whole-tangible shelf

The shelf is a platform, which is provided for by the structure of the toilet with its casting. It is horizontally relative to the floor.

It is the shelf that leads to the fact that there are no unpleasant splashes during plum. An important nuance is to be able to prevent the drain of some things in the toilet if they accidentally fall out of the hands, from the pocket, were thrown into a small child.

All-tired shelves have an indisputable advantage - there are no compounds, seams. Thus, it does not lead to their clogging, contamination, no waste residues are accumulated.

Tarldicular toilet

With oblique release

The popular velocity of the toilet, which is adapted for most types of sewage taps in typical apartment buildings.

To connect, it is enough to connect the removal with the help of a cuff, insert into the pipe and put the toilet itself to its rightful place by fixing it on the floor surface.

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With direct release

Here, the installation algorithm looks like this:

  • Connect the release and pipe using the cuff;
  • If the floor is stuck with tiles, under the base, put a piece of rubber, linoleum;
  • Put the plug on the floor, pre-substituting the linoleum, circle the contours, mark on the mounting places;
  • Cut the corresponding holes with scissors or knife;
  • Glue the gasket with epoxy glue;
  • Secure the toilet to the floor with a dowel;
  • Follow the final connection of communications.

Tarldicular toilet

Tips for choosing

We figured out that plate toilets are pretty interesting, rational choice in many situations. Not surprising, because they remain in demand to this day, despite the low production indicators.

  1. Get ready for what you have to visit not one plumbing store. Small production volumes led to the fact that not every trading point is implemented by similar products. But there should be no big problems with searching.
  2. Pay attention to manufacturers. The best manufacturers of such plumbers recognized firms from Sweden, Czech Republic, Poland and Bulgaria. Products are distinguished by high quality and long service life.
  3. Personal preferences. With the current situation with the assortment, you can safely make your own preferences in the first place - design, size, height, tank volume, and so on.
  4. Compatibility. Before buying, be sure to make sure that the toilet and the tank coincide, the type of removal is similar to your type of sewage.
  5. Material. Today the range is extensive, but the main competition is observed between ceramics, metal and enamelled products. The leader is still ceramics, since in terms of durability they exceed the analogues. But again, this is a matter of taste.
  6. Appearance. The parameter is also individual. But it is imperative that the appearance does not go to the detriment of practicality.

Tarldicular toilet

Tarldicular toilet

Having understood in all nuances of choice, you can safely go to the Plumbing shop for the purchase. Installing plate products are not difficult even without experience and certain skills. But we recommend to consult with experts, carefully examine the instructions from the manufacturer and to follow it.

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If there is no slightest experience in working with plumbing equipment, then do it easier - contact the store where you buy goods. Often they offer their services for delivery and installation. It is better than sitting on the instruction and not understand what is what and where is attached.

Tarldicular toilet

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