Blue wallpapers: what curtains to choose


Only under the condition of a harmonious combination of all elements of the interior can be achieved a unique, stylish environment in which all family members will be comfortable. And therefore it is very important not only to choose the right to choose the main dominant color of the wallpaper, but also to pick up furniture, fabric design and accessories. What curtains are suitable under the blue wallpaper? Let's try to figure out the intricacies of the design.

Blue wallpapers: what curtains to choose

Transparent curtains expand color perception

Choice of color and his psychology

If the room comes out on the sun, then for its design you can use a blue color, which many are associated with equilibrium and inner tranquility. The interior in blue tones contributes to the comfort and peace. In addition, for the main tone, you can always find a lot of successful color combinations that will make the basic deeper.

Know! According to psychological associations, many of it causes a sense of purity, freedom, peace, peace, infinity, and in the head there are paintings of fresh air, summer sky.

It is not surprising that everyone wants to see in their interior such a positive attitude. When interior design, you can use all the shades of the main tone. It is recommended especially to those who have to experience a permanent emotional imbalance.

Blue wallpapers: what curtains to choose

Multiple blue palette

Blue wallpaper in the interior

With their help, you can decorate any interior, ranging from classic solutions, and ending with the most modern styles. Very often next to the main background there are metal accents (gold and silver), as they perfectly emphasize this cold shade.

You can use a blue in the interior of the bedroom, as this room is originally intended for relaxation, comfort, and, accordingly, should have a strong soothing effect. More appropriate for such a situation, gentle celestial shades with minor patterns, and as a supplement you can choose light textiles (curtains, bedding, bedspread).

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Blue wallpapers: what curtains to choose

Teenager room in combination of blue and beige shades

Since the children's room is designed not only for recreation, but also for games, it is often zonied with the help of wallpaper of different colors. And in this case, you can resort to a combination of blue with brighter and rich shades, which determine the game zone. If the Children's Square is small and zoning is impossible, then it is worth using only bright shades that will visually make it volume.

The living room is the part of the house, where more courageous combinations of colors are allowed, as well as a large amount of decor, which literally revitalizes the situation. The use of blue wallpapers involves their combination with lighter, beige tones, as well as with more saturated, blue shades. Well, to give the situation of natural joy, you can use a large number of indoor plants.

To meet the kitchen in the blue closure is quite difficult. The fact is that this shade is unnecessarily cold and only prevents a good appetite. If you use it in monochrome, the kitchen will not be a favorite place for tea drinking and pleasant conversations. But if the basic shade is mixed, for example, with white, then you can get a more welcoming environment in which it will be pleasant to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee.

Blue wallpapers: what curtains to choose

Rustic bedroom with curtains in a small flower

Church selection

Curtains for windows is almost the same as clothes for a person, so you need to choose them with the mind. It is enough to choose the tone, the fabric pattern, and the room will acquire exactly the qualities that it is lacking. Of course, in some cases, choose the desired curtains helps the designer flair, but most often even experienced professionals resort to simple rules. For example, is it allowed to match the tone of wallpaper and curtains? If the room is blue wallpaper, what curtains will be more appropriate? Of course, the coincidence on the tone is not excluded in the following cases:

  1. If you need to preserve the unity of space. But most often, designers offer to choose the tone of wallpaper on several units darker, or, on the contrary, lighter (blue wallpaper - blue curtains).
  2. If the wallpaper is either a pattern. Thus, the presence of patterns of the pattern or ornament allows a combination with monophonic curtains of blue.
  3. If you need to visually move the wall with the window. Well, for the visual approximation of the wall with the window, it is necessary to prefer more brighter, intense shades of the curtains.
  4. If a double window design (tulle and porter) is assumed. In this case, one of the elements of the window design should be as close as possible to the tone of the walls. For a blue wallpaper, a snow-white tulle and blue curtains should be chosen, and you can prefer blue tulle and aquamarine color curtains.

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Blue wallpapers: what curtains to choose

Roman Curtain, which is not preventing the passage of light

Curtains with a pattern or without

The widest range of this product allows you to choose design for windows with a pattern or without it. But which of the pictures will be most appropriate, how to better pick it up? Here are the basic rules:

  • The presence on the tissue of vertical bands provides an expansion of space, and therefore they should be used in those rooms where there are narrow walls;
  • Due to horizontal strips, the room visually acquires an additional height;
  • Large and bright print is better to use indoors with monophonic wall design.

So, now you know better, what curtains are better suitable for wallpaper blue? We hope that information, as well as photos selected specifically for the article, will help you understand and help you choose.

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