Bathroom stone sink


Bathroom stone sink

The key object of the bathroom furnishings is a sink. After all, it is most often the households and their guests use.

These plumbing devices can be installed both on the floor and attached to the wall. And the materials from which they are produced, please any taste. Despite all the advantages of ceramic products, there are increasingly sinks of glass, wood, metal, stone. In this article, consider the last of them, namely stone.

Bathroom stone sink

Thanks to its luxurious appearance and fashion on natural natural materials, such washbasins are becoming increasingly popular. Having preference to the stone sink, the bathroom with her will acquire not only the modern appearance personifying wealth, but also create the right energy of the room, the feeling of purity and coziness will give.


To be confident in the correctness of your choice, you need to know the advantages of stone washbasins.

First of all, they are appreciated for such qualities as:

  • High strength;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Durability;
  • Hygienicity;
  • Rich texture;
  • Delicious appearance.

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink


Disadvantages of stone shells are also available, but not so much. This is a rather heavy weight product and high cost. The last paragraph more refers to washbasins from natural materials. Artificial can be found at a very reasonable price, especially since only a large connoisseur can distinguish such from the real. It is also known that some unnatural types of stone are not resistant to mechanical damage and half consist of chemicals.

Bathroom stone sink

Natural material has another weighty minus - it is difficult to care, but it is inherent in surfaces that do not have a special water-repellent varnish.


Today there are a wide variety of model washbasins.

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Stone products can also be of different configurations:

  • Round;
  • Square;
  • Conical;
  • Rectangular;
  • Cylindrical;
  • Individual form.

Also, these plumbing devices are combined with countertops, embedded, or mounted on top of them or install individually, at the request of the owner.

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink



The texture of the washbasins depends on the type of stone, not always the material can be 100% natural. Most of them are made from acrylic stone, or composite materials (consisting of marble or granite crumbs) with the addition of polymers (against cracking) and coloring substances (giving a wide color gamut).

Also for production can use porcelain stoneware or agglomerate with the addition of the same synthetic binders. Despite this, the sinks of artificial stone always look win-win and look very natural.

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink


From natural materials for the production of shells are mainly used marble, granite or onyx. Popular and plumbing from basalt and travertine are becoming.

Read more about them in the article about the sinks of natural stone.

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Suitable bathroom style

Choosing a stone shell for his bathroom, it is important that she harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. A pre-thought-out room design will facilitate the task.

You are not mistaken if you prefer Eco-style which is performed from natural materials and gives a feeling of unity with nature.

Bathroom stone sink

Classic, Ar Deco or Even Antique Style Also suitable. They will show restraint, sophistication and majesty.

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Bathroom stone sink

Stone washbasin of non-standard shape supplement bathroom design made in unusual Art-art style . It combines quality, aesthetics, naturalness and natural images - this is a style for art lovers.

Colonial style It will be necessary to taste those who love exotic. This area allows you to combine incomparable things, such as objects of ultra-modern technologies with products from natural materials.

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