Kitchen curtains for one side: traditional and unusual solutions


Thinking the design of the window opening indoors, it is necessary to take into account several factors at once: the practicality and functionality of the model, control over lighting, decorative features of the element. Kitchen curtains on one side occupy a special place in the arsenal of professional designers and lovers. The variety of fabrics and styles allows you to create an original and interesting image that will meet all practical requirements without creating a special hassle. It is worth considering that if the usual curtain is simply shifted on one side, the ensemble will look incomplete. There are several nuances that give the image the necessary effect.

Kitchen curtains for one side: traditional and unusual solutions

Advantages of one-sided curtain in the kitchen room

An alternative to the classic curtains for the kitchen can highlight a few advantages.

  • To tailoring unilateral models, it takes a minimum of material.
  • Such an element can independently drastically change the appearance of the room.
  • Operation of elementary models. The canvases are usually fixed using clamping, pickup or wall closer. If desired, the curtain can be reappeared and completