GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men


GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

Handsome embroidered charm will help protect the house and bring wealth and successive hostess at home fought with evil spirits with the help of faiths. No utensils remained without a beautifully embroidered canvas carrying a certain meaning. Rushnik, quashen, broom - everything was laid by the overalls, who defended their homework from an evil word, the evil eye, bringing happiness, wealth and good luck.

How to choose charms: embroidery cross

To make an embroidery with a cross, it is worth considering a few simple rules:

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

Choosing a set for embroidery, it is better to give preference to high-quality and reliable materials.


  1. Threads for embroidery Oberega can use ordinary Moulin. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the threads if this item is often washed.
  2. Embroidery should not have nodes. It is believed that otherwise the charm loses his secret meaning.
  3. The green embroidery color will bring material wealth.
  4. The choice of red and orange shades of embroidery will protect the girl from betting and betrayal.
  5. Black threads are used when embroidered fabrics from infertility.
  6. To attract love it is worth using bright red threads.
  7. Embroidery overag for home should be performed in one color scheme, in the form of an ornament.

In order to protect the desired protection, it is worth not only to choose the color of the drawing, but also to find exactly your Slavic symbol that serves as a faith.

Embroidery Schemes Cross Oberega: Sets (esoteric name)

In order for the charm to bring the desired effect, it is worth paying great attention to the selection of symbols, for example, a "happy cube".

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For example, in order to facilitate the pain of the baby, whose teeth climb, it is worth embrace a whole composition on which:

  • Whiten squirrel;
  • In the center of the tree of life;
  • On the side of healing sprouts;
  • From above Radine - a symbol of kids.

Also there are chambers, which themselves carry a huge force of its owners. Belobog - is considered to be an embodiment of light and good. This symbol will bring good luck in the money and agriculture, will save from quarrels and begging in the family and everyday life. Bogodar is a symbol of justice and wisdom, he will help make a person who passed the exams well.

Valkyrie - It is believed that this charm can wear only the most worthy people. Honor, nobility, wisdom, justice - this symbol not only gives protective force, but also helps multiply it repeatedly.

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

An excellent gift will be a beautiful registered charm

Veles - wealth and farming. This symbol can patronize entrepreneurs. And he will bring to his owner endless energy, glory, wealth, disclosure of talents and can even assist in the disclosure of talents. The tree of life - this charm is considered a symbol of a new life. It is used as embroidery for babies, as well as the staircase between the world of living and the dead.

The prayer is this symbol not only protects from the evil and the bad word of its owner, but also will bring the gift of conviction and strengthening the action of orders. Dairy rivers - a charm, having a breast shape, which depicts two symbols of the frets and Leli, a symbol of a born baby is deposited on the reverse side. This charm will help protect the mother and child from the misfortune and adversity, and will also give a solid connection between the mother and the child.

Yarovrat - Give a rich harvest. This charm is worth embroider as a lining on a braid or Serb. These wubbles will bring a certain force to their owner. But there are symbols that will protect not only a person, but also the whole house from evil attacks.

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A prayer for the whole family, names (Julia, Maria, etc.), seven candles can be embroidered on the faucet. We bring good luck with the image of Rusch, Orel. Strengthening health will help embroidery for a bath (burdock).

Cross-embroidery: charms for home and scheme

The symbol of the Bolobogo will not only bring well-being and material wealth, but also helps to keep the panel in the family. Whether precisely with this symbol is widely used to protect their home from failures and adversity. This is a family symbol. The wedding is the most powerful charm. The connection of the male (fiery) and female (water) began. An excellent gift to newlyweds on the day of marriage or not an anniversary of the wedding.

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

For the overab, try to select characters that carry a positive mood and are able to protect from adversity

The star of the Cross - embroidered on towels. It is believed that this charm brings good luck and desired success.

COLD - will help a young couple in creating a strong family and birth of healthy children. The cross of the Lada - gives a woman's spiritual harmony, protects the family from "bad eyes." Brings mutual understanding, comfort and happiness to the house. Makos - this symbol is a real assistant for his mistress. Helps reveal talents in cooking. Winning a woman from diseases and misfortunes. It should be embroider on everybody item.

The Custody - brings happiness to family life. Firewind - protects a woman who got married, from the evil eye and anger. The symbols of these faiths embroidered on the subjects of home utensils and garbage items will bring happiness and love to the house.

Protection crossing cross: charms for men

Women have long been trying to protect not only themselves, their home, but also a beloved man. The wanted embroidered on the shirt or handkerchief gave his defense, attached strength or faith in the way.

Flower of fern (Perunov Color) - helps a man to reveal spiritual forces. Perform the desired one.

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

Protectioning cross-stitch with a guard perfectly fit into the interior of the bedroom

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The beaddler - embroidered to help victory in battle. Gives force. Ramim - saves generation memory and transmitted from generation to generation. The color of the fern + Dukhobor - restores power, helps to cope with fatigue.

Dukhobor - restores health. The chaff embroidered on the fabric and was covered by a sick person. Fireball - protects from anger, malice, envy, damage and evil eye. This charm will help keep the world in his soul, not inlet and without radiating evil thoughts.

Svarog - This charm will give your owner good luck and well-being. Celeban - Gives "Bogatiry Health".

How to make charms: cross-stitch, schemes (video)

Embroidery amulets, a woman invested in it all his love and care that he filled the charm even more power. In the 21st century, women are not so often resorted to the strength of symbols, although the embroidery of the cross is not losing its popularity. Schemes can be downloaded for free on Panna or other resource.

Details: Carrying, cross-stitch and schemes (photo examples)

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

GUBLICATION Embroidery cross scheme: for home prayer, seven for the whole family, name for free, download for men

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