How to convert the interior of the hall with your own hands?


The atmosphere in any house depends entirely on competently selected interior design. And especially this statement is fair when it comes to one of the main houses of the dwelling. The design of the hall with their own hands in the house is easy. But what it will be convenient and comfortable or, on the contrary, uncomfortable and repulsive with the chaotic selection of decor elements, this is another question. If it is decided to change the interior of the hall in the house, then the recommendations later will help in many ways.

How to convert the interior of the hall with your own hands?

The interior of the hall must be performed in harmonious colors, the furniture should not bother the room.

Since the household in this room will conduct a considerable part of their time, going to the family, taking guests, the interior of the hall in the house should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Our apartments do not shine large areas, it means that someone from family members have to sleep in the common room. Holding to design the interior of the hall, you should not forget about it (Fig. 1).

How to convert the interior of the hall with your own hands?

Figure 1. When choosing furniture for the hall, the main condition is convenience, and does not matter to fabric it or leather.

The sofa in this case should be transformer and it is easy to perform the role of a full-fledged bed. And even better, if the orthopedic mattress is placed on it. The rest of the furniture should be chosen, given the habits of all family members. In other words, you need to think over such moments:

  • Whether the workplace will be located in the hall;
  • Is there a tradition in the family to collect crowded feast on weekdays and on holidays (if so, then you should think about the presence of a large sliding table);
  • Whether it is permissible to put a spacious cabinet under clothes;
  • Is there a solid library in the house for which it is necessary to find a secluded place with protection against direct light and dusting.

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Choose style in the interior of the hall

Choosing a style solution for the design of the living room yourself, you should be guided by the preferences of households, and then look at the trendy trends and trends. If you decide to follow only fashion, then be prepared every year to change the design of the hall.

Classic style in the interior of the hall is just that Golden Middle, which will help to cope with the situation. Since the classic is not subject to strong change and relevant at all times, then the design of the hall will not have to at least several years (Fig. 2).

Choose finishing materials in the interior of the hall


How to convert the interior of the hall with your own hands?

Figure 2. Classic style in the interior of the hall is relevant at all times, so it will always look modern and beautiful.

If you look for the perfect floor covering, then until recently there was a carpet or a carpet. If we decide in their favor, even in winter it will be possible to walk on the floor barefoot.

In addition to this, the fluffiness of the carpet is either carpet visually turns around the design of the hall with warmth and comfort. The coating is advisable to arrange or throughout the perimeter of the floor or in its central zone.

But the carpet is already becoming past, since fashion, as noted above, changeable. The complexity in the maintenance and accumulation of static electricity, the possibility of an allergic reaction - all this causes to get rid of this material.

The variety of decorative options and the availability in price deservedly endowed the laminate of the palm of the championship in home repairs. Laminated coating provides interior with stylish. Starting the installation of the laminate, it should be provided for the presence of the so-called substrate. Its presence is explained by the need to smooth base for laying the main coating. If finances allow, it is better to put a plug or natural tree.

Decorating the ceiling zone.

How to convert the interior of the hall with your own hands?

Figure 3. Choosing furniture items, it is necessary to pay attention not only to its attractiveness, but also functionality.

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The optimal solution is the arrangement of the stretch ceiling. Especially if the repair is carried out on their own and without the presence of the necessary skills. It is possible that the careful alignment of the ceiling with its subsequent staining will cost a little cheaper. But what can be compared with the beauty of the mounted ceiling construction? Especially now, when the invention of builders began to supply LEDs creating scattered lighting or starry sky effect.

The combination of designs from drywall with embedded lamps will give any unusual view to any hall. Particularly impressive looks on your head.

Registration of walls.

Practicing specialists prefer to combine painted walls with salaby surfaces. Wallpapers can be selected with the pattern, the paint applies one tone. Fashionable use photo wallpaper.

Selection of furnishing option

Choosing furniture items, it is important to navigate not only on its attractiveness, but also take into account functionality. The latter is very relevant for living rooms that do not differ in the large number of square meters (Fig. 3).

How to convert the interior of the hall with your own hands?

To save space, the TV can be placed on the wall.

Most often use a set of upholstered furniture (sofas with armchairs). It is diluted with a coffee table, a home cinema and music center.

For solemn ceremonies in the hall must accommodate the table. It must be compact or team-collapsible.

In the recreation area, they put up home furniture, and on the contrary, the equipment is set (the panel from the cinema or TV).

Until some point, it was considered popular to install a furniture wall in the hall, the functionality of which was under a big doubt. But she was well accumulated dust, having fun regularly. Today, such bulky structures replaced light racks, where many accessories are placed, photos within, books, albums and discs.

Choosing a sofa, it is important to provide for landing sites on it to get everyone living in the house. Not bad with this task, the transforming furniture is coped, which, if necessary, will take additional people.

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Color decoration

Many already know how one or another can affect the perception and psyche of man. We will not repeat. Ways only from excessive use of red. This color is very active and in the subconscious associates with danger, therefore it may cause a feeling of anxiety. You should not overload the interior of the hall with various objects in red.

Bright colors encourage active life. But the living room is not a gym, so the choice of color scheme should be more reasonable, should be stopped on calm shades. Accessories must be combined in color with a common color solution in the hall and with its stylistic direction.

It follows with attention to the selection of curtains for the hall. The model of the curtains can be chosen absolutely any, if only she answered the style of the room. The only type of curtain, which will be inappropriate in the hall, is, of course, blinds. Such curtains on the windows will cause room associations with the office.

Above it was considered that it can be used to transform the main room at home.

Decide that from this you can use in relation to your situation.

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