Curtains on a window with a balcony door: Rules for selecting the optimal design


The balcony is an indisputable advantage of any room that provides fresh air access, brings closer with nature and even visually adds a few free space. The curtains for the balcony door and the window adjacent to it should not only fit into the decor, but also strengthen the functional advantages. Due to the variety of modern sunscreen systems and curtain materials, it is not difficult to choose the optimal option. It is only necessary to correctly use asymmetry characteristic of this case or adjust it.

Curtains on a window with a balcony door: Rules for selecting the optimal design

Sunscreen requirements recommended materials

The design of the window opening with a balcony door requires a serious approach to the selection of the type of construction, its shape and auxiliary parts. The finished sunscreen system must comply with certain parameters.

  1. It is impossible to allow the door opening to become a problem, and the inependent curtain clinging furniture or decor elements.
  2. Curtains on the balcony door and the window must be harmonized with each other. This is a single element of the interior, which cannot be broken with the help of different decoration.
  3. The overall window opening can become an excellent source of natural lighting. It is worth a beat with daytime curtains made of light light fabric.
  4. If a balcony or loggia is a separate room with its own light regulation system, then the tissue density for the curtains does not play a special role.
  5. Selecting the accessories, it is necessary to remember the correct use of the asymmetry of the image and the need to ensure full access to the balcony door.
  6. The color of the design should not attract unnecessary attention. Window opening with a balcony takes a lot of space. If you decorate it in contrasting shades, it will become the center of the interior and eclipses all the items of the decor.

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The remaining demands depend on the features of the interior, individual preferences and the type of room.

Almost everything can be used as materials. The following solutions are most popular:

  • Plastic. It is used when decorating the room with the help of blinds. It is characterized by the fact that it allows to beat the image of the image and its asymmetry to the smallest detail.
  • The cloth. It may be with a pattern and without high density and amazing lightness. Fabric curtains offer the maximum number of window design options.


Fissure curtains accompanied by a variety of accessories or massive parts significantly reduce the ability of the opening to skip light. In this case, the airiness and lightness that distinguish the windows with a balcony is almost eliminated.

  • Bamboo. Environmentally friendly and variety of weaving techniques allows you to make originality in the interiors decorated in a laconic style.

Often the curtains on the balcony door sew from ordinary tulle. This ensures the image lightness, high-quality natural lighting of the room, the maximum of free space.

Curtains on a window with a balcony door: Rules for selecting the optimal design

The most suitable types of curtain designs for window opening with a balcony door

There are certain types and forms of sunscreen systems, ideally emphasizing the advantages of window openings with access to the balcony.

  • Curtains "Cafe". Romantic and charming option using numerous rocks and frills. Such curtains perfectly fit into the interior design in the style of Country, Provence, Shebbi-Chic. Design is not suitable for neutral rooms. According to experts, this is the perfect solution for the kitchen.
  • Classic porks with pickups. Smooth cloth curtains on both sides of the window are a universal decorating option. The cornice in this case is better to choose the ceiling. The design is most mobile, allows you to freely control the curtains. Pickup on the side of the window opposite to the balcony door will create an additional asymmetry that will look very appropriate. This option is often accompanied by curtains with a contrasting lining, which becomes visible when using pickup. The image looks original and fresh. An additional plus of the designer solution is a visual pulling of the height of the ceilings.
  • Roman curtains. Very non-standard, but attractive designer step - the use of individual roman curtains for the window and the balcony doors. This is the most practical and functional option that does not require significant financial investments, does not imply trouble for working with curtains and cloth care.
  • Japanese curtains. Laconic and maximum simple panels without folds, accessories and unnecessary additions are elementary in management and, undoubtedly, attractive. The use of multi-row structures makes it possible to infinitely change the image and control the degree of illumination of the room. It is worth considering that this type of decor is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of free space on the sides of the window opening for shifting the planks.

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A separate place in this area of ​​decoration is borrowing. The most simple or combined sunscreens systems with wide or narrow slats are especially valued for saving space, practicality and attractiveness in simplicity.

Curtains on a window with a balcony door: Rules for selecting the optimal design

From function - to the decor

The decor of the window opening should emphasize the dignity of the planning, mask its disadvantages, harmoniously combine all interior items and fit the appointment of the room. To facilitate the selection of the optimal option, the specialists drawn up a list of designer solutions that are ideal for certain premises.

When decorating the living room or bedroom, it is worth trying including non-standard options.

  • Composition of blinds with curtains. In this case, high-quality room lighting control is ensured and the proper level of design. The optimal combination is horizontal blinds with thin lamellas and curtains made of lightweight fabric on recordings or decorative loops.
  • Plears curtains acting as an independent element or in combination with tissue curtains. Here, simplicity and practicality are.
  • Vertical blinds of the same or asymmetric length. The mobility of the design will allow you to easily use the door.
  • Rolled and roman curtains. Charm options are that products can be complemented by various accessories and accents without the risk of reducing the functionality of the curtains and their lighting ability.
  • Symmetric or asymmetric classic. Models with pickup, drapering, using several layers of fabric are possible.

When decorating the kitchen, it is necessary to rely on the following factors.

  1. Whatever decor elements are used, they must be made of repulsive dirt and water of matter. The flammable tissues cannot be used, especially in close proximity to the stove.
  2. Independent horizontal blinds will take at least a place, will provide a worthy design of both the window and the doors, they will not need difficult care.
  3. Roman curtains and curtains "Cafe" will not only provide a suitable decor, but also be happy with their mobility.

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There is another important point - when decorating a balcony door and the window adjacent to it should not use metal, wooden and massive plastic accessories. Such details will create constant noise, causing irritation.

Curtains on a window with a balcony door: Rules for selecting the optimal design


It is not so difficult to issue a balcony, you just need to remember the functional side of the issue and rely on your taste. You should not divert with accessories, the image is easy to overload, despite its dimensions.

Selecting the length of the curtain, it is important to take into account the fact that if the balcony has to go out regularly, the option with curtains falling on the floor will not work. Otherwise, the panels will have to wash too often.

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