Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions


Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork will help the original interior of the house with minimal discrepancing techniques of patchwork sewing, called the shared word Patchwork, have long been popular around the world. Initially, this kind of needlework appeared as a way of saving and reuse tissue residues. And now this is a whole direction, not only useful and comfortable things are created in the technique of patchwork sewing, but also whole masterpieces. Many people in different countries chose Patchworks their hobby and perfect their skills with might and main, shaking ideas and patterns. How can I apply the techniques of a patchwork at home? Unusual patchwork ideas:

New Year's ideas

An excellent solution for the New Year and Christmas design of the house can be various things made in the technique of patchwork sewing. Thus, you can make gifts for relatives and friends with your own hands, as well as a festive decor. Patchwork ideas on Christmas topics include various panels with traditional ornaments, all souvenirs, as well as Christmas stockings for gifts. You can sew an unusual and bright decorative skirt for the Christmas tree. Different patchwork ideas in many are presented on the Internet, special books are produced. There you will find a photo for inspiration.

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

A decorative rug for a small Christmas tree will decorate any New Year Iquiban

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

New Year's napkins and tapes will decorate a festive table, and decorative pads will become an indispensable attribute in the recreation area

For decoration of the festive table, you can also use patchwork. Stands for cutlery, made of loskuts, will decorate the feast and give the room an elegant and unusual look. You can also make christmas toys, and garlands, and even a star on a christmas tree maquer. Your fantasy is not limited to anything!

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So, New Year's patchwork ideas for inspiration:

  • Christmas decorations;
  • Girlands on the Christmas tree;
  • Garlands for room design;
  • Socks for gifts;
  • Skirt under the Christmas tree decorative;
  • Coasters under the plates;
  • Boarder for the kettle;
  • Sofa pillows;
  • Blankets and bedspreads.

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Decorative elements in the technique of Patchwork will make a festive atmosphere in any interior

Ideas for children

Most of the whole patchwork is appropriate in the children's room. It is there that I want to see bright, cozy and emotionally warm things. The things performed with their own hands always turn out to be special, can not be two identical. Sewing things for children can become an excellent occupation for the future mother. For the children's room it is better to choose warm, calm colors and traditional patterns. It will also be wonderfully looking in children's various patchwork with applications.

Most often, the decoration of the children's bedroom involves sewing blankets in the technique of Patchwork or Quilting.

Quilt is a seganal patchwork having a filler. Most often - blanket.

There is a feeling that the patchwork was created specifically for the design and decoration of rooms in which children live. It is there that are most appropriate bright colors and unusual textures. You can somehow sew patchwork things in the style of your favorite animals and fairy tales, as well as withstand the overall color style. The photo can also be drawn from the network or books.

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Quilting and patchwork for a crib - calm sleep of your baby

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork Children's Room Decor is able to make the life of a small inhabitant of fabulous

So, Patchwork ideas for nursery:

  1. Blankets: Mosaic or made in quiliate;
  2. Bedspread;
  3. Pillows;
  4. Toys;
  5. Curtains;
  6. Mats;
  7. Toy storage baskets;
  8. Pockets for trifles;
  9. Decorative panels;
  10. Soft sides for a crib.

You can come up with many more ways to apply patchwork in the interior of the nursery.

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Patchwork novelties

A huge variety of products in the technique of patchwork sewing can be applied in almost any interior. The photo for inspiration is easy to find on thematic sites. Gifts for friends and relatives, studies for home, made with their own hands, various interior items, accessories, even clothes - all that will tell you inspiration.

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

From the flap you can make the original gift with your own hands

New items is that now produce and sell a lot of special products for patchwork. If before the patchwork sewing used the remains of the fabrics from other, larger products, now the fabric is often bought specifically. However, it is not necessary, here it will be how you want.

Also for serious classes with patchwork sewing needlewomen often buy special sewing machines - fragrant, or plays. This technique gives more opportunities and freedom to sewing from the flaps. But if there is no opportunity to purchase special equipment, or if the patchwork has not yet become so serious in passion, the usual sewing machine is also quite suitable.

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Cozy Warm Plaid or Patchwork Blanket Transform Interior of any Bedroom

Ideas for inspiration, things for home do it yourself and other needlework joys:

  • Bags, beach and casual bags;
  • Patchwork skirts, bright and fun. In the trendy style of Bocho Chic, or hippie;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Organizer in the bag;
  • Pencil pencils and pencils;
  • Pockets for storing various trifles;
  • Bedspread;
  • Blankets;
  • Mats;
  • Capes on sofas and armchairs;
  • Chair covers;
  • Decorative pillows;
  • Tablecloths;
  • Curtains;
  • Soft pillows on stools, with holders;
  • Tag and mittens for the kitchen;
  • Stands are hot
  • Floors on the kettle;
  • Decorative panels.

New in Patchwork: Fresh ideas (video)

Patchwork is a constantly developing direction of creativity. Constantly appear new drawings and ornaments, various techniques. Special tissues produced, new prints and textures appear. Patchwork sewing firmly entered our lives. In each house, there will probably have at least one patchwork. It can be presented to you things made by your own hands, or purchased in art salons. Or maybe this is some kind of thing transmitting in your family from generation to generation? Anyway, the fascinating kaleidoscope of the flasks will not leave indifferent neither an adult or a child. Traditional ornaments of different countries, as well as new trends and techniques and guarantee an interesting lesson in many years in a fondant patchwork man.

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Patchwork in the interior (photo gallery)

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

Patchwork ideas for inspiration: photos, novelties of patchwork sewing and quilting, New Year's ideas for home with their own hands, video instructions

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