How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?


Separate garbage collection is necessary for effective recycling and reducing environmental pollution. However, to organize this process in the apartment is quite time consuming: garbage containers occupy a lot of space and look unesthetically. There are several ways and devices in order to organize a separate garbage collection in the kitchen.

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

Specialized containers

Buying special containers for separate storage of garbage help save a significant number of space . There are several types of containers:

  • Containers with compartments. This is a large garbage container, which is divided into several small compartments.
    How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?
  • Separate containers sold included . Capacities of the same size, made in a single style.
    How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?
  • Containers with filter . Food waste collection urns equipped with a filter that does not allow an unpleasant smell to spread.
  • Container bags . A project of the Berlin Company, which is a set of four bright bags that can be hung on the wall. Such containers will become an interesting part of the kitchen design, and most importantly - the bags themselves can also be disposed of and recycling.
  • High trash bones . Such containers are equipped with three compartments - upper, middle and lower. Minimalistic style and compactness suitable for kitchen of any size and design.
    How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

Decorated garbage buckets

The garbage container is optional to hide. There are many tanks made in various colors. Choose that container that will suit the overall design of the kitchen and will be harmonized with it. Capacity for garbage can be decorate with your own hands. It is enough to purchase a metal or plastic container and with the help of paints turn it into a valuable object of the interior.

Tip! The container must be equipped with a lid. It will make the capacity more aesthetic and prevent the spread of unpleasant odor around the apartment.

Places to accommodate containers

In a small kitchen, garbage containers standing on the floor will take a lot of space and grind space. Capacity for garbage in this case should be placed compact.

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How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

Place under the sink

Storing garbage containers under the sink is one of the most common solutions in Russia. So they do not attract more attention and save space. However, the increased humidity that accumulates in this place is a great disadvantage. Because of it, the garbage is faster decomposed, and therefore the unpleasant smell is intensively applied to the room.

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?


The deep retractable box allows you to store several small containers for different types of garbage. In order to throw out waste, you do not need to bend and look for the desired container in the dark. It is enough to pull out the compartment and put the garbage into a specific container.

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

Suspended containers

Such containers are made in the form of small urns. They are attached to the inside of the door of the locker, which allows you to save space on the floor. The urn is shallow, so it will take several lockers for separate garbage collection.

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

Containers built into table top

Suitable for food waste and for garbage of small size. Occupy one deep box and can be connected to a waste pipe for a container washing.

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

A wide variety of types of containers for separate garbage collection allows you to organize this process in the apartment of any size.

Modern kitchen headsets are also equipped with comfortable compartments and container storage devices so that they do not take an excess place and are easily accessible.

How to organize a separate collection of waste at home? (1 video)

Organization of separate garbage collection (9 photos)

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

How beautiful to organize a separate garbage collection in your kitchen?

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