How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips


The situation in which the search for the desired wardrobe items is delayed for several hours - the signal to immediately cleaning the cabinet, to point the order on the shelves.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

Tips, how to free a place in the closet, will help in a short time to optimize the internal wardrobe space.

Rook knitted products

Few people know, but it is the vertical arrangement of the things rolled into the roll on the shelf will help accommodate the maximum number of garments in the closet. Instead of traditional stacks of Mains, T-shirts, jumpers, rows of rolled knitwear occupy a much less place.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

It is interesting: the method of vertical location of things is designed in Japan. Its use allows not only to maintain order on the shelf, but also faster finding the right thing.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

On season

Fill the cabinet with things with regard to their relevance and seasonality. Periodical sorting of garder items for the seasons, compliance with fashionable trends helps to free up maxima of free space in the closet. All the fact that for this period of time is not relevant, it is better to shift on the farthest, high shelves, unrequitable part of the rod.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

ATTENTION: If the thing has not been used during the year, it never happens to get rid of it (throw away, donate or pay for charity).

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips


Use organizers for linen. Nothing climbs the closet like multiple bags, belts, shawls and other small outlets of the wardrobe. Maintain order, as well as freeing a bit of space in the closet will help the use of special organizers. They can be purchased at any home store home.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

Secret: Towel rack, fixed on the inside of the cabinet will place a large number of scarves, scarves, ties, belts. Staying in the branch of the organizer underwear, it is good to immediately add it with a set (bra and panties). It will not only help compactly folded underwear, but at the right time it is quickly picking the desired kit. The same rule concerns storage of socks, stockings.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

Use multi-level shoulders

Numerous blouses, shirts, dresses and jackets will take much less space in the closet, if you raise them on multi-level hangers. Such devices can be purchased in stores or make yourself. To do this, it is necessary on the hook of one hanger to fix the chain (the longer, the more things can be placed). In the links cling to some more hangers.

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How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

Attention: not just save, but you can optimize the inner space of the wardrobe, if you hang clothes on multi-level hangers with a set (for example, an office outfit, or clothing for a solemn output). Find the desired thing will be much easier if the hangers are exhibiting from left to right, in descending order of the product length (for example, shirts are first postned, then jackets, dresses, long coats). Also, things can be placed in colors or season.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

Use vacuum packages

For storing seasonal things, volumetric items of the wardrobe (for example, down jackets), it is very convenient to use vacuum bags. With them, with a constant number of things, the maximum amount of free space is released.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

This method is simple: product is placed in the vacuum package. It is important to decompose the thing as much as possible so that in the storage process, the fabrics are not formed. Then, through a special hole in the package, with the help of a vacuum cleaner, air rolls out. The result is a package filled with clothing, compressing at times.

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

Adhering to these simple tips, you can quickly release a place in the closet, organize the inner space of the wardrobe to accommodate new clothes.

25 tips that will allow you to save space in the closet (1 video)

Organization in the closet (14 photos)

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

How to free the place in the closet: 5 topical tips

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