Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria


Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

When you think about the future design of the bathroom, every little thing is important. Including, it is necessary to carefully approach its choice. Previously, most shells in the houses were ceramic or cast-iron. However, now designers offer increasingly bold design solutions, including models from materials such as steel, wood, stone and glass. In this article we will discuss in more detail on the review of popular glass shells recently.

Since glass shells in our country appeared not so long ago, did not still have aware of how practical they are. Let's try to deal with their advantages and disadvantages together.

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria


Erroneous opinion

H. Controlness is not a disadvantage. This widespread conviction erroneously. The fact is that for such products, a particularly durable tempered glass is used. It is not afraid of scratches and chips. Of course, such a sink can crack, but the chances of this are not higher than when using ceramic shell.

Another frequent fear is often lies in the fact that from under glass sinks parts of the mixer or rusty tap pipes can be visible. However, there is no reason for concern - they are mounted along with special chrome-plated pipes and components that perfectly complement the glass sink and give the bathroom with a modern look.

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria


Minuses of glass shells:

  • The need is often washed and wipe, So that it remains divorces. This is really so - divorces on the glass sink are more noticeable. However, they usually choose only those who carefully follow that everyone in their house looks modern and stylish. If you decide to acquire a glass sink, we believe, wipe it once again with a cloth after use will not be much difficult for you.
  • Cost can scare away Some potential buyers, as it is an order of magnitude higher than those familiar with all models from Sanafayans or Metal. However, buying it, remember that you acquire an elite plumbing, which will serve you faithfully for many years.

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Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria


Pluses of glass shells:

  • Appearance . No one will argue that they look very stylish, elegant and beautiful. Just imagine how the flow of water flowing down along a shiny glass surface.
  • Design universal - They will fit into any interior and in any style, from the classics to modern. In addition, they are ideal for the interior, which uses several colors simultaneously.
  • There are many colors and shades In which your sink can be performed. You can order both completely transparent and matte model. In fact, the color range is limited only by your fantasy and manufacturer's skill.
  • They are not completely afraid of sharp temperature drops. A special glass hardening technology allows you to achieve this.
  • Such models weigh much less than standard cast iron or porcelain, so they are easier to mount them.

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Mounting Types

Depending on which design is used to install the sink, the following types are distinguished:

  • hinged (soar);
  • models on the stand;
  • Built-in.

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria


Hinged sinks allow you to save space and therefore ideal for small bathrooms. When using them, it is very important to carefully hide all the fasteners and engineering communications elements. One of the varieties are the angular sinks that many are also called our clothesons.

On the stand

Models on the stand can be both monolithic and consisting separately from the sink and the stand to it. Some models are attached additionally to the wall. The stand is hidden all communications. They look reliable and durable.


Built-in sinks can be mounted both in a simple worktop, and in a special bedside table, in which all pipes are hidden. They can only be used in bathrooms with a large square, as they themselves are enough dimensions.

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Forms and colors

Glass shells can be of a variety of shapes. Standard are oval and rectangular shape. There are also their varieties: square and round sinks. However, glass is so plastic material that some companies are engaged in the manufacture of unique models to order. For example, you can find the sink performed in the form of a waterfall or flower.

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

The color and texture of glass shells largely depends on the technology of their manufacture. At the moment there are three ways:

  • Melting and hardening. With this method of manufacturing, the pieces of glass of the desired colors are first melted together, and then hardened by a sharp temperature difference. As a result, the layer is obtained, which then give the right shape, first heating it again, and then sharply sting. According to such technology, both matte and transparent and sinks of various colors and shades are manufactured.
  • Blown or blowing glass It is fundamentally different by manufacturing technology. It first "blow out" with the help of special equipment and tools, and then boot at high temperatures for 48 hours. As a rule, blown glass is transparent, however, it can have different intersions.
  • In mosaic shells The pieces of multicolored glass first are tightly glued to the inner surface of the already tempered glass cigarette of thin glass, and all this is overtook. After that, the space between the pieces of glass is filled with a special mixture of sand and painted cement, all this is covered with a sealant and protective layer of varnish.

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

As for the color gamma directly, the choice is huge here. The wizard can achieve absolutely any color glass. In some sinks manufactured by the first method described above, several layers of multi-colored glass are used. It should also be noted the glass models for marble, which are performed using a special technology from glass of three or more different colors.

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Criterias of choice

The selection criteria are the same as when choosing any other type.

  • Decide with the type of glass shell by mounting. It is best to proceed from what type your communication systems are calculated. If you are planning to make overhaul of the entire bathroom, including the replacement of pipes and laying a new tile, this item is not so important. However, if you plan to replace the plumbing alone, for example, this item is key.
  • Carefully consider the product before purchasing. He should not have any chips or air bubbles inside. If any, it speaks of low product quality.
  • Ask the seller in the store about the presence of a guarantee. Many models manufacturers provide a warranty from 1 to 5 years.
  • Determine the size and shape of the sink. Its size depends on the total area of ​​your bathroom, as well as what functions of the sink should be performed in your home.
  • Finally, do not forget that the sink should fit into your bathroom in style and color scheme.

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Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria


  • Every day, the product is exposed to the mass of chemicals: toothpaste, little, shaving foam, etc. Meanwhile, on a glass sink, various contaminants, a plaque and divorces are significantly more visible, compared with other types. Therefore, they need to wash more often and wipe away from water drops.
  • Despite the fact that glass shells can withstand the temperature differences even at 70 degrees, it is not recommended to expose them to liquids with a temperature of more than 120 degrees in order not to increase the risk of cracking.
  • It is possible to wash them with any detergent, except abrasive.
  • Very often, the breakdown of glass shells are the result of incorrect installation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not deal with it yourself, but to entrust the installation of professional plumbing, which will be familiar with the grounds with glass. For example, drainage on the glass sink can only be delayed manually.

Glass sink: advantages and selection criteria

See the following video about various nuances.

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