Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards


Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Little embroidery is perfect for decorating clothes or decorative items with a cross began to appear long until today, and they became one of the popular components of such a scope of activity as decorative and applied art. Despite the fact that such a needlework exists not one century, it does not lose its demand, and the basics of embroidery are taught in schools. It is worth noting that small schemes for which small drawings or an ornament created were very often used to create faiths.

Cross Embroidery Schemes: Little Alerts

According to beliefs, when a man with his own hands weave, knits or embroiders, and at the same time he thinks exclusively about good, he creates his own mascot, able to protect against adversity and problems.

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Beautifully interesting embroidery will look at a small napkin or handkerchief

Embroidery can be on completely different products, for example, on:

  • Scarf;
  • Napkin;
  • Rushnik;
  • Curtains;
  • Shirt;
  • Vest;
  • Belt.

As the old Russian sources are being done, the wubbles of this species have a lot of power and power, and precisely because important things for each fair sex was created not only to comfort in the house, but also to ensure its protection against non-energies and evil languages.

Little Cross Embroidery Schemes: Motives

The motives that can be used to embroidery the cross can be a wide variety and depend only on the needlewomen itself. How to make your choice about what small embroidered pictures make?

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Before embarking on embroidery, you should decide on the subject of the future picture.

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It is worth determining some moments:

  • What motive will be embroidered.
  • What style is picture.
  • What exactly will need a product.
  • What material will be embroidery.
  • What colors will be required for embroidery.
  • What time do you need to meet.

Needlework does not tolerate a rush, and most importantly - to prepare correctly. It is worth noting that the schemes of embroidery small sizes create much easier and even a child can cope with work, which will greatly affect the development of motility and fantasy. Psychologists believe that such an occupation, like embroidery, helps to improve the concentration, as well as to be at a balanced state. In other words, embroidery helps to relax and achieve a pacification.

Cross stitch: mini-embroidery - what is it

What is a mini-embroidery cross? This is the same needlework, but only during the work is created a miniature picture.

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Thematic mini-embroidery can be decorate with christmas toys

As a rule, mini-schemes are used exclusively in order to:

  • Decorate clothes with beautiful ornament;
  • Apply a decor on napkins;
  • Make original bookmarks in textbooks;
  • Make a kind of label, for example, on children's clothes;
  • Embroider pocket charm or calendar.

Options may be weight and the choice is simply not limited, for example, it can be done with your own hands the vintage picture or with such a simple way, often create a whole series of postcards.

Patterns depend on who orders or creates work. It can be fairies, princes, fruit baskets and flowers and similar drawings. The most important thing is that they are qualitatively fulfilled in compliance with technology, schemes and the use of equipment, such as the ring charts.

Beautiful cross embroidery: Little schemes

Before you start embroider, there are many questions in front of the needlewomen.

In particular:

  • How to choose Moulin;
  • Which material is suitable for embroidery best;
  • Where to get the scheme.

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If you decide much easier to determine with Moulin, since the threads from the most different manufacturers are sold in each needlework shop, and in a fairly large assortment, then it's not the case with a scheme.

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Find the appropriate original embroidery scheme You will help the Internet or specialized store.

Today you can:

  • Download free circuits without registration on the Internet;
  • Order by mail from needlework magazines;
  • Alone with the help of a computer program to create a drawing and transfer with an embroidery of it on the fabric;
  • Purchase a separate account scheme, both in black and white and in color;
  • Buy the finished set with a schema, with a cloth on which markup can be prepared and with Moulin.

The minus acquisition of ready-made sets is that Moulin is calculated clear up to one millimeter and in case of an observation, for example, an error assumptions, in which you need to remove some of the cross and apply them again, you will need to look for an additional threads, which is not always crowned with success.

As a rule, shades of Moulin, which are included in the set, is very difficult to choose separately, and the use of another tone can spoil the appearance of the picture.

Specialists in the field of needlework and in particular embroidery believe that the most optimal option will be an independent selection of threads to the scheme. Thus, you can create not just a picture of an embroidered cross, but a lively drawing that will decorate any room in which it will be scented.

The personnel selection of threads, colors and shades helps to reveal its inner world, embody their ideas, dreams and abilities. It is these paintings that occupy leading positions at all exhibitions, as they are bright, juicy and can be seen what they are made by the soul, and not just with their hands.

Detailed scheme of small embroidery cross (video)

Embroidery will always be in fashion. And since ancient times, those who knew how to embroider were considered the most valuable and welcome girls, as they were elegant and sophisticated natures not only inside, but also outside.

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Examples of small embroidery circuits (photo)

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

Scheme of small embroidery cross: mini and small, free sizes, small very, download beautiful postcards

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