Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?


When planning the repair, each owner of the housing is committed to realizing all of his dreams that have been kept not one day. Often, these aspirations in the end do not bring due results, since in terms of design, many nuances implemented by non-professional, not only do not decorate the situation, but also make it not practical and uncomfortable. Before the start of repair, weigh your strength and make decisions - to do it yourself or attract an interior designer.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

What is the work of the designer?

Repair can last several months, it takes time, nerves, strength, requires serious material costs. Someone repairs the apartment alone. Someone attracts a construction team that performs repairs, implementing the designer ideas of the customer. The owners of apartments, who are not confident in their abilities and do not trust builders teams, resort to the services of interior designers.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

To understand, attract a designer or not, you need to know what functions it performs.

The designer function includes professional planning of residential space, its decoration.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

This specialist also performs tasks in several directions:

  • engaged in visualization of the room after the repair;
  • plans for the placement of furniture;
  • decorates space;
  • Selects building materials;
  • Selects decor elements - furniture, textiles, lighting.

Also, the designer performs the function of the design architect. It is thinking over redevelopment, is engaged in the preparation of technical documentation, the basis for which are selected materials and coordinated with the customer visualization.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

If the designer is experiencing and has high qualifications, it necessarily takes into account the lifestyle of the customer, the needs of each member of his family to compare this information with the technical capabilities of the apartment or at home. As a result, a design project is developed with a description of the nuances of the future repair, sketches of the situation, the estimation, which takes into account the supervision of works by builders.

Important! If the customer does not agree with any details of the repair, the designer must make adjustments at the draft statement stage.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

When does a designer need?

Use the help of a designer if:

  • Radical redevelopment and housing repair is planned, but there is no idea how to perform this task from the technical side;
  • There are no ideas for the realization of the design that seemed on the Internet, a magazine, other sources;
  • Before repairs, you need to know how much it will cost, how much time you need to spend what materials are needed, what happens in the end.

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Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

How to make repairs without the involvement of a designer?

From the services of such a specialist you can refuse if the owner of the housing is confident that he can independently fulfill all his ideas. In addition, it will not be necessary to attract a professional if:

  • The owner of the housing has experience, knowledge and skills to repair on their own;
  • It is necessary to perform only cosmetic repairs with updating wallpaper, paint, replacement of chandeliers, curtains and other elements of the interior;
  • There is money to hire specialists to carry out construction work, the implementation of narrow decisions - installation of electricians, tile laying, selection of color gamut for all interior components, etc.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

If there is a motivation, you can make certain efforts and do not attract designer - most of the design styles and interior design options, if you wish to master yourself.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

For this you need:

  • exclude everything that would not want to see in your home, making the appropriate list or plan;
  • Choose style. Make it harder, so you need to start with furniture. If, for example, the housing owner impresses the classic style, planning a new interior need in this direction of design. If modern - preferably all the details of the interior are chosen in the style of minimalism or high-tech;
  • It is possible to solve the issue of planning, you can order it to professionals or plan everything yourself, using practical applications, if there is knowledge, skills to use special programs, know the location of the bearing walls, the dimensions of the furniture, etc.;
  • If the style is selected, problems with the selection of combinations of materials for the ceiling, the walls should not occur.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Important! When choosing a color combinations, you need to start from color hammers that do not like - they need to immediately discard them to narrow the options.

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

An important stage of self-development project is the installation of lighting. It is necessary before the start of repairing to plan the placement of sockets, switches. It will be necessary to choose the type of lighting (point, local, common, combined), and also to pay attention to the style of lamps, bras, lamps. You can do without a designer, but only if you are confident in your abilities.

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All illustrations of this article (11 photos)

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

Interior designer - is needed or can you cope without it?

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