What wallpaper glued in the bedroom: how to make the best choice


Almost every time, facing the repair of the bedroom, we think about how it is better to arrange her interior, make it comfortable, cozy and the most adapted for sleep and rest. One of the most important issues at the same time sounds like this: what wallpaper glued in the bedroom and how exactly is it better to do? Many people subconsciously complicately complicate the procedure for choosing and sticking, twisting themselves and experiencing themselves for the result of repair. And in vain, as it is, as they say, not nuclear physics. And how to choose a wallpaper for a bedroom, and how it is better to glue, is not something complicated and difficult.

What wallpaper glued in the bedroom: how to make the best choice

Color game

It is enough to thoroughly explore the necessary materials and strictly follow the instructions in proven time. It is about this that a certain experience is evidenced, as well as reviews of those who have repeatedly carried out repair and glued with their own hands.

How to choose the right bedroom wallpaper: Seld tips

Immediately, I would like to note that for each individual room or, or rather, for each individual room, there is a certain set of criteria, helping to determine the choice of wallpaper. The bedroom is no exception. However, not all people can determine which colors it is better to prefer how to choose the material of the wallpaper, it is better to glue light or dark canvases, with a pattern or without, which material is the most optimal, etc. To answer these, as well as some other questions, there is a set of special knowledge that are not at all a secret.

To begin, you will need to take into account such a factor as the area of ​​the room, because from the big bedroom you have or small, will depend on how light or dark wallpaper is better glued in such a room.

What wallpaper glued in the bedroom: how to make the best choice

You need to choose wallpaper, taking into account the size of the bedroom

Taking into account! The fact that during the design of the modern interior is becoming increasing attention to the wallpaper as a separate element of design, and not just the background, indicates that the design of the walls can be considered as a kind of foundation for the formation of a common area of ​​premises.

In addition, you should not forget about such an interesting embodiment for the design of the indoor space, as using photo wallpaper in the bedroom interior. Modern digital printing technologies are able to provide a bright and high quality image. Among the most popular scenes for photo wallpapers, you can mention the following:

  • Modern cities.
  • Attractive natural landscapes.
  • Images of vintage cards, atlases and antique products.
  • Portraits.

    What wallpaper glued in the bedroom: how to make the best choice

    The choice of figures is unlimited

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At the same time you can make a choice in favor of both color and black and white images. In addition, it is not necessary to stick a photo wallpaper, which is called, on the prests. It is enough to make a focus on one of the sections of the room.

An important factor is the amount of natural light penetrating the bedroom. If there are few windows in it or it is not on the sunny side of the house, it is desirable to use the wallpaper of a brighter and cheerful color, which even in cloudy and rainy weather could remind of pleasant sunny days.

Little bedroom

If the internal space does not differ in large sizes, it is desirable to use some designer techniques that allow you to level a similar limited area. For this, interior design specialists advise using a small pattern with a small pattern, having a small pattern or barely noticeable, ornament. These ways will help visually expand the bedroom area.

What wallpaper glued in the bedroom: how to make the best choice

The bedroom can be visually enlarged ...

The color of the wallpaper for such rooms should be light, and furniture items, curtains and decorative parts should not contrast sharply with a common wall background, since any sharp contrast immediately focuses on the size of the room. And in our case it is impossible to do this.

Big bedroom

At the same time, what wallpaper should be chosen for a large bedroom? Most modern designers are leaning towards the fact that in such cases it is desirable to use certain techniques aimed at visual reducing the size of the room, and capable of making it more cozy and chamber.

What wallpaper glued in the bedroom: how to make the best choice

... or reduce

For this purpose, the canvas with large drawings can be suitable better, such as colors. In addition, it is desirable to use a sufficiently large number of different items of decor, such as photos and pictures in ordinary monophonic framework, exotic souvenirs brought from distant countries and other original and attractive things. It is such a style that helps to give a large bedroom comfort and privacy.

Combination Rules: How best to combine wallpaper in the bedroom interior

In addition to finding the wallpaper for the bedroom, no less important is how to combine them in the future interior. It is no secret that far from all colors and shades are successfully combined with each other. That is why it is so important to be able to pick up the right combination of various colors.

