How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage


By installing standard metal doors to the garage, you will get a high level of room security, however, steel is a material with extremely high thermal conductivity - if the door without insulation is used, the temperature indoors will correspond to the air temperature outside, which is critical in the winter season.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

Brozent curtains

Tarpaulin curtains are helped to solve this problem, used as a supplement to steel doors or role plates. Between the metal and the tarralet, the air layer is formed, preventing heat leakage from the building.

This article provides information on the use of tarpaulin curtains in garage premises. Also, we offer you a master class on their tailoring, following which you yourself make a tarpaulin curtains in the garage.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

What is a tarpaulin?

Tarpaulin - textile material made by weaving three types of fabric fibers - flax, jute and cotton with a linear density within 90-300 tex (measurement measure indicating the weight ratio and tissue length).

The actual density (from 250 to 600 g / m2) and the thickness of the material (from 0.8 to 2 mm) depends on the linear density for creating tarpaulin. High-quality tarpaulin fabrics are manufactured according to the requirements of GOST No. 15530-93 "Caper textiles for the manufacture of special-clothes". When buying, rationally choose products made according to this GOST.

Tarpaulin - extremely wear-resistant fabric, withstanding any conditions of use without damage. Among the operational properties of this textile, we highlight:

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

  • Refractory is a faintlands that does not extend the combustion fabric, which is achieved by special synthetic impregnations. When exposed to open fire, textiles does not light up for 30 seconds;
  • Hydrophobicity - the tarpaulin does not absorb moisture, any liquid that fell on the tarpaulin curtain simply flows from it. Material without loss of water-repellent properties withstands up to 100 mm. mercury column;
  • Mechanical strength to pressure pressure and punctum;
  • Resistance to rotting under the influence of air humidity, mold and fungus;
  • Resistance color when operating on direct sunlight.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

The sphere of use of tarpaulin is extremely extensive - the material is in demand during the sewing of special clothing, army form, protective suits for welders, bags, tourist equipment. For the manufacture of clothes, a tissue is used with a density of 400 to 600 g / m2, for bags - 350-400 g / m2.

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How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage


To independently sew garage curtains from the tarpaulin, we recommend buying a cloth with a density of 500-550 g / m2, using it you will get a durable and resistant to complex operating conditions.

Functional curtains in the garage

Curtains from tarpaulin in the garage acquire by no means as decorative decoration, they require the execution of clear functional tasks, so if during the operation of the room you have not experienced the needs in such a screen, then in the future you can do without it.

However, there are cases where garage tarp curtains are necessary. We note the main ones:

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

  • In the presence of problem doors or dilapidated walls, due to which the garage is constantly purged with drafts;
  • If it is necessary to separate the room on the functional zones - the workplace and the parking lot for the car. Here Shirma replaces a full-fledged interior partition;
  • When conducting welding works in the garage or cutting metal - the curtain prevents sparks on the flammable items.

The tarpaulin curtains with chamoises are easy to remove, as you need you can cover it a car or racks with tools, which is useful when repairing or repainting the ceilings. There are other ways to fix the screen - often it is fixed on the ceiling and is equipped with rope suspenders to adjust the position, and in the tissue itself, the vertical inlet is cut.

Tarpaulin is not the only material for the manufacture of functional curtains. Alternatively, high-density fabrics from PVC, nylon or polyester are used, and rubber curtains for a warehouse used in commercial and industrial premises are also suitable.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

PVC fabrics

Advantages of tarpaulin curtains

Among similar materials for the manufacture of garage curtains, tarpaulin curtains are allocated by the optimal value ratio and quality. Purchase a product with similar operational characteristics for a similar amount is impossible.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

The average price of tarpaulin curtains is 250-300 rubles per 1 m2 wide.

Making tarpaulin curtains feasible with your own hands, so you can save by purchasing high-quality fabric and tailoring the curtain yourself.

