Angle sink - save space as much as possible


Angle sink - save space as much as possible

The desire of modern buyers to the creation of maximum comfort and convenience in the bathroom room, as well as fashion trends of recent years, dictate their own rules for the design and installation of plumbing. The angular sink is the embodiment of the style and a reasonable approach to the use of the bathroom space. The washbasin placed in the corner, perfectly suitable for the bathroom of any style.

Dimensions and types of corner shells for the bathroom

The main advantage of the angular washbasin is that its form allows you to correctly organize and effectively use the space. Such sinks can be established so that it will take the place that when using ordinary plumbing equipment usually remained empty and could not be rationally used.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

There are three main varieties of the corner washbasin. Consider each of them.


It is a very popular model. The set to the sink is a leg, which hides the pipes and siphon, its usual height is 70 cm or 80 cm.

The sinks of the sink can be the most different, and the style of the design and color execution can be chosen for every taste. The only inconvenience of such structures is that the sink space is not used as a maximum. Especially important is for small bathrooms, where under the sink it is convenient to store products for cleaning or other little things if you install the locker instead of the leg.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible


The convenient option at which there is a lot of free sink, which allows it to effectively use it for the necessary needs. For example, under the sink, you can put not only a basket for dirty clothes, but even set the washing machine.

Suspended shells for the washing machine mounting are equipped with a special siphon and sink has a flat bottom.

Suspension sinks also have some drawbacks, one of them is that communication is outside. Therefore, a special siphon is used, which is made from decorative materials, as polished stainless steel or chrome copper. To connect the mixer, also use special tubes.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Embedded washbasin

It is usually installed on a special tube, so it is also called Moidodyr. Also, this type of sink can be embedded in a suspended worktop. This model takes more space than other varieties of washbasins. But this minus is compensated by a multitude of advantages, because the Tumba can be used for storing many things and means.

Also this model can be supplemented with a mounted corner wardrobe with a mirror, which will allow you to keep personal hygiene belongings. It can be concluded that the embedded sink is the best option, although it has a slightly large size.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

The kit of the corner of the sink and the tubes has different overall dimensions, the length of the parties adjacent to the walls may vary from 35x35 cm to 70x70 cm. Along or asymmetrical sets are also used among buyers. This option will be a good solution if the corner of the bathroom is disproportionate.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Therefore, the sets of angular sink and the cabinets can be two types:

  • Left-sided models have the sink on the right, and the additional surface of the left;
  • Right-sided model where the sink is located on the left, and the additional surface of the right.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Classification based on materials

In the process of production of angular washbasins in the toilet or bathroom, a large number of different materials are used. Sinks from ceramics, artificial stone or glass are vastly popular in the plumbing market. For lovers of luxury and exclusivity, there are washbasins from copper, bronze and natural stone. Sinks from expensive materials mainly produce to order. Each material has its own unique properties, advantages and disadvantages.

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Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Let's get acquainted in detail with basic materials for the manufacture of corner shells.


Produced from the burned clay, from which, depending on the production technology, you can make porcelain or faience.

In the manufacture of porcelain, kaolin is burned, as a result, sanitary porcelain is obtained - high density material, solid, but with small strength indicators. It is distinguished by ringing and clean sound when tapping, as well as on the break, you can see the white texture of the material.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Fayans is a stronger material than porcelain. Sanatayans density is lower, and the structure is more porous. Fayans produces a deaf sound, regardless of the thickness of the material. Due to the physical properties and the porous structure, fayans over time loses its primary appearance. On the surface there are cracks that darken from dirt.

Ceramics uses stable demand in the consumer market, but many modern materials are significantly superior to ceramic products in operational qualities and durability. Another disadvantage of ceramic shells is a small selection of forms and design options.


Organically complement any interior of the bathrooms.

With the help of glass, it is possible to implement even the most original idea into reality. Experienced glass windows can create a real masterpiece and give the product any form.

