How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy


The cottage is not only a place for growing plants, but also is a symbol of summer recreation and prosperity. Cottage is considered a sample of a cozy atmosphere. In creating a beautiful setting, a large role is given to textiles. Curtains for a country house are represented by a variety of styles, materials and color gamut.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

Light window curtains

Features Curtains for giving

Curtains for cottages create a homely atmosphere and complement the interior. These products are designed to solve the following tasks:

  1. Curtains for the cottage have practicality. They should not spoil dirt and fading.
  2. Selected taking into account the lighting and location of window openings.
  3. Design for giving should be simple, without unnecessary elements.
  4. Designs are selected with resistance to humidity.
  5. Equipped with fasteners that suggest easy disassembly.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

You can buy ready-made curtains for a country house, but at the same time the features of textiles are taken into account:

  • The tissue for curtains in the cottage is selected from natural materials with breathability, stem: cotton or linen fabrics;
  • Textiles must be harmoniously combined;
  • On the dark side of the house it is better to use bright shades, and for the illuminated, it is possible to use dense and dark variations;
  • It is better not to use luxurious models and massive mounts.

Curtains for the cottage protect the room from midges and other insects.

Country house or cottage is a place of recreation where the opportunity is given to be in nature.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

The country interior is different from the design of a city apartment. Therefore, in the country, it is better to use styles tested by time. It can be variations of a rustic style: Provence, Country. As well as English or Scandinavian interior.

Curtains do it yourself

If you do not suit the ready-made options, we sew curtains for giving with your own hands.

This process consists of the necessary measurements, selection of materials and sewing.

The following tools and materials will be needed:

  1. The cloth.
  2. Scissors, threads.
  3. Stapler and centimeter.
  4. Screwdriver and screws.
  5. Kernel.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

Facial and auto side are performed from two segments.

Measurement of window opening

You need to learn the length and width of products. The remaining values ​​are calculated from these parameters. Measurements are performed after mounting the cornice. Eaves for curtains in the cottage different. It is important that they have more windows width by 200-300 mm.

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The width of future curtains is determined by the roulette, which is pulled from extreme attachment points. The curtal length is extended from the eaves to the required mark.

If draping is assumed, the resulting width is multiplied by 1.5-2.5 times.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

Measurement of window opening

It is worth navigating the following measurement rules:

  1. If the length of the eaves is less than 1.4 m, the curtains have the same width size.
  2. If its length is more than 1.5-2 meters, the width of the product will be 1.5 times wider.
  3. With a karnis in 2-4 meters, the value is multiplied by 2-3 times.

Also on the width of the curtains affects the type of selected material. For severe tissue, such an indicator is 1.5 for organza with patterns 2, for gentle tissues -3. The length of the curtains depends on the features of the room. In the room with low ceilings or in the kitchen, long curtains are not needed. Short curtains are used for giving. Curtains are made longer than Gardin for several centimeters. In the living room or bedroom the length of the product should not reach the floor by 3-4 cm.

The length is measured in two stages: from the eaves to the windowsill and from the window sill to the floor.

If the tissue consists of natural fibers, it is purchased with a margin.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

Sewing curtains

To cut the fabric, it is laid out on the floor and poured with scissors. The cloth is applied to the window to the window to check the availability of overwhelms. The pattern is made using chalk or a piece of soap.

It is necessary to leave the allowances for the seams. This is taken into account when striking.

Then you should sew curtains to the cottage from two parts of the fabric. Cleaning individual parts. Elements are connected in a specific sequence.

The edges are perpendicular to the ceiling. Flags are flashing on the sewing machine. Thus, the lower and upper parts of the curtain are processed. After sewing, the product is stroked and hangs on the cornice.

Sew beautiful curtains for summer cottages in different ways, the main thing to choose a cloth.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

Selection of fabrics

Before you choose the appropriate material, you need to decide on the color, pattern and texture of the future product. Curtains in the cottage are selected with darker or light than the walls. It will not allow them to merge with the overall setting.

