Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring


Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

There are a wide variety of schemes for embroidery winter, summer, autumn or spring landscape embroidery recently enjoy great popularity among experienced embroiderers. The embroidery schemes of the cross of landscapes of large sizes is not much different from small schemes, only the work itself will take more time and materials. If you like to embroider and it turns out well, then you will die with a big and beautiful landscape.

Embroidery in the Cross of the Winter Landscape: Subtleties

Embroidery itself is a work that requires special care and prettiness. If these are paintings of large size, then this work is doubly difficult. However, the lovers of this case are all over the shoulder, even if the creation of the picture will take a lot of time. Winter landscape in blue and white tones uses special demand.

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery with the winter landscape can give the interior of comfort and comfort

Winter - time when nature takes a time out and changes its paints on white and blue tones. At first glance it may seem that there is nothing difficult in performing this work. In fact, for embroidery landscape, there may be many shades of blue threads for the image of the winter sky. However, not only blue and white colors are involved in the winter embroidery, but also a variety of brown tones - for trees, orange and red - for winter sunset.

Winter landscapes are quite diverse - they can be depicted as a classic Russian winter, or in a fabulous style.

Original Cross Embroidery: Monochrum Landscapes

Pretty common recently became a monochrome-embroidery with a cross. Embroidery made in black and white looks simultaneously and simple and original.

What is the difference between one-color embroidery from the usual? Unlike ordinary colored embroidery, only black color is used in the monochrum. It can pass the background, and the object itself will be white or, on the contrary, black drawing on a white background. White threads can be used if you want to give a picture.

Tip: The contour type of monochrome embroidery is not entirely suitable for creating large paintings. The drawing will look cavo and unfinished.

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Monochl-embroidery is great for beginners, because when embroidered is used only one color

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Three types of monochrome embroidery are distinguished:

  1. Contour. The idea of ​​such embroidery involves the creation of only the contour of the pattern, the rest of the drawing remains empty. Such embroidery look original on portraits and small still lifes.
  2. Cross. The most difficult and painstaking work. Embroidered with a cross all drawing with black threads. Even despite the fact that only one gloomy color is used, the picture is rich and beautiful.
  3. Blackwork. In this style there are two colors - white and black. The paper uses the technique "Back Necklae". For experienced embroiderers, such work will be only joy, although Ion has its difficulties. To fill large parts, you can use the usual embroidery of the cross.

Cross-stitch: city landscapes in all its glory

For an apartment decorated in a modern style, high-tech is clearly not suitable Russian motifs or flowers with apples. In such apartments, urban landscapes will be very appropriate to look at the streets of megacities, famous sights and cozy cafes. Many different urban landscapes can be found in the Riolis embroidery catalog.

A set for embroidery urban landscapes includes embroidery, canvas and embroidery. It is suitable even for beginner embroidery.

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery in the form of an urban landscape inserted into a wooden frame, perfectly fit into the classic interior

For the embroidery of urban landscapes, it is best to use high-quality fabrics and threads, and ready to work in a wooden frame of a dark color.

Beautiful cities where we once visited the divorced bridges, clean streets - all this can be saved in memory not only with photos. We embroider familiar places and as if re-experiencing those emotions that surrounded us while traveling.

Embroidery of the cross of the sea landscape: underwater stones in performance

From the point of view of practical implementation almost no different from other types of embroidery. The richness of paints for the transfer of water color is blue, pink, turquoise, purple may be present in the work on the seabed. The mountain landscape includes rocks, and sea, and green vegetation on the slopes. All this looks insanely beautifully on embroidered paintings.

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Assortment of sets on the marine theme is quite wide:

  1. Beautiful sailboats in the light of the moon;
  2. Sea dawns and sunsets;
  3. Brigantines and ships with sails, based on Green, symbolizing wait and love;
  4. Storm and bad weather (paintings by Aivazovsky and other artists);
  5. Mountains with a turbulent waterfall or the smooth of the blue sea.

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidered marine landscape gives the interior of freshness and brings pleasant memories of rest on the sea

However, it should be borne in mind that embroider the sea is not very simple, you need to carefully approach the choice of the scheme, palette and the quality of the threads. The sea is inhomogeneous in color scheme and to portray it as accurately as possible in embroidery, you need to pick up a few shades of blue. A large selection of schemes on the theme of marine landscapes is provided by the manufacturer "Juno".

Select pictures for embroidery on the marine theme is very difficult, but any arterian master will definitely find a scheme to taste.

Embroidery with the cross of the autumn landscape: the rust of all sorts of shades

Landscapes of golden autumn are especially beautiful - both in art and in needlework. The autumn landscape, like spring, shakes the most varied paints. Embroidered trees that changed gold, really deserve special attention. Autumn motifs create a special comfort and bring calm and warmth.

Large paintings in the autumn motive on the shoulder only experienced craftsmen. A smooth transition of shades can be obtained only due to the thorough selection of Moulin.

The vision of the completed embroidered picture is the ability to which only experienced needlewomen are capable of.

How to create cross-stitch patterns: Little landscapes for every taste

Buying large sets of embroidery can be broken, because high-quality drawing, threads and fabric are not suiced. If you wish, you can not acquire the scheme, but to create a drawing on your own. Thanks to the Pattern Maker program, you can transfer absolutely any drawing to a sheet of paper - your favorite landscape, photo or portrait.

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Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

To independently create a landscape scheme, you need to find the picture and use the program on the computer

To get a small landscape using the program, you just need to download your favorite image into the application interface, select stitches, correct the color gamut and create the key to the diagram. You will get the finished scheme that will be enjoyed.

For those who are just learning to embroider perfectly suitable schemes for embroidery with a complete set - canvas and Moulin. All that will be required from you to buy a hoop and needle and have a desire to learn to embroider. Beginner needlewomen are better to purchase small embroidery schemes with a light pattern.

Small paintings look good in oval framework, while rectangular forms are better suited for large landscapes.

Cross-stitch Rustic landscape: Feel the breath of nature

The so-called Fedoskin miniatures are used in great demand in the category "Rural Landscapes". In the original - this is a mini-painting by oil, but modern needlewomen adapted to translate the image to a piece of fabric.

Forest and rural landscape especially love young needlewomen. A simple scheme is selected for embroidery, the color gamma includes basic colors without difficult transitions. Summer scenery of rural areas are pleasing to their diversity of meadow herbs, flowers, white birch and bright saturated paints.

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery with the image of a rustic landscape well will fit into the interior made in natural style

Rustic landscape embroidery looks well in the kitchen interior. They make notching a sunny day and warm air into the room.

Rural motifs on kitchen towels and patches will look very original.

How to embroider a cross landscapes of large sizes (video)

Embroidery, master spends not only finance for the purchase of an embroidery set, but also puts the soul and work into every work. With the right approach to this case, it is possible to make it very profitable. Recently, the demand for embroidery - shirts embroidered manually, so handmade is so appreciated.

Examples of embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes (photo photo)

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

Embroidery cross landscapes of large sizes: Schemes for free, sea and winter, urban and rustic, small monochrome, sets for autumn, summer and spring

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