The rich palette of color shades, mixing various colors, matte coating, sandblast drawing, painted on glass - just small part of the list of possible decoration of glass shells.

A huge range of shells, where a special place is allocated to the angular samples, allows you to choose a beautiful and high-quality product.

The only restriction is your budget. Glass sink will be the original element of the bathroom design.

Care of the glass surface of the sink is quite simple. It is necessary to simply clean them using conventional detergents or special chemicals for cleaning glass.

Models made of transparent glass have a little disadvantage - there will be a divorce from water from entering water, and a lime bloom can be formed.

As for the safety of the product, then you can not worry about it. For the production of shells, a special tempered glass is used, which is perfectly protected from the formation of cracks and has high impact resistance.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

From non-ferrous metals

It is rather a piece goods. These are basic bronze or copper sinks. They cannot be called practical, because they need special care. Metals are very prone to oxidative processes. On such sinks there may be a green flare, so they are often covered with a protective layer of varnish. But, nevertheless, the appearance of the shell of bronze or copper will become a real decoration of the bathroom, for example in East, Eco or retro style.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

When cleaning a washbasin of non-ferrous metal, only cream detergents should be used. It is strictly forbidden to use metal brushes or agents with acid content and abrasive particles.

From natural stone

It will be a fashionable element of any bathroom. Granite, marble, travertine and onyx enjoy extremely popular, because the stones have a special pattern and texture. Natural stone is characterized by durability and reliability, therefore such a sink is almost eternal, if it is correct to care for it. For washing products from a natural stone, only those detergents that do not have acids or abrasives should be used.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

From composite materials

Usually they are called artificial stone sinks, in fact they are made from granite, marble, quartz crumbs and various resins. Technology allows the sinks of a wide variety of forms, textures and colors. The resulting material is very wear-resistant, durable and easy to care. Often the sinks of their composite materials are made by casting with tabletops, the lack of docking seams greatly facilitates care and solves all the problems with the appearance of dirt, soap residues and microorganisms.

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Angle sink - save space as much as possible


For a small bathroom, the installation of an angular sink will become the best option. All that is needed for its installation is an empty angle to which you can bring hot and cold water, and the pipes can be hidden under the plinth.

The main advantages of corner washbasins indoors of the bathroom:

  • Sink with a table is a compact, neat and comfortable furniture set.
  • The angle with passing communications will immediately become more attractive, since all pipes will be hidden. In addition, the corner will become a functional area.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

The bedside table or shelf will become a good place to store detergents, towels, or other necessary equipment. In the sanitary equipment market, you can find many models of the angular sink with a table. A wide variety allows you to choose exactly what it makes it for your premises. Also, a huge popularity is enjoyed by a mirror locker, which will be a comfortable and functional addition to the washbasin with a table. The mirror in such mounted cabinets is complemented by various lamps and sconces.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Often, the owners of spacious bathrooms also prefer compact corner sinks with a table to get even more free space as a result. It is worth noting that a tree cabinet is desirable to use only in spacious bathrooms. The tree does not like high humidity, and in small bathrooms after taking a shower or bath to quickly normalize the level of humidity is not easy. For small bathrooms, it is better to use fiberboard or chipboard lockers on which a special moisture-proof coating is applied.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

We draw space around the shell

The number and design of additional devices - shelves, organizers and other storage sites depends only on your personal solution. The presence of shelves, bedside tables or lockers will help accommodate many necessary items and bath things, which are better to hide from the premises, and also perfectly decorate the design of the room. To create a specific style around the shell, you can use non-standard faucets or decorate apron near the washbasin of a decorative panel.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

A very important element of the bathroom is a mirror, and in terms of the number of mirrors there are no restrictions. To make the mirror with an unusual element of the interior, you can use lamps that are simply affected by your diversity. You can buy a set of furniture, which consists of a furniture cabinet with an integrated sink and an additional mounted cabinet. This headset has everything you need for the bathroom.

