Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior


The color has long ceased to be just the name of the color of any object. In the modern world, not only psychologists, but even ordinary ordinary people, recognize the influence of different shades on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Therefore, it is incredibly important which tones and paints surround us, because they can play a key role in behavior, to have a strongest influence on our mood with you.

Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior

This color has its numerous admirers.

How affects the psyche yellow color and its shades

As you know, gold color is derived from yellow. What associations do you have with words: sunflower, sun, chicken, smiles? Of course, the following: warm, summer, high spirits, joy, activity. After all, it is not in vain yellow consider the color of active and young. If your apartment or room is decorated in this solar warm color, it will stimulate the speed of brain processes and making decisions, yellow in the kitchen will activate the appetite and improve digestion, in the nursery will help the baby to be more clever and flexible.

But, like everywhere, there is also the reverse side of the medal. The abundance of yellow, as well as the abundance of stimulation, can tire and lead to a state of moral and physical exhaustion.

And as a result, there may be nervousness, decay of strength and even depression. In addition, yellow, or rather, some of its shades are able to visually "eat" the space, which is simply destructive for small rooms. Therefore, it is necessary, it is extremely gently to choose the shades of yellow, and their quantity.

Golden - king of flowers

Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior

Photo: possible options with combination

It would seem that special in this color. After all, inherently, the shade of gold is a combination of yellow and orange, with its inherent with a specific glitter metal, which makes this color special. Interesting will be the fact that it looks completely different in the photos in different ways.

The case is just in this metal fascinating brilliance, which is not able to transfer any monitor and not one photo. On gold you need to watch only live, and it does not matter, it is a firm ring on the counter of the jewelry store or the walls of the palace.

Golden Wallpaper in the interior from mid-centuries to modern times

The golden brilliance of walls and furniture always causes thoughts about luxury and wealth. It gives a feeling of some special charming heat and comfort. That comfort and gloss, which was inherent in the royal palaces and the Barsky estates, and which so lack modern apartments. But here it is very important not to overdo it, because the overabundance of shine and gold can create a feeling, boasting and barracking of the owners of the house, instead of the desired aura of sophistication and wealth.

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This tone is used to create a gorgeous interior in such styles as:

  • Baroque
  • Rococo
  • Classicism
  • High tech

Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior

This is how the classic interior is designed, resembling the royal palaces and noble estates.

4 Basic Terms of Use of Gold Color Wallpaper

To emphasize the best sides of your interior, using a gold-colored wallpaper and, at the same time, do not overdo it, indicating the bad taste of the owners of the house, you need to stick to four simple rules for using this kolacher in the design and decoration of the premises.

  1. The most important thing is a sense of measure. It should be understood that the golden belongs to warm colors, which means that it is impossible to use it in large quantities, since he visually eats space. The transaction of this color is hardly perceived by the eyes, especially in abundantly lit rooms, where gold will also create glare. Experienced designers advise it to use it in a 1: 3 ratio, diluting it with other flowers.
  2. If you have a feeling of a sense of style, it is better to charge interior design with wallpaper in gold color professionals. After all, the main thing is to do or one big emphasis, or a few small. For example, if you decide to place the room with gold wallpaper, then everything else, with the exception of one two small accessories, must be performed in more calm paints.
  3. Strict compliance with one style is extremely important when you work with gold. If your wallpaper is sparkled by classic monograms, or have numerous patterns and ornaments, then the lamps in the style of modern and Arabian golden pillows will be simply inappropriate.
  4. Play with shades. Different tones of gold are inherent in different directions in interior design. The muffled, stylized under ancient, will be appropriate in the classic design style with drawings, and brilliant and bright - in different directions of modern.

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Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior

Photo: Attractive monograms and ornaments

How to combine gold-colored wallpaper with other flowers

As mentioned above, gold is appropriate in the interior in combination 1: 3. And it's incredibly difficult to pick up a couple of it. It can be noted that this color is harmoniously connected to most of the bright and pastel shades. Such a color combination like golden with gray, white, peach or beige, will create a feeling of lightness in the room, and will also contribute to rest and relaxation.

Special radiance and wealth will give the room a combination of chocolate furniture and golden wallpaper. Interestingly, the manufacturers often choose some form for skillful monograms or drawings. So, we can often see red, brown, blue, blue, burgundy, white or gray wallpaper with gold patterns.

For lovers of stylish and expensive interior, the Tandem of Black and Golden is suitable. With this interior solution, it is necessary to properly place the color accents. Do not dilute this combination with any other colors. Black in this combination should be the background, and the golden will serve to decorate walls, door handles, furniture accessories, accessories.

What curtains to choose under the gold wallpaper

Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior

Photo: A good choice will be the curtains of light tones

Curtains under the gold wallpaper for such premises, like a living room, a bedroom or a kitchen, should be seamless with special care. I take into account the specifics of this bright shade, most designers advise to pick up the curtains of soft light tones. The most commonly used: beige, muted salad, cream light gray and other similar options.

Golden wallpaper

Any color used in the design of the interior is associative, and carries the main semantic load for all those who are indoors. Many relate golden color with prosperity and luxury, but besides this, you should not forget that it is also a shade of yellow and designed to bring joy and warmth into the interior.

Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior

Interior can be quite harmonious

Schedule characteristics

The use of gold-colored wallpapers is permissible in almost any interior, but in order for this tint to spoil the situation, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Feeling measures - this color is included in the category of warm. With proper use and sufficient light, it is able to expand the boundaries of any room and make heat into it. Note that the oversaturation of this tone gives the opposite effect, and everyone who stays in the room arises a sense of discomfort. Therefore, so as not to spoil the perception of the interior of the room with wallpaper of golden color, you need to use it in a 1: 3 ratio, diluting with companyon colors;
  2. The sense of style is that the use of this shade is allowed not everywhere, but only partially. And if gold-colored wallpaper is used in the design of the room, then for the rest of the interior elements, another color gamut should be used;
  3. Unity of style - the use of wallpaper with a classic print, pattern or stripes implies the presence of other elements in the interior, also weathered in a classic style. At the same time, lamps and decor objects are not allowed, in modern style;
  4. The shade of wallpaper must correspond to the direction of the interior itself. A more muted golden is always appropriate in a room weathered in Shebbi-Chic.

Taking into account! The color of the curtains when combined with the wallpaper of this shade should be somewhat darker, compared with the surrounding walls.

Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior

Photo: Luxury rest will be provided here

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Color combination

You should not use too much golden color when designing the interior, and moreover, we need to choose a competent combination. To visually add to the place of light and space, you should pay attention to light tones that are well combined with golden: gray, beige, white, peach.

If you need to emphasize on an expensive environment, then a chocolate terracottaic gamma is used to combine. For example, gold wallpaper will be perfectly combined with dark wood color furniture.

A special style introduces a combination with black, and the golden should be used only as a secondary color.

Golden Color Wallpaper: Establish Interior

Photo: Interior of luxury and soulful living

Where to use

Creating a design of almost any room, it can use golden wallpapers in it:

  1. living room (hall) - golden better combine with black, beige and brown tone;
  2. Bedroom - Golden in light shades are best used only as a pattern and print with pictures;
  3. The bathroom is applicable in plumbing details, for decor.

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