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With the help of a successful selection of various color tones, you can divert attention from the shortcomings of the room, focusing on its advantages. As for the main types of various combinations of wallpapers in the bedroom, there are several of them:

  1. Vertical or horizontal combination.
  2. Focusing inserts or small flaps.
  3. Underline by other color niches, corners and protrusions in the interior of the room.

Designers argue! With the help of the use of different combinations, you can not only "play" with an increase or decrease in space (in this case, the "striped interior") is particularly popular), but also emphasize the bedroom belonging to one or another style.

What wallpaper glued in the bedroom: how to make the best choice

Transformation with drawing

Do not forget also that you can combine wallpaper not only different colors, but with a different surface that can be completely smooth or, on the contrary, have a pronounced texture. By the way, another moment. In addition to, in fact, combinations of different types of wallpaper, it is necessary to carefully consider the combination of wall background with objects of furniture and decor, curtains and other home textiles.

Choose a color gamut

As for the use of various shades. We list the main, most popular colors:
  • Yellow or peach is ideal for premises with weak lighting, small or spaced windows.
  • Like forest, nature and green meadows? Try various shades of green (from a gentle-salad to a dark, bottle-green ring). In this case, the natural combination with one of the shades of brown will be appropriate.
  • If you are a fan of the maritime subject or love to watch the cloudless blue sky, we advise you to pay attention to blue and blue wallpaper options.
  • For romantic style fans, it makes sense to think about choosing pink or beige options for wall decoration.
  • At the same time, too dark tones, such as black, dark brown or dark gray, use in the interior of the bedroom extremely undesirable. If you decide to glue such a wallpaper, then it is worth doing only fragmentary so that they do not become the main dominant in the interior.

In any case, the choice of color wallpaper is the concept of purely individual. Someone likes soft and non-aggressive pastel colors, and someone is brighter or even dark. However, despite personal preferences, we advise you to pay attention to the basic recommendations of experienced interior design specialists.

How to pick up a bedroom wallpaper for the material

Of course, no store will offer you wallpapers, specially manufactured precisely for sticking in the bedroom. The choice of all kinds of varieties of walls for walls in modern building supermarkets, construction stores and on Internet sites is wide as ever. Nevertheless, there are wallpapers that are better glued in the bedroom, and such that are more suitable for other apartments. Let's figure out what kind of wallpaper is better to glue in the bedroom, and which one should not be in more detail on their advantages and minuses.

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Paper wallpapers are the most affordable price and easy to manufacture. These advantages include environmental safety for people and simplicity of sticking. Disadvantages are also obvious: a simple, "cheap" appearance, a low service life and the need for the ideal leveling of the surface of the walls before starting work on their labeling.

Another options are vinyl wallpapers in various versions - silk-screen printing foamed, etc. As follows from the name, they are made on the basis of vinyl (PVC). They do not miss air very well, and products of certain manufacturers of low-faceted origin raise questions in terms of environmental safety. On the other hand, some of them can be repainted (wallpaper for painting), which is an objective advantage. In addition, due to its thickness, the wallpaper from polychlorvinyl is capable of hiding small irregularities on the wall, including cracks, chips and surface details.

What wallpaper glued in the bedroom: how to make the best choice

Vinyl wallpaper as an option

Fliseline wallpaper are fairly popular. Their prevalence is easy to explain the advantages: they are well passed air, having the ability to "breathe" and are absolutely safe in terms of environmental safety. In addition, bleach such wallpaper is simple enough.

Textile (fabric) wallpapers are distinguished by an exquisite appearance capable of transforming any bedroom. Nevertheless, many buyers scare their main drawback - a high price.

As we see, the market presents a wide selection of various options in both the color and surface options and used in the production of material, each of which has both their advantages and disadvantages. Of course, the main secret of how to beat the wallpaper properly in the bedroom, is that the result like you and your family, and not coming to the bosom once every two years. At the same time, try to follow the reviews and recommendations of professionals who, thanks to their irreplaceable experience, will tell you how to better go in a particular situation.

We wish good luck to repair!

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