For those who want to save money, you can make a tabletop for an angular sink from moisture-resistant drywall and bind the table top with a decorative mosaic. You can do it yourself, without possessing special skills and skills.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible


Consoles are used for mounting angular shells. Installation of the plumbing product is carried out immediately to the two walls that create an angle. This type of installation is allowed to create a reliable fastening, and the suspension design becomes a rigid. Installation of the shell is made only at the end of the finish work or after sticking the ceramic tiles onto the walls.

To carry out the installation of washing, you should get the necessary tools:

  • Roulette and level.
  • Perforator or drill for drilling holes in the wall.
  • Speed ​​dowels.
  • Screwdrivers and adjustable key for tightening nut fasteners nuts.
  • Marker to make a mark on the wall for the future fastener.

Installing the angular sink occurs in several stages.

Preparatory work for fasteners of the corner shell

  • First you need to determine the angle in which the angular sink will be put. If the sink is mounted with a tab, then you first need to install the cabinet, and only then go to the fastening of the washbasin itself.
  • If the stand is not used, then the height from the floor coating to the top of the sink should be not less than 80 cm. First, it is necessary to substitute the washbasin to the wall where the water drain is located. And put a marker for fasteners using a marker. Next, using the roulette, you need to double-check the marked size.
  • To install the washbasin, you should use special fasteners. To simplify installation, you can transfer the dimensions of the holes for fasteners from the sink on the wall. To create holes, you need to use a perforator or a drill, and then fasten the spacer dowels in the holes. Now you can go to the installation of the washbasin on the fasteners, and fix everything by applying plastic nuts.

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Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Connection of water drain siphon

After installing the sink, it is necessary to create a connection between the siphon and the drain for water. First, the drain is connected to the washbasin, and starts in a plum tube. Then, around the edges you need to smell all the gaps so that there is no unpleasant sewer in the bathroom.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Connecting water mixer

To connect the water mixer, you can use the instruction that goes complete. The mixer is attached to the washbasin using a protracted nut. Hoses through which water supply will be carried out, it is necessary to attach to the pipes with hot and cold water.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Toilet angular sink

There is a separate group of corner shells for toilets. They are the smallest in size and gently look even in small rooms. They can often be found in public places: cafes, restaurants, offices. They are installed in guest toilets, in dachas or in separate bathrooms to wash their hands could be directly in this room, and not to go to another bathroom. The main thing should be remembered that such shells do not recommend using for household needs, as they may not withstand large loads.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

Do not cost to forget about choosing a mixer for mini-sinks, because it must match the sink sizes. Therefore, the installation of a standard crane in this case will be inappropriate. Better to purchase a short small mixer. A very convenient option will be set to the toilet of the hygienic shower, if there is not enough space for the bidet.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

The process of mounting the corner sink in the toilet room in its technology does not differ from the installation of a conventional shell. The only thing to pay attention to is a convenient approach of the necessary communications.


With a stack of shell, almost everyone may face, so you should know what to do in this situation. To eliminate the washbasin break, a mechanical impact is used using a vest or a special plumbing cable or a chemical impact using various chemicals.

With the help of a vehicle, you can eliminate a small blockage that was formed in a siphon or drain pipe. But if the dust of the old or is located far from the drain hole of the sink, this method will not be effective. In any supermarket or in the household chemical store, you can buy equipment for cleaning the sink or use those tools that everyone in the house is food and vinegar.

Angle sink - save space as much as possible

If all of the above methods have not given the desired result, you need to seek help to the plumbing. After all, the complex blockage can eliminate only the plumbing cable. It should be remembered so that the shell must not arise, it is necessary to engage in prevention. This uses a special tool. It needs to be filled into the washbasin and leave for several hours, and then wash off. If this action is done only once a month, then you will never come up with a sink zago. Read more about Zavor in the sink, read another article.

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