Wallpaper mustard colors in the interior of the room


Basic information

How nice to feel on the skin of the heat of sunlight. Yellow - the color that will constantly remind you of bright and complete impressions of summer days. If you decide to use this color in the interior, you will be delighted with the atmosphere of heat, joy, activity and comfort. The use of yellow and its derivatives in the interior will be simply indispensable in small, poorly lit rooms, as this color excellent compensates for the lack of natural light.

Wallpaper mustard colors in the interior of the room

Photo: Here it looks well thought out and implemented design project.

It is worth remembering that yellow is far from the only warm color. There is a huge variety of its shades that will help embody in the interior almost any fantasy owners of housing or interior designers. For example, a mustard shade of yellow, it is created when adding brown brown to the basic color, which gives it a special depth and aristocraticity. The name "mustard" went from the striking similarity of this shade with ripe grains of mustard, which is widely used in cooking.

Apply it in the interior follows with the mind. After all, despite its multifunctionality, this color can overshadow the room. It is necessary to carefully think through the presence of contrast accessories and partner colors in the mustard room. This will be discussed below.

With what colors combine the wallpaper mustard colors in the interior

Despite its indirect relationship with yellow, mustard is darker and rich, so it is much more difficult to work with him. Combly, even competent and well-savvy in their business designers cannot correctly pick up the partner colors for mustard. Many people set themselves the task of selecting the right companions for this shade. They are interested in what curtains to choose which furniture is better to choose, etc.

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Wallpaper mustard colors in the interior of the room

Photo: Good combination with white

Let's consider the most acceptable combinations:

  • Its duet and classic blond warm colors. Beige, cream, coffee make fresh notes in the design of such a room, adds to him comfort and calm. They can be combined in the wall decoration or make bright accents on furniture and accessories.
  • White will also be, as it is impossible. This basic color will help add lightness and space. You can combine the wallpaper mustard color with white furniture, or use white for floors, ceiling and plinths. Choosing a combination with white, you will fall into the apple.
  • This shade looks good with chocolate and other shades of brown. But it is worth considering the size of your room when this duet is selected. Such a color solution is suitable exclusively for large, bright rooms. Otherwise, the abundance of brown simply will eat space.
  • Non-standard, but, nevertheless, the use of mustard with lemon, terracotta or color of ocher will be very relevant.

As for the main places of application, it can be used in the design of such premises of the apartment, as a bedroom, kitchen, living room (hall), less often - children's and entrance hall.

Basic Terms of Use in Interior Design

Wallpaper mustard colors in the interior of the room

For the expected result, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists in the arrangement of the internal space

Warm and pleasant, this color is not easy to use. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account a number of recommendations of specialists, so that this hue played in the interior.

  1. It will be extremely undesirable to use two or more colors with it. This rule applies to wall decoration.
  2. If you decide to make a colorful interior, then as a third color will be best taken white or beige. They will help dilute bright colors, make ease and ease.
  3. Use mustard people as basic for walls, avoiding abundance of motley spots. Better Selection of bright accents for interior items or accessories.
  4. If you have a fairly dark and warm room, you should not stick the walls with mustard wallpaper. It is better to select this color for paintings, pillows or book palatuses. Such minor design accents will give the premises of the beltness and feeling of the house.

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