How to make a bath mat do it yourself?


The creation of the interior of the bathroom is connected with the filling of accessories, stylish parts and flower accents. A floor mat is played in a larger role in the design of the bathroom. In stores, despite a wide choice, it is not always possible to find the appropriate option. Easy to make a bath mat with your own hands from the materials that are in every home.

How to make a bath mat do it yourself?

Classification and appointment of rugs

All mats that can be made with their own hands are divided into:

  • textile;
  • natural;
  • synthetic.

How to make a bath mat do it yourself?

The bathroom mat is an item necessary to ensure safe and comfortable conditions when making a shower. If water hit the ceramic floor tile, then it is unsafe on it. The floor mat prevents slide.

Nichokes for the bathroom, made in a single color scheme with an interior of the room, look like fashionable design accessories.

Variants of products from natural materials

Make a bath mat with your own hands easily, if stocking natural blanks and explore the master class in its manufacture. The product from liquid concrete, stones, moss always decorates the bathroom. The design of the room can be supplemented with original products from the vine, bamboo.

Sea pebble

Sea shore particle to the legs of your bath - not a dream, but a reality! So that it is embodied, there is the easiest way of No. 1 - Sea pebble, glued to the base. For blood circulation it is useful to step on the coating of smooth stones after the adoption of the soul.

How to make a bath mat do it yourself?

Sea pebbles bath mat

For the manufacture of such a rug, you will need:

  • Sea stones of small size;
  • rubber mat;
  • degreasing liquid;
  • Glue type "moment".

The sequence of work is as follows.

  1. Wash and dry the base of the rug and stones.
  2. Degrease them and give a completely dry fluid.
  3. Dispatch stones on a flat surface so that the desired drawing is.
  4. Apply a small amount of glue on the rug and stone, wait 30-60 seconds and glue the stone. The following elements are glued, keeping a minimum clearance between the stones.
  5. You can use the product in a day.


Make a hollow veil for the bathroom with wine - an excellent solution for any apartment, houses or cottages. This rug has a number of benefits:

  • Environmentally friendly cork coating;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • Massage effect for the feet;
  • easy to do yourself;
  • Suitable for any interior;
  • Cheapness and accessibility of traffic jams.

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How to make a bath mat do it yourself?

Wine plug rug

Before proceeding with the work on creating such a rug, you need to prepare piece material - wash and dry the plugs. To create a small rug, 100-150 traffic jams will be required. Clear from the remnants of the veil of the plugs can be swallowing them overnight in the pelvis in warm water with a bleach. In the morning they need to rinse in running water and lay out to dry.

When they dry, you need to cut the plugs in half on a wooden board with a sharp knife. In order for the plug to cut along two halves and do not hurt, you should lay them on a round cut. This work will require physical effort. The cut of each plug to handle emery paper.

Prepare the basis of the desired size and form. Soft plastic suitable, old rubber shower rug, rubber coatings for car interior. Wash the foundation, dry it and degrease. With glue, attach plugs to the base.


The interior of the bathroom in an environmental style is easy to do if you get a natural rug from the living moss. For him, the earth does not need, and the temperature and humidity conditions and the absence of natural lighting in the bathroom are the most suitable for such an accessory. It is very simple to make it, but for its cultivation will take several weeks.

Operating procedure:

  • Take 3 horses of the moss type Racomitrium, Leucobryum without land;
  • Place it in a blender, add 100 ml of liquid yogurt or kefir and 2 tsp. hydrogel for growing colors;
  • Beat the mixture for 2-5 minutes at the minimum speed;
  • Prepare a porous basis, for example, a wooden surface, a product from liquid concrete, stones;
  • Apply a mixture from a moss with a brush to a prepared surface in several layers;
  • cover the surface of the film and moisturize it every day until the moss takes place;
  • After 3-5 weeks, when the rug grows, water it water every day.

Plots on which moss did not grow, can be re-covered as the same mixture.

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Crafts from textiles

The rug in the bathroom do it yourself from the rest of the fabric, old things, unnecessary threads will be able to make every woman. To do this, do not even be able to sew or knit. The main thing is to be able to fantasize.

Old things

Of the old knitted T-shirts, the rug will be fluffy and soft. It is better to immediately dry after use.

For the manufacture, you will need old T-shirts as well:

  • dense tissue for the base from which 2 parts of the rug of the desired form and size taking into account the allowances of 1.5-2 cm;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • Threads.

Work begins with the preparation of knitted "tubes". Old clothes are cut into strips with a size of 10 × 2 cm and stretch each of them along. They are squeezed by rows perpendicular to the paw machine, one seam. Seam should walk in the middle of knitted blanks. When one row is ready, you begin to sewing the next row. For this, the ends of the tricted strips are rejected so as not to grab them in the second seam. The tubes for the next row are laid so that the distance between the first and second parallel seams was no more than 2-3 cm.

Perform a bending. On the basis of ocher knitted tubes from above, we put the second item without the tubes face to face and remove the ends of the strips inside. Both halves are stitched with each other, leaving 10-15 cm for turning. The rug turns on the front side and finish the seam manually.

From towels

Very easy to make a rug of old towels. We will need towels 3 different colors. They are cut along a strip of 4 cm wide. Take 3 strips of different colors and manually stitches the edges of the strips, putting them one on the other. From 3 strips a long pigtail will be thrown. To continue weaving, the ends of the strips stitches each other, observing their color. The resulting pigtail is spinning on the horizontal surface of the spiral so that it turns out a round or oval rug.

How to make a bath mat do it yourself?

Towel rug


There are many ways to make a pad for a bathroom from old jeans or dense matter. These options have one drawback - the threads that have to clean and because of their presence mat looks inactively. The next way solves these problems.

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How to make a bath mat do it yourself?

Denim mat

Bands of decorative double denim sling bands. Strips with silica are spiral before obtaining a circle of the desired size. The dimensions of such circles can be different. When 5-8 denim circles are ready, you can go to the assembly stage. Around the round blank of large size are smaller to get a flat flower. The places of contact of the "middle" and "petals" stitch.

Knitted crochet

Warm and nice to feet rug can be knitting with a crochet using multi-colored bags of cellophane.

How to make a bath mat do it yourself?

Knitted mat from multicolored cellophane packages

Stages of work:

  • Cut packets parallel to the bottom of the bottom on a strip of 1.5 cm wide;
  • strips to straighten to get a ring;
  • Rings bind each other through the loops resulting from each connected ring to get a two-layer tape;
  • Slow ribbon in the ball;
  • Tie a hollow using any knitting scheme.

From Pomponov

Pump rug will make bright positive notes in the interior of any bathroom. If many multi-colored clubs accumulated in the house, you can use them to such a product.

For the manufacture of pomponov, the threads are wrapped onto 2 folded bushings from toilet paper. To obtain a bulk pump, you need to wind the long thread on the sleeve. Then there is a short string between the bushings and, carefully taking out the sleeves, tightly pull it out, tapping a strong knot. The ends of the strings to leave: they will join Pompon. Scissors cut wound threads with 2 sides of the workpiece. Purchase a round shape, cutting the long ends.

If pumps are different, then the rug will look stylish. When a large number of pumps are scored, you can proceed to the assembly of the rug. The base is a semi-rigid grid. Multicolored pumps are chaotic or in the form of a pattern. Using the ends of the strings to bind all pumps to the mesh-based row. Multicolored ends from the wrong side cut off with scissors.


The cost of the rug in the bathroom varies from 600 rubles to several thousand and depends on the material and the number of pieces included. You do not need to buy expensive accessories in the bathroom: you can make a bathroom mat from the girlfriend with your own hands.

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