Features of the dwellings of the main characters from the "Prouston Game"


The colorful, intriguing series "Game of Thrones" for several years managed to win the attention of a huge number of viewers. The new series is expected with trepidation. The release of the new season is presented as a great event. The series is distinguished by the presence of a large number of main characters. And each of them was born in a special place, be it castle, village, island or other memorable place. The reader is a detailed description of each of these places.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Native Castle Serne Lannister

This heroine survived everyone and all! For eight seasons, its history is filled with various events.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

But it is unlikely that each viewers know about where she was born and lived until she was taken to the royal harbor. Her hometown was a castle on the castle of Casterley.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

This is a generic castle of her family. He takes the western coast of Westeros. It is standing on the rock surrounded by the Square Sea. Gold deposits are hidden under the generic manor of Serne. That is why Lannisters are famous for their wealth. It is known that while the castle did not move to the possession of Tywin Lannerner, then the place was in decline. The father of Serne was rebuilt the castle, as well as the first power was returned. Brother Serne was entrusted the most important thing - control of sewage runoff.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Under the castle there is a secret passage, thanks to which the entire cliffs of Daineris Targaryen was taken.

Winterfelle - the castle in which the formation of John Snow took place

An even more important in the series in the series is a hero - this is John Snow. The secret of fate, birth was held until the last season. Through the time he was on the screen, John managed to visit the arms of death, save Westeros from others and even settle the dragon.

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Features of the housing of the main characters from

Winterfelle is a generic label castle. It was said that he was already eight thousand years since he was built. Large castle. Located in the heart of the north. The royal tract, whose path lies through all Westeros, is not far from it. The tract in the royal harbor ends. On this path, the King Robert was reached in the first series. The castle takes the top of the hill. The castle is located hot keys, couples and heat of which constantly saved the inhabitants of the castle from the deadly cold. Under another part of the castle there are catacombs. They are used to burial all the dead storks. A small courtyard inside Winterfella has a lake. It is so black, it seems all darkness is collected in it. Near the lake stands a tree - an object of worship the old gods. All this place is called akin. Near the castle there is a small village, called the Winter Town.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Legends say that Winterfella built Brandon Stark. He did it not alone, with the help of giants.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Dragonstone Stone - the birthplace of the Khalisi Lady of Dragons

The heroine in the main role in the series - Daineris Targaryen. Spectators, while driving, watched as a small girl who was given to the wild Khalasar, Emphel, learned to take terrible, important decisions. Her home Dragon Stone's house is at the same time a castle, and the island on which he stands.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Initially, he was a generic castle of Targarey. In this place was born by the future queen Westeros, Misa and the mother of the dragons. The castle itself was created with the help of advanced technology of valium. The stone that was used in its formation was harvested on the technologies of valorians, which are already lost.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

The entire castle is decorated with unusual sculptures that resemble dragons. All his relief is decorated with cut flames. The way is the castle on the island, makes it the best refuge.

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Where does the dragons come from? Geography of the game of thrones. (1 video)

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Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

Features of the housing of the main characters from

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