Drainage cellar. How is the water in the cellar?


Drainage cellar. How is the water in the cellar?
If you have a cellar, it is important to control whether it is withstanding the onslaught of groundwater. It happens that with the melting of snow, the cellar floats. Do you need to say, what consequences it threatens. After all, certainly those who have a cellar, do not leave it empty. Here and billets for the winter, and seeds, and all sorts of necessary things are stored.

Such, for example, the power tools (for the absence of the subsidy in the house). It may turn out so that you have to throw them out. Repair is unlikely to succeed.

Some solve the problem of flooding as follows. They dig in the floor cellar, a large metal barrel is concreted, the drainage pump is lowered there, equipped with a float switch. This design works like this. As the container is filled, the water opens outward.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult - to make it yourself. And special investments do not require. According to the experience of those who have been using this for a long time, it can be said that reliability is also at the highest level. True, many recommend to take another drainage pump above the first. And you will need the UPS.

In general, think about that the cellar does not flood, preferably still at the construction stage of the house. It would be nice to explore the structure of the soil. To do this, you can take advantage of the homemade garden brown. So, the history of one person may be useful. He has only six meters on his plot at a depth, with clay layers. This is very important information that can help both in the construction of the house and when the basement arrangement. Well, in general it plays a considerable role to solve the issue with flooding.

If you decide to locate the cellar only under a part of the house, drill wells from the outside of the wall will not work. There is another option - do it throughout the perimeter of the house. But this is a rather laborious task. But the effect is excellent: the foundation will always be dry. It is better to be restrained, although the house stands on the sand.

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Directly in the cellar you can arrange a drainage false floor and do not bother and not spend a lot of money on the mixture, pasta and coating, and pass the water through the cellar deep into the mainland sands.

Drainage cellar. How is the water in the cellar?

All this needs to be done strictly by a certain plan.

In the floor of the cellar, make holes, and through them drill wells. For this, a manual earthwood will fit well. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the underground room. It turns out in the end that it is approximately two meters to sand. Make sure the ceiling height of the cellar allows you to apply the Boer.

Usually the floor in the cellar is made of concrete. You can pour rubble on it. Make a small layer, no more than eight centimeters. On top Put the material for waterproofing. You can take PVC film.

It is important that the film does not disappear about crushed stone when you walk on the cellar. To this end, the pavements made of wooden boards.

You can cast a concrete tie. But still remember that it was not a basement. You go to the cellar not so often and for a while, so you can do without frills.

By the way, purely theoretically, under such conditions, there is no need to accumulate water in the barrel, so you can break through the bottom and drill several wells.

To arrange drainage wells, you can use plastic pipes. They should have holes. Over the pipes you need to lay a fine grid. It is necessary so that pebbles do not fall into the pipe.

After the manipulations made water, falling into the basement through some small hole, it will flow through the floor under the film, and then directly into the well for drainage.

The drainage pump can be left in barrel, it does not hurt.

It is very important to look in practice how the system will work. And the best time is the end of winter, spring, that is, the period when the melting of snow begins.

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If everything is done according to the above scheme, then even after a very snowy winter and the "swampy" spring, you will always be dry in the cellar.

If you left a pump in a barrel, you can make sure that he is unlikely to work at all. The barrel will be almost constantly dry. This is all because the water that will go to the cellar will be on the interception and fall into the wells, and of them are deeper and deeper. In the underground room there will no longer be raw, and the ceiling will be completely without condensate. You will make sure that. To be in the cellar will be much more comfortable than before. Of course, no one says that it will be possible to move there to live there, but in general you will understand.

If before you take care of the drainage system, small puddles could remain on the floor, which almost all summer could not dry, now the situation will change dramatically. Of course, the puddles also accumulate and because the floor can not boast of perfect smoothness, but still. Now, with a new drainage system, there can be a puddle and there, but you will not see them, since they reliably hides the crushed stone. And they, if they evaporate, do not form condensate on the ceiling, as it all blocks PVC film. The purpose after all was another - to in the room where you keep your canned food, vegetables, tools, old, but such necessary things, it was always dry.

Now you do not need a barrel with a pump, and it worries every spring, it did not flood, do not have to. And all this is done very simply, without special costs. True, it will be necessary to pay for some time for some time, worry scarpuses to prevent errors. But the result will reward you for the works.

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And last. Of course, you can work the cellar drainage system when the house is already built. But it is better to do it at the construction stage.

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