Gardins for the bedroom: how to choose the perfect option?


In modern design, curtains are called all kinds of curtains covering the window or doorway. Gardins for the bedroom can be made of light flying material or heavy canvases. There are various design solutions, a combination of a variety of tissues and textures is possible. Properly selected curtains emphasize the benefits of the premises, visually will increase the free space, "roughness" of the interior will be grudging.

Gardins for the bedroom: how to choose the perfect option?

Transparent Gardin of one canvase in the bedroom interior looks very elegant

Decorating bedroom windows - real art. A variety of materials, additional elements, fasteners and structures make it possible to implement even the most bold design fantasies. It is important to remember that the weight of Gardin must be taken into account when installing eaves, otherwise the clamps may not withstand.

When selecting the optimal version of the decor, you must pay attention to the following factors:

  • An important role is played by the number of used canvases. The designs of two parts are considered to be the traditional option and are perfectly suitable for the addition of any interior. Materials are applied dense, when assembling they form massive folds. Such decor is suitable only for overall windows occupying most of the wall, otherwise it will negatively affect the natural lighting of the bedroom.
  • The curtain system with one cloth is most often used to decorate the window shifted in one corner of the room. In this case, the speed can be shifted towards the free section of the wall, completely freeing the window opening and without preventing the stream of sunlight. Another plus curtain from one canvase is good protection against draft. Additional decoration of pickup is distinguished by a combination among other window decoration options.
  • Mounting the interior will help and fasten the curtains. Light fabrics can be swallowed on the braid, for more dense clips it is recommended to use records. The loops and rings calmly withstand heavy passing and tapestry fabric.
  • Literality, drapery, lambrequins, swans and brushes can be applied as decorative elements. The main thing is not to overdo it. The basis of the beauty of the Gardin - in the texture and purity of the color of the fabric, which is exactly what should be the main accent when the window is cleaned.

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Experts recommend creating a virtual design of the room before purchasing the material you like. This will make it possible to evaluate not only the color matching, but also to choose the perfect design.

Gardins for the bedroom: how to choose the perfect option?

Cardina's canvas should be harmonized in color with the rest of the interior elements.

Interesting color decisions of windows

In addition to the design, it is necessary to choose a color gamut that successfully will fit into the ensemble of the bedroom. When using curtains, the main rate is made on the color of the material, therefore it is necessary to take into account the basic recommendations of experts on color.

  1. The shade of the curtain should not duplicate the main color gamut of the bedroom, but must be combined with the overall direction. There is a difference in two or three tones. For example, a room, weathered in light green colors, allows the presence of curtains of the color of fresh grass (even with a contrasting pattern).
  2. The smaller the bedroom, the closer the curtains should be seamined to her. The spacious room will be favorable when using contrasts. So, in the room performed in light blue color, the curtains of a saturated blue shade are ideal. Such a color will give the bedroom aristocracy and grace.
  3. For small areas, curtains are suitable, close in color to the basic tone. So that it does not look boring, the fabric is allowed to have a non-lass drawing, a geometric ornament. In general, in small-sized premises, geometry can help or play a cruel joke with the interior. Smooth vertical strips significantly increase the height of the ceilings, and parallel horizontal lines visually expand the room. If the room is long, then the bright print on the curtains used to decorate the window of a narrow wall will help "give" the room the shape of the square.
  4. Often the question arises about comparing the drawing on the curtains and the rest of the textile surfaces in the bedroom. Here, personal preferences and perception of space come to the fore. The same drawings will visually reduce the size of the room, give him a flaw boredom and commonplace. The accumulation of many unlike ornaments will turn the room into a bright spot, from which it will quickly start rich in the eyes. In this case, experts recommend to apply a proven method - use one color background, but various patterns.

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Another important rule during the selection of the color scheme - the more expensive the fabric, the less shades it should contain. The most expensive and luxurious curtains decorate the room with a unique texture on a monophonic background.

Gardins for the bedroom: how to choose the perfect option?

Gardin of natural fabric and gold-plated cornice

Features of decorative elements and practical advice on their choice

Working on a beautiful interior, do not forget about the practical side of the question. Neggrerying rules will bring a lot of trouble, and maybe make you start all the work from the very beginning.

  • The fabric should not come into contact with heating devices, it will lead to its rapid wear. If the batteries are under the window, it is recommended to stop your choice on the curtains of the middle length - to the windowsill. If still, I want to use the option with a maximum clock length, it is necessary to install a special cornice that will extend the matter forward.
  • For the bedroom it is better to choose curtains from natural fabrics: cotton, flax, silk. It is safe for health, in such premises it is easier to sleep, because the air does not occur.
  • Cardina must protect the room from the sun well, so it is better to give preference to dense opaque tissues that are perfectly combined with light tulle.
  • When buying a material for self-sewing, Gardin need to take a fabric with a margin (minimum 1.5 m). Cardins are not ordinary curtains, they must fall down with noble folds and cannot match the width with the dimensions of the window.

Beautiful curtains that are combined with the interior of the room and perform their functional tasks - a real decoration for any bedroom. This decor element is an integral part of the comfortable area of ​​the person necessary for a full rest.

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