Among the advantages of these curtains allocate:

  1. Durability - the material is characteristic of the maximum wear resistance, even in severe operating conditions, it will serve not one year. The curtain is not sitting in the machine washing, it is not afraid of aggressive cleaning agents, and damage to it is closed with poppipes - the punctures are not bred;
  2. Due to the polymer impregnation of the material of the screen, the shirma is obtained by refractory and hydrophobic properties. Waterproof tarpaulin curtains in the garage effectively protect the room from rain and atmospheric precipitation;

    How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

  3. Using the tarpaulin canopy with the champs, you protect the room from prying eyes, without having to constantly open and close the garage rollers or the door;
  4. Unlike curtains from rubber and PVC, losing elasticity at minus temperatures, the textile screen does not dub in the cold;
  5. Tarpaulter is a simple fabric cleaning, you will not come across the need to replace the curtains due to its unsightly appearance.

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Among the shortcomings of such a decision, we note the considerable weight of the tarp tissue - constantly raising the screen is problematic even an adult man. For practicality, it makes sense to mount the canopy on the tubular cornily with the help of chalks.

The decorative attractiveness of the tarpaulin will not please the fans of aesthetics - the material is manufactured exclusively in the marsh colors.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

Oh functionality

The tarp curtain performs the heat insulating function. Shirma not only prevents the penetration into the premises of drafts (a dense tarpaulin is not blocked by the wind) - when hanging the curtain in front of the entrance door between it and textiles, an air layer is formed, limiting heat exchange between the cold metal and air inside the garage. To get this effect, place the chart so that it completely overlaps the doorway.

Having installed, instead of the doors, Rolets on the garage, many complain about the problems with the discovery of the design during the cold season, the reason for which the condensate frost is generated on the roles due to the temperature difference inside and outside the garage.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

Insulated rolling shutters

The tarp curtain eliminates this drawback - due to the above airbag, a decrease in temperature drop from two sides of the metal and moisture ceases to condense on the outer surface of the roles.

If you use warmast shutters for the garage, which are deprived of frost problems, the tarp curtain will also be superfluous. Constantly open and close the shutters to hide the room from prying eyes (especially if it is located in the garage complex) - an ungrateful occupation, since the reclining mechanism has a limited working resource. Shirma allows you to keep rolling shutters open and calmly engage in your affairs without curious views from the side.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

About making and fixing

You can independently produce two variants of the screen - single-layer or insulated curtains for a garage from tarpaulin. The instected product requires two times more fabric, you will also need a lightweight heat insulation material - syntheps, Dorenit or basalt wool.

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Tailoring of the tarp curtains of a warmed type is extremely simple - two cuts of the tissue are connected in the pocket, inside of which the heat-insulating material is placed, after which the remaining slice of the tissue is posted. At the same time, a strip of 5-10 cm wide is left on the upper circuit of the screen, which is used for fastening the curtain. So that the insulation does not follow in the process of operation along the perimeter of the curtains, the stitches in the shape of the cell are laid.

Tailoring the curtains of tarpaulin with one layer of fabric implies only the trim stitches of the side edge of the curtain, which prevents the material from rapping during operation.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

Having on his hands ready to install the screen, the main question arises - how to secure it correctly. There are two options here:

  1. To kill a chart to a garage recorded on a wooden plank ceiling and plan her side outlines with ropes for a screed. In this case, the shirma will be coated from the bottom-up similar to the Roman curtains, going to the folds under the ceiling;
  2. Fasten the curtain on the either either a metal cable so that it will be revealed in the horizontal direction as curtains.

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When the cloth is horizontally, the tissue is 10-15 cm with increments of 10-15 cm. You need to install metal rings - taperants for tarpaulin, thanks to which the curtain will easily ride the eaves. The easiest way to do this using the device to install the champs is a manual press, with which the champs are crimped from two sides of the fabric.

How to choose and make tarpaulin curtains in the garage

Such a tool for installing chalves costs 2-3 thousand rubles - for one-time use, it is irrational to acquire it. You can fix the rings using the girlfriend - cut a hole in the tissue, corresponding to the diameter with the dimensions of the chalomeness, then put the screen to the solid work surface (table or gender), match the parts of the challenges on both sides of the cloth and gently catch the ring with a hammer. It connects as a regular rivet

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