Curtains for the kitchen in the style of Hi Tech: Rules


Selecting the curtains for the kitchen in the style of high-tech, it is necessary to take into account many requirements for textile products. Such sunscreen systems should be devoid of drapes, light, but cold tones are preferred as the main shades. Accessories for High-Tech style cannons can be colors of platinum, gold or silver. Despite the originality and visible simplicity of images, correctly selected curtains are able to emphasize all the charms of the selected stylistic direction and beat the strengths of the kitchen planning.

Curtains for the kitchen in the style of Hi Tech: Rules

Style features

High-tech interiors are becoming increasingly popular with admirers of modern design solutions. Images based on the use of principles of geometry, simple dense materials, strict and clear forms are particularly relevant to decorating the kitchen.

As practice shows, the most difficult in terms of implementation are styles forming from very simple ensembles. To find the right curtains for designing a kitchen window opening, you can seek help to professionals or try everything yourself.

In order to make a job with your own hands, you need to remember several rules.

  1. Kitchens, furnished in the style of high-tech, should be the most restrained. Considering the fact that the window opening occupies a significant part of the premises, the curtains play one of the most important roles in the interior, so they should clearly match the stylistics.
  2. From the usual tissues will have to abandon. The optimal option will be modern developments with firefare, moisture-resistant and pushing flames.
  3. Workers and decorative surfaces of the kitchen should be smooth. Curtains with a pronounced texture are not welcome.


    To diversify the appearance of the curtain, but at the same time not to deviate from the direction of High-tech, you can use non-standard ornaments, graphic images of complex mechanisms, photo printing similar subjects.

  4. Accessories are admissible, but they must be made of metal. Rivets, champs, lightning will look very harmonious and not the Pestro.
  5. Correspondures should also be made of metal. In this case, the figure forging and other decorations should be refused. The functional part must be as simple as possible.
  6. As for the color, the curtains in the style of high-tech for the kitchen do not accept the use of halftone, shades should be clear. It cannot be used more than two colors.

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In fact, the selection process of the curtain can be a bit more complicated than in words. Avoid traditional errors will help a pre-compound interior layout.

Curtains for the kitchen in the style of Hi Tech: Rules

What materials can be used?

So that the curtains in the desired style look appropriately and attached the appearance of the interior completion, to the choice of material of the canvas, it is necessary to take very seriously. The modern market offers quite interesting solutions.

  • Teflon coating fabric. It is almost not dirty, does not absorb moisture, allowing drops to just roll over the surface. Special protective sheath around the fibers pushes dirt and dust. Due to the density, such curtains are well holding the form and differ in resistance to wear.
  • There is a special material in which metal threads are introduced. Such curtains not only look original in the kitchen room, but also have high performance practices. Metal fibers are covered with a special film that does not allow the oxidation of the fabric and retains the initial type of matter for a long time.
  • It looks good in the interior weathered in the style of high-tech, and a cloth with a coating of polyvinyl chloride. The fabric treated on both sides, has increased strength, is not inclined to appear folds and stretch marks as a result of tension and is low cost.

Considering the specifics of the kitchen, it is necessary to give preference to tissues with pronounced fire prevention properties. The main decorative emphasis should be done on the texture of matter, and not on the image on the curtains.

Curtains for the kitchen in the style of Hi Tech: Rules

Tips for installing curtains

Kitchen curtains in the style of Hi-Tech need not only to pick up, but also to hang. Compliance with simple rules will help you perfectly select the proportion and transform even the easiest interior.

  1. The window will seem high if the cornice is set as high as possible. The optimal is considered to be fixed element at a distance of 10-30 cm from the top of the window opening. Otherwise, the appearance of the ensemble will noticeably suffer, and the amount of free space will visually decrease.
  2. The cornice should be long. It is necessary that he noticeably played beyond the windows. It is recommended to add a minimum of 10 cm on each side, so the window will seem wider, and the room is lighter and spacious.
  3. The length of the curtains takes the maximum. Short hi-tech style curtains are not welcome. The lower part of the web should be low from the floor by 2 cm. This will complete the image, but it will not create obstacles to cleaning.

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Drinking by the stylistic features of the design of the kitchen, it is impossible to forget that the curtains are sunscreen filters that must block the bright sun, drafts and hide from curious views.

Curtains for the kitchen in the style of Hi Tech: Rules


These professionals are able to turn the simplest modern interiors into real works of art, while the curtains account for the main load. If you stick to the basic rules and do not get involved in accessories, then make a kitchen even with your own forces quite simple.

Before getting to work, it is worth getting close to get acquainted with the features of High-Tech style. In all the variety of modern design directions, you can easily get confused if you do not understand which features characterize one or another style.

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