Cross-stitch Chinese sets: motifs and schemes free download, reviews and symbols, vases stitched


Cross-stitch Chinese sets: motifs and schemes free download, reviews and symbols, vases stitched

Chinese embroidery sets are greatly successful due to original schemes, quality of threads and prices for sewing kits have a lot of advantages over the rest. They came to the Russian sewing market relatively recently, but quite quickly won a large number of fans. But they have a significant minus - difficulties with reading instructions. Instructions in Chinese sometimes creates difficulties in operation, and its translation into Russian does not make it much easier for the situation. Chinese embroidery sets are a great option for those who want to learn to embroider and do not want to spend a lot of money for learning.

Chinese cross stitch: minus cheap foreign sets

Chinese cross-stitch - a fairly new word in embroidery.

That is why, choosing a Chinese set for embroidery, you need to take into account possible unpleasant surprises, for example:

  • The shade specified when buying does not coincide with the color in reality;
  • Copying schemes by Chinese manufacturers from other companies;
  • Quality of thread.

Cross-stitch Chinese sets: motifs and schemes free download, reviews and symbols, vases stitched

For many people, the main minus embroidery is the key to the scheme in Chinese

The very first unpleasant surprise that can wait you is a color. It can differ significantly or slightly from what is specified on the package. There is a big probability to get into this trap there are those who order sets via the Internet. The second minus is associated with the fact that most of the Chinese schemes usually copy them from other manufacturers for embroidery. Slightly changing the design of the scheme, they as a result represent an image that is very difficult to distinguish from the original. This must be remembered by everyone who embroiders to order. Do not be surprised that one day on the Internet you will find a diagram similar to your as the twin.

Finally, the quality of the thread. Moulin from Chinese sets for embroidery full of deign quality. The only thing that threads are not so tender, like other manufacturers, less silky. Thread thickness slightly more than others.

In principle, the above disadvantages are not so significant. With this set, you can easily embroider, just need to pick up colors and diagrams more carefully.

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Comfortable Chinese Cross Embroidery Sets: Advantages

Fortunately, the Chinese cross sets of the cross have not only disadvantages, but also the advantages. Motives for embroidery from China are in great demand, and this is not just like that.

The advantages of sets from China belong:

  • Low cost;
  • Good quality for cheap cost;
  • All threads are disassembled on the organizer.

On average, set for embroidery from China costs about 300 rubles, which is the lowest cost among the sets. You can buy a set at a lower cost if you do it right in China. There is a possibility that it will be higher quality.

Cross-stitch Chinese sets: motifs and schemes free download, reviews and symbols, vases stitched

Chinese embroidery kits have one advantage: the edges of the canvas are completely processed

For a set for 300 rubles in Chinese goods very good quality. If you look at the reviews, the quality of threads from the average Chinese set is practically similar to the sets of other manufacturers. Objects sewn with a Chinese set for embroidery with a cross will be a beautiful gift for any holiday.

Another advantage is disassembled threads. Most sets of thread are woven into the pigtail and have to spend time on its disassembly and sorting in colors. China supplies sets where threads are already disassembled in colors.

The advantages of the Chinese embroidery set are obvious. If you want to embroider and not spend big money - these sets for sure for you.

Cross-embroidery: Chinese motifs, schemes

Chinese motive likes many embroidery lovers. What is good Chinese sets are large schemes for embroidery.

Cross-stitch Chinese sets: motifs and schemes free download, reviews and symbols, vases stitched

The scheme of the Chinese cross-embroidery is quite interesting and attracts in that it combines various shades

Schemes for embroidery in these sets are very large, which allows:

  • Not lost in symbols;
  • Easy the picture in all, even small details.

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Large schemes will endorse the owners of poor vision and fans of schemes, thought out to the smallest detail. Embroide anything, although vases with a complex pattern. With Chinese major schemes, this will not be a lot of work. All you need to download them for free and start work.

Cross embroidery sets from China: how to deal with the instructions

Designations in Chinese instructions leave much to be desired. It is not given to the Chinese hieroglyphs, therefore, therefore there are many deciphers of instructions from China.

Cross-stitch Chinese sets: motifs and schemes free download, reviews and symbols, vases stitched

With difficulties in deciphering Chinese instructions, it is better to immediately contact the Internet, where many useful information on this issue

There are several types of schemes from China:

  1. A diagram where quite a bit of hieroglyphs, an experienced embroidery will not be difficult to understand the instructions using intuition.
  2. The second type of schemes includes explanations in English, it is understood here that it is much easier to be, because English know almost all at least at the initial level.
  3. The third type of instructions includes a plurality of hieroglyphs, and such important information as the amount of thread addresses is not. In such cases, see the decoding to a specialist or the Internet.

You can decipher Chinese instructions quickly. Over time, you will learn to recognize the same hieroglyphs, which will significantly simplify the task. A translation of instructions in English, even for those who own them at the initial level will be very easy.

Beautiful cross stitch: Chinese sets (video)

In general, it can be said that the Chinese embroidery kits are a great way to engage in a favorite thing without spending big funds. The most important thing is to choose proven firms and focus on the internet reviews.

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