Kitchen curtains - how to choose?


Kitchen curtains are an important detail of the interior. From how successfully the choice is made to the comfort of one of the most important premises. The kitchen is not just a room for making food, but also a creative laboratory in the house. Here are often friendly sitting on a cup of coffee, culinary experiments are carried out. And after creating several such masterpieces on the curtains and walls, splashes and oil spots appear. Therefore, kitchen curtains should be not only beautiful, but also functional.

Of course, each hostess tries to choose the fabric samples based on their own preferences, the area of ​​the room itself or the overall style of the room. It is also necessary to take into account the size of the window. Before visiting the store, pay attention to several points.

Kitchen curtains - how to choose?

When choosing textiles, be sure to consider all the nuances of the stylistic interior solution

Where to begin?

How to choose the right kitchen curtains? First of all, you need to carefully look at your kitchen and pay attention to the style in which it is made. If the repair of the room is only planned, then it is necessary to determine the theme first. You should not hang a strict rectangular cloth on the silver karnis if the style of "A la Rus" reigns in the kitchen, there are places and spoons, painted by Khokhloma, and part of the wall covers the photo wallpaper with the image of a Russian stove - it will probably see it, perhaps ridiculous. Such stylistics is best suited for unnecessary kitchen curtains, monophonic or with a print, but not overloaded with details.

So, the style is defined, the main understanding, which should be curtains for the kitchen, appeared. But not everything is so simple. It is worth considering some more equally important nuances, the non-compliance with which can significantly spoil the whole picture.

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Kitchen curtains - how to choose?

Curtains with a large pattern visually compress space

Square kitchen

Depends on the size of the kitchen, whether the curtains will be visually reduced or increasing the size of the room. There is one simple rule: massive, multi-layer curtains, followed by a pair of tulle layers, visually capture part of the space, attracting attention to themselves, why the cuisine will seem smaller. On the contrary, light and short curtains on simple cornices will remain more imperceptible compared to the rest of the interior.

Low ceilings will seem higher if you hang long curtains. The same effect will be if you choose a vertical strip material. Horizontal stripes, on the contrary, allow visually to expand the room.

Kitchen curtains - how to choose?

For curtains in the kitchen should not choose expensive fabric, requiring delicate care

Choose a fabric

Experienced hostesses know how fast curtains in the kitchen are dirty and how often they need washing. The most practical in this respect is synthetics that can withstand the multiple effect of detergents without changing the form and color.

However, some women prefer natural tissues - situ, silk, flares, light wool. These materials are distinguished by strength and resistance to fire.

Fabric texture for curtains in the kitchen may be, in principle, any. It should only remember that the kitchen is, first of all, the workspace for cooking, and some fabrics absorb smells faster, others are dirty faster, and the third longer retain their view after several styrics.

Kitchen curtains - how to choose?

The curtains in the kitchen do not have to be a bright emphasis in the interior: neutral, laconic options sometimes look more winning

Curtain color for kitchen

Color gamut curtains occupies a central place in the overall kitchen interior. It was able to combine all sorts of halftones and colors can only professional designers, but choose the color direction for the power and simple average inhabitant of stone jungle. Here are some tips for the selection of color curtains for the kitchen.

  • The easiest way to choose the curtains in the kitchen headset. This solution will be the output when you need to decide on the choice of color simply and quickly.
  • If the selection of models will not be focused on the furniture, pay attention to the color of the rest of the kitchen interior details. It may be paintings, chairs or drawing on wallpaper.
  • The drawing on the curtains for the kitchen should not be too allay, especially if the complex pattern is already decorated with wallpaper, the kitchen furniture has frosted forms or all the kitchen hangs a variety of decorative ornaments. The same applies to already mentioned heavy combinations from curtains and tulle.
  • If you do not want to highlight the curtains, it is worth choosing an option without any drawings and complex drapes - then they will simply turn into a pleasant background.
  • It is worth mentioning about color signals in principle. The kitchen is a place, behind the threshold of which all alarms and unrest should remain, where you can eat or drink tea in a calm, relaxing atmosphere, so you need to choose warm, soft colors, not irritating eyes. It is extremely undesirable to use bright orange, red or yellow colors in the design of a kitchen.

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Kitchen curtains - how to choose?

If the window is located close to the working surface, it is better to choose a slot length not lower than the windowsill

View and length of curtains for the kitchen

Now the market has a huge variety of different types of products: it is the usual canvases, and curtains, and Roman curtains. The abundance of options for some drapery is simply amazing, and this is not to mention different accessories.

A simple curtain solution in the kitchen is the usual cloth on the chalivers. It can be made of different fabrics and with a pattern and without, and on the trends of the latest trends can be akin to the photo wallpaper - one whole picture is consisting of two cloths with closed curtains. For those who appreciate primarily functionality, the Roman Curtain will suit. It is attached to a special cornice. For a more refined interior, you can choose a curtain with a light drape of translucent materials such as organza or tulle. Gardin can be both short and long. The length of the curtains for the kitchen, in principle, should be paid depending on the presence of furniture by the window, although the standard considers the level of length to the windowsill.

Kitchen curtains - how to choose?

Metal cornice for curtains in the kitchen

Couple of words about eaves

Correspondence selection is also important. The cornice material must be durable. In addition, there are special eaves for a certain type of curtains, for example, a curtain cornice on the charters should be round. As for the style, the eaves must form a single tandem with the curtains and not to delay all attention, although this does not mean that it should be completely without details - there are many interesting design solutions.

Kitchen curtains - how to choose?

Pilot pickup

About accessories

Now you can pick up a huge number of accessories to the curtains. There are brushes and pickups, and if the first are purely decorative function, then pickups are the necessary thing for curtains of light, flowing materials that can lead the wind from the window and provoke fire.

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The selection of curtains for the kitchen and registration as a whole - the task is not easy, but at your desire the kitchen will turn into a real core of the family hearth.

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