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Warm colors will make the room with light and warm, and the blue and gray shades will bring coolness.

When choosing a color fabric worth paying attention to the following recommendations:

  1. The curtain should be monophonic if the room is made in bright colors. And if the walls are pale, then you can choose a saturated cloth for curtains
  2. So that the space has become a bulk, use a light palette.
  3. The room with low ceilings will make more summer cottage with vertical stripes.
  4. Horizontal strips visually downgrade high ceilings.
  5. If the picture is present on the fabric, it is not necessary to dramatically.
  6. If Tulle is applied without a curtain, it can be thickly draped.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

There are the following types of fabric:

  • artificial;
  • natural;
  • Combined.

You can sew curtains from natural materials. This is satin, flax or sither. Such material has durability, but quite complicated in care. Artificial materials, such as Jacquard, Organza and Parch, do not burn out in the sun and do not lose.

Sew the curtains can be made of mixed fabrics. There are combinations such as acrylic and cotton or kapron and silk. Polyester products are considered to be the most practical options with the addition of cotton and viscose.

The luxurious interior can be created using taffeta products.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

the cloth

Silk and cotton fabrics are not recommended to use for room decoration from a sunny side. They will easily burn out. You can apply the sunflower fabric for curtains.

Select model

There are a variety of storm shades for giving. The choice of a certain model depends on the overall style of the interior. For the cottage it is recommended to use rustic styles and ethnic.

Rustic style in Russian spirit

Curtains in the country in a rustic style are characterized by simplicity. Cite is used as a fabric. The material is selected with a small pattern and monophonic. An excellent solution can be the product in the style of Patchwork. Curtains are decorated with embroidered images of geometric shapes and birds.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

The Russian style assumes the presence of a curtain on the doors.

French fler Provence

The cottage can be framed with Provence style elements. For this, the curtain is performed from natural materials: Batista or flax. Preference should be given to blue, white and lavender shades. In addition to the curtain, the interior should be complemented by various capes, napkins and tablecloths.

Curtains are decorated with floral patterns and bunches of Wovedad. Beautiful ruffles and ruffles are also used.

Country from America

Pick the Country Curtains to the country, it means to choose a natural and simple interior. Curtains should be floral or checkered, but neuropric. Linen products decorated with laces will create a rustic coherent and a unique atmosphere.

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How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

Mediterranean style

This style is divided into several litters. Of particular attention deserves Greek and Italian styles.

The curtains on the terrace in the greek style in the Greek style are distinguished by a cold colors: blue and white.

The interior in Italian style is warmer. It uses sandy, beige and olive colors. Mediterranean style involves large windows and a lot of light. The design of the curtain for giving with their own hands is performed from translucent and flowing fabrics.

Cardins are decorated with vegetable ornaments.

How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

General recommendations

To make curtains for giving with your own hands, it is important to choose a high-quality fabric and perform the measurements correctly. The curtains should look equally good in the night and daytime. Curtains should be combined in color scheme with furniture upholstery. The ornament on the curtains should differ from the drawing on furniture or carpets.

There are some recommendations for the selection of curtains:

  1. Fabrics in a cage and strip are relevant.
  2. Dense curtains are used in winter.
  3. In the warm period, preference is given to air and lightweight materials.
  4. An interesting solution is considered to use two types of transparent fabrics that have contrasting shades. One of the layers is drawn up by beads.
  5. It is worth choosing breathable materials: cotton, flax and sitheria.

    How to sew curtains for giving with their own hands: from measuring before canopy

  6. If you have a year-round accommodation in the country, then you should have two sets for winter and summer time.
  7. Products for giving must be functional. They should not be unnecessary elements and decorations.
  8. Curtains should be easily removed, so it is better to use rings or clothespins. Sophisticated fasteners and luxury baguettes in the country are inappropriate.

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Selecting a good material, you can make the curtain with your own hands. It is not difficult to do, especially if you decide in advance with the design.

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