Stainless steel toilet


Stainless steel toilet


The main advantage of steel toiletoms is its anti-vandal characteristics. It is firmly attached to the floor, it is impossible to dismantle it without special tools, it does not fight and is absolutely safe for the user. Moreover:

  • It is very convenient to care for a stainless steel toilet, it is quite easily cleaned from dirt and plaque;
  • The structure of the stainless steel is deprived of the pores and in connection with this it is convenient to operate, it does not delay the dirt on it;
  • On the surface of the toilet, the bacteria do not multiply and the rust does not appear at proper operation;
  • It does not absorb unpleasant odors;
  • "Stainless steel" will not damage the acid, the material is not afraid of temperature drops;
  • Despite the seeming simplicity, the stainless steel toilet flies perfectly in the interior of the dressing room;
  • Stainless steel toilet serves its owner for a long time;
  • Serving its service life, stainless steel toilet can be sent for processing, thereby contributing to the care of ecology.

Stainless steel toilet

Stainless steel toilet


Of the minuses, it is possible to note only the high cost of toilet bowl from the stainless steel and its specific appearance. The latter for many is a plus. Prices for such toilets tend to start 30 thousand rubles.

Forms features

If you choose the form of the product as the basis of the classification, then the toilets distinguish the toilets:

  • suspended;
  • Outdoor.

By the type of flushing the toilet from the "stainless steel" classify on:

  • with the presence of a tank with water;
  • without drain tank;
  • In which the washing is carried out using a manual valve, depressing water.
  • With automatic wash.

In a separate group, you can relate to the toilet entitled - Bowl of Genoa. As a rule, they are installed in public places. They do not have seats. Sing the hole in the floor in a stainless frame, having a foot under your feet.

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Stainless steel toilet

Stainless steel toilet

Stainless steel toilet

Stainless steel toilet

Installation sites

The toilet from the "stainless steel" is a pretty specific and "state" thing. It does not feel comfortable from it, therefore, such toilets are usually put in public areas. Although, if your toilet is made in the style of High-tech, then the "stainless steel" does not hurt, but on the contrary, it successfully flies into the interior. Usually, stainless steel toilets are found in cafes, restaurants. It's easy to care for them. In addition, such a product is very durable and will not break (such as, for example, faience toilet), and also will not pose a visitor.

Another place where we will meet the toilet from the "stainless steel" is a train car and a plane. Ease and ease of operation played a major role in choosing this type of toilet in these types of public transport. Genoa bowls can be found in car toilets and railway stations. The design is really durable, and this is the most important thing. People's passability is huge and far from all show consciousness and careful attitude towards official property, drain tanks will be broken in a matter of minutes. Genoa's bowl is practically impossible to break.

Stainless steel toilet

Stainless steel toilet

Stainless steel toilet


In essence, the installation of a stainless steel toilet is not particularly different from the installation of the toilet from any other material. Self-tapping screws are used as the attachment, which provide a very strong tightening of the product. If such a toilet is installed on the street, but it needs insulation. "Stainless steel" is all the same metal, and any metal has the adoption of ambient temperature. Therefore, if it's cold on the street, the toilet seat will not warm the toilet seats and does not deliver a special pleasant feeling. In this case, experts recommend to warm the toilet seat. For this, foam is suitable, material, and you can simply build a removable lid of wood.

In any case, when installing the toilet bowl of stainless steel, be sure to read the attached instructions.

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Stainless steel toilet

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