Interior of a small bedroom 9 sq. M do it: the rules of registration (photo)



Urban apartments do not differ in a large area, and sometimes it is necessary to accommodate much. It is especially noticeable to the bedroom, where the installation is not only the bed, but also the cabinet for things.

Interior of a small bedroom 9 sq. M do it: the rules of registration (photo)

The bet must be made on the bright colors of the materials for finishing the walls and the ceiling, as well as furniture and bed linen.

Often, this room immediately performs several functions at once - this is the role of the living room, a cabinet and even a nursery for quite small. That is why the interior of the bedroom with an area of ​​up to 9 m² is so hard to plan. It is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room, i.e. the children's it will be a bedroom for adults. Particular attention is paid to the color, selection of accessories, lighting.

Interior for kids

Interior of a small bedroom 9 sq. M do it: the rules of registration (photo)

Figure 1. To save space, you need to make a two-level system: upstairs bed, and at the bottom of the game and the working area.

The interior of the bedroom for children is recommended to do in a classic style. Furniture to pick up simply. If you live in the room there will be 2 children, then the bed is better to purchase a two-story. The same design option can be used for one child, but the bed itself will be upstairs, and the bottom can be organized at the bottom, place for study and games, boxes for linen and toys, as shown in Fig. one.

The color solution is more complicated than for an adult bedroom. Walls can be decorated with wallpapers with images of fabulous heroes, in such a room it is necessary to pay more attention to the bright and joyful tones. The furniture is chosen the most necessary, it is impossible to make a room close and stuffy. The same imposes its mark and the choice of materials for finishing. Only natural products are suitable, synthetics are not recommended.

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Modern style in an adult room

A bedroom for adults can be decorated in a modern, quite cut style. The classic is not always suitable here, as the furniture in this style is a bulky, occupying a lot of space. The main space in this case takes the bed, and this is about 4 m².

Bedside tables are not used, but it can be compensated by built-in wardrobes, beds with cabinets, drywall structures.

The interior of such a bedroom is the most simple as possible, it must be in bright, you can even overload it, you should not overload it to accessories. In addition to the bed, installing a linen, shelves, a television panel on the wall, a small working table for a computer, as in Fig. 2.

Color Solution for Compact Bedroom

Figure 2. Using the design of drywall, you can make built-in wardrobes, shelves, cabinets, a place for highlighting.

The interior of the bedroom must be performed in the corresponding colors so that the room is obtained as light and comfortable. Designers are recommended when planning a design to use such tips:

  1. Great for bedrooms are suitable mint, light green colors, a shade of a young greenery, a transparent greenish color. This finish soothes, contributes to relaxation, an example can be viewed in Fig. 3.
  2. For a very small bedroom it is recommended to take the color of ivory, pure white, sand, grayish, linen, milk. It gives sophistication, the sophistication of the situation, in which case it will not seem cold.
  3. Blue, blue color is best suited for wall decoration, they give airiness, feelings of freshness of the situation.
  4. Inhabitant shades of solar yellow, golden, orange colors. They are used for walls, bed linen.

Not recommended for a small bedroom to take the following options:

  • any contrasting combinations, including white and black;
  • purple intense color;
  • Bright shades of red, yellow colors.

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Little bedroom design rules

Interior of a small bedroom 9 sq. M do it: the rules of registration (photo)

Figure 3. Bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation, so the "soft" shade of green is best suited for finishing the room.

The bedroom requires the choice of such materials that would not be distracted from recreation. You should not use tissues and accessories with glitter, too small pattern, dark or too bright colors. The problem is that such a finish is very tiring, in such a room it is simply impossible to relax normally, and after all, it is the rest and is the main purpose of the bedroom. It is best for the walls to choose matte wallpaper with the texture of natural fabric, and natural canvas themselves from velvet and velor themselves are also excellent. This option will give the room more comfort.

The ceilings are best painted in a clean white color to give the room more volume. Suitable stretch ceilings with a picture of a blue day sky, clouds. Colored ceilings are popular today, but it should be bright and soft shades, the drawing on them should not be too striking. For the floor, the laminate is well suited, the usual parquet, the coating is recommended to be laid on the diagonal. It gives the room visually more than space, in addition, a natural tree or imitation is pleasant to walk even with bare feet. This floor is warm, its color is soft, creating a certain mood.

Furniture for the bedroom should be chosen extremely simple, it should not be much, and it does not fit a large headset to the room with an area of ​​nine square meters. The optimal option is to use folding beds with linen boxes, a wardrobe. If necessary, you can install a small table for work, but only when there is no possibility to put it in other apartments.

The optimal option is built-in furniture and furniture transformer. This allows the use of compact objects of the situation, which have maximum functionality, while they take not so much space in the folded state. The bed can have built-in bedside tables, bedding compartments and things, you can install shelves for books, baubles. The wardrobe for small bedrooms is the perfect option, as it holds numerous compartments without occupying a lot of space. Its door usually itself is a decorative element, it can be a mirror, have a beautiful drawing.

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The interior colors are selected only neutral, pastel. It is best to use one color, but different shades. Pictures and too intricate patterns in this case are absolutely not suitable, as they can make the bedroom visually much less. There are no strict rules for choosing a color solution, but it must be remembered that by creating a bedroom interior of 9 square meters. m, it is better to use light, not dark tones, since they make the room more and more comfortable.

Small-sized bedrooms 9 square meters. M are distinguished by numerous features relating to the planning. It is not only a choice of furniture, but also the correct selection of color, accessories and even style. It is necessary to observe maximum caution, otherwise the room will turn out to be dark, uncomfortable, unattended for rest.

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