Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka


Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

These landscapes are loved by many embroiderers. For embroidery with the first large circuit, such a green picture is suitable as you can not have a better needlewoman around the world, the beauty of embroidered works has long been appreciated, as well as how interesting is the most beautiful scenery or still lifes from color threads, but you can create pictures from the animal world. An embroidery with a cross can be interesting, both children and adults, because here you can choose something for yourself for every taste.

Fascinating Cross Embroidery: Nature as Topics

At all times, people loved and love to enjoy beautiful landscapes. Each, as maybe, retains love-free views in memory or on various media.

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery - a fascinating process, the result of which is becoming obtaining an image on canvas or household items

For instance:

  • Paintings;
  • Photos;
  • Embroidery.

It often happens that the love of embroidery to children begin to instill in school in labor lessons or in class in various sections and circles on applied creativity. Such lessons pass not only quickly, but also interesting, developing love for beautiful in the child. Embroidery will be useful for a person of any age, both for children and adults.

Children with embroidery, especially cross, are developing a small motorcycle hand, and an adult will help to distract from the problems of carriers.

Embroidery landscapes favorably affect the internally state of a person, and it is not really difficult to embroider such a job.

Picturesque nature: Cross embroidery scheme for all

If you are just starting to get acquainted with the art of embroidery cross, pay attention to special sets. They are best suited for beginners.

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Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Flash. Round or square, plastic or wooden medium size (20-25 cm in diameter). It will be great if they have such a protracted mechanism. With it easier to adjust the tension of the fabric

The standard set usually includes:

  1. Canvas. The color of the canvas depends on the writer's idea, and can be any, but most often, it is white.
  2. Thread. Classic embroidery are threads Moulin. By the quality and composition of threads for embroidery, the question can be solved by yourself. You can also embed a cross with woolen threads, silk threads, threads with lumes. Depending on the quality and thickness of the threads for embroidery, they can be single, double and triple. Also, the embroidery form has an effect on the number of threads, for example, if it is not necessary for any embroidery section to be made in a tapestyle style, it is usually done with a single thread.
  3. Needle. It is not included in all manufacturers.
  4. Embroidery scheme. It can be, both color and black and white. Black and white schemes in the color of the threads are displayed using a variety of icons.

Embroidery schemes can be both small and quite voluminous. For those who are just starting to learn to embroider, it is best to choose sets with color schemes. In this case, it will be easier to compare the color layout of the threads of Moulin and corresponding to them in the color of the "squares" in the diagram, in addition, it will be possible to assume how ready-made embroidery will look like.

In order not to get confused in the canvas cells and in how many cells need to be closed, you can use a countable method, that is, by calculating the cells. For example: 5 red cells, 7 blue cells and so on.

In addition, another option is embroidery at first in one color, then another.

It also helps not get confused and make a mistake in the picture. Also, it is not necessary to miss that the embroidery scheme can be applied directly to the canvas. In this case, there will be no classical question for beginners: where and where to start?

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Good sets can be found among the brand products "needle". Their embroidery is one of the brightest, and among Igolochka products you will find a variety of embroidery on the topic of landscapes and nature.

Natural cross-embroidery: nature and landscapes

With the help of a needle and colored threads, you can "draw" the landscape is not worse than the paints on canvas. To create embroidery patterns with a cross, various pictures with landscapes can be used as well as photos.

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Diversity of embroidery embroidery options: these are landscapes and still lifes, images of people and animals, as well as much, much more

The dimensions of such pictures can be:

  • Large;
  • Small.

It will all be dependent on what kind of work and with what plot the person wants. For example, the mountains will look more spectacle on a large canvas, because it is precisely large sizes that can be allowed to work in detail the embroidery scheme, which means that each nuance paintings on the final canvase can be reflected.

Also, the final type of embroidery will depend on the location of the picture on the canvas.

It can be a vertical or horizontal position. The forest is most profitable for all the horizontal embroidery when the width is greater than the height, but the mountains will look better with a vertical location, then the embroidery itself and the mountain range depicted on it will strive up.

Now the plots of landscapes are becoming popular as:

  • Mountains, especially Mount Fuji.
  • Forest arrays.
  • Parks in summer or autumn time.
  • View of the lake or pond. There may also be birds on water, trees or forest.
  • Sea views.
  • Rustic species are also very popular now.

Thus, any person will be able to pick up a picture of embroidery to its taste and suitable, at the desires of a person, size.

Wildlife: cross-stitch in schemes (video)

Embroidery with the image of the landscape of any natural place is capable of not only to decorate the house, but also become an excellent gift for any celebration.

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Details: Cross-stitch nature (photo examples)

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

Embroidery with cross schemes of nature: download landscapes for free, sets for novice children, needle and igolochka

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