How to choose and install corrugated toilet


How to choose and install corrugated toilet

The toilet corrugation is a plastic elastic tube "in a fold", which is stretched to the required length. It is used to connect plumbing equipment to sewer pipes.

Purpose and types

Some time ago, instead of a corrugated tube, a complex system of couplings, knees and nozzles, mostly made of cast iron, was used to connect the toilet bowl. Such an approach was distinguished by great strength and durability, however, over time she showed its drawbacks. Firstly, the surface of the cast iron is far from smooth, so dirt, fat and fine garbage gradually accumulated inside the system, which led to the stamps. Secondly, if the bathroom was repaired, the change in the height of the floor and the level of walls led to the need to acquire new fastening elements so that the design was more reliable and hermetic.

How to choose and install corrugated toilet

Today in stores you can find several types of corrugations for toilet bowl. They differ in three main characteristics:

  • Soft or rigid. The soft corrugation is suitable for toilet bowls with any type of release - horizontal, oblique or vertical, so it is much more elastic. Installing such a corrugation is easier than the installation of rigid, but rigid corrugation is greater wear resistance.
  • Reinforced or unarmable. The reinforced corrugation is reinforced with a thin wire that enhances the rigidity of the final structure. It is more expensive than the unarmed, but also its service life is more.
  • Short or long . There are corrugations to the toilet length from 20 to 50 cm. The length needs to be selected, based on the distance between the toilet and the sewage of the sewage, but be sure to leave the stock in order to avoid leaks.

How to choose and install corrugated toilet

How to choose and install corrugated toilet

How to choose and install corrugated toilet


It is not always necessary to install a corrugated pipe, in some cases you can easily do without it, leaving the previous system of connecting to sewage.

However, in the following two situations, the use of corrugations is the most appropriate way to connect the toilet to drain the sewage:

  • Installation of the toilet occurs with the displacement relative to the cyclination of the sewage. This happens when the floor level was changed during the repair.
  • The type of release of the new toilet bowl does not coincide with the type of the outstanding, under which the sewage is mounted. For example, if you purchase an import toilet in the apartment of Khrushchev building, in which engineering systems have not changed for a long time.

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The use of corrugations for toilet bowl has both advantages and disadvantages. Consider both sides of this phenomenon.

So, the advantages of using corrugated pipes:

  • Installation of corrugations will not be difficult even for those who are just starting to make their first steps in the field of sanitary work.
  • In difficult cases, the connection without corrugations can not do, so it is the most plastic from all the proposed options.
  • Corrugation can be viewed as a temporary connection option that can be quickly dismantled.
  • If the type of release of the toilet does not coincide with the sewage sewage, then the corrugated pipe easily solves this problem.


Disadvantages of such a method of connection are as follows:

  • Thin walls can pierced a sharp object into the sewer. In addition, temperature differences (for example, if pouring boiling water into the toilet) can deform plastic.
  • The service life of the corrugated pipe is less than that of metal analogues.
  • Corrugation looks not so beautiful as chrome metal pipes. However, with a certain art of the wizard, it is possible to install it so that it will be almost completely hidden from the eyes.
  • If the corrugation is stretched to too much distance and is not fixed, it will lead it in the middle. Water and garbage will accumulate at the site of the sediment, which will sooner or later lead to a blockage.

How to choose and install corrugated toilet

How to choose and install corrugated toilet

How to choose and install corrugated toilet


If the listed disadvantages of corrugated pipes are overpowing all their advantages in your eyes, you can manifest some everyday snorkels and try to solve the problem of connecting the toilet to sewage in a different way. Of course, it concerns only problem situations, since it is usually possible to do with standard methods.

Situation 1. Installed a toilet with an oblique type of release, which is higher than the sewage of the sewage. In order to solve this problem, you will need a short tube made of PVC or polyethylene. If necessary, cut the pipe.

  • The first way: Attach the pipe to the toilet on one side, and the cycle of sewage is on the other. The compound compact with the help of sealing rubber cuffs of the corresponding diameter.
  • The second way: Heat the pipe over the gas burner until the plastic softens. Then quickly tighten it to the release of the toilet. Install the toilet to the floor. Connect the second end of the pipe to the cyclination of the sewage and secure the compound with cement mortar or sealant.

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How to choose and install corrugated toilet

Situation 2. It is necessary to connect the toilet to the straight type of release to the oblique circulation of the sewage. You can cope with this problem by installing a special plastic corner. There are two versions of such corners - by 90 and 45 degrees. To the toiletz, the corner is joined by a rubber cuff, and to sewage, as in the previous case, cement mixture or sealant.

How to choose and install corrugated toilet

How to install corrugated toilet

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of corrugated pipe for the toilet, before going to the store, measure all the necessary distances and sizes and sketch the compound pattern. This will help the seller choose the necessary equipment for you. Together with the pipe, buy a suitable sanitary sealant suitable in color so that the design is not only reliable, but also aesthetic. The length of the corrugation depends on the distance between the toilet and the output of the sewage, but it is better to leave the stock into several centimeters.

How to choose and install corrugated toilet

We start mounting from the preparatory work. If the sewage sewage and the release of the toilet bowl is not new, they should be cleaned of mud, mucus and garbage clusters. Do not forget to remove and remnants of building materials. Purified surfaces need to wipe dry. If you install a new toilet, try to make the distance between it and the sewage output as little as possible.

Getting started. To begin with, carefully consider the corrugated pipe you purchased: at one end, the outer sealing rings are located, and on the other - internal membranes. The end with the rings you need to insert inside the sewer nozzle. The end with the membranes is to wear over the release of the toilet, the fastening is rubber, so it stretches well. All connections Treat Sealant

After the mounting works are over, you need to check the strength of the system. Do not immediately connect the toilet to the water supply, it is enough just to flush into the drain hole of the cold water bucket

Practical recommendations

  • Do not stretch the corrugation before installing it on the toilet. This can be done only immediately before starting installation work. If you stretch the corrugation too much, it will be difficult to return it to its original state.
  • Do not use the corrugated pipe as an additional shelf for various economic stories. If you put a heavy item on it, it can burst.
  • When buying corrugations, pay attention to the wall thickness: What she is more, the longer the product lasts. Also, try to buy products of European manufacturers. They cost more, but its quality is significantly higher than that of domestic and Chinese counterparts.
  • If you are a happy owner of your own home, then you should seriously think about the need to use a plastic corrugated pipe. The fact is that Mice, rats and other small rodents consider plastic to be a very naked product. If these uninvited guests are seen in your home, then you better stop your choice on metal pipes.

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How to choose and install corrugated toilet

The corrugated tube for the toilet can be a real rescue in difficult situations associated with the inconsistency of the parameters of the connected equipment. Like any other modern technical solution, it has its advantages and its drawbacks. Use a lightweight and elastic corrugation or take advantage of more cumbersome, up to and more durable connection methods - to solve you. But whatever your decision, we hope that our article helped you make the right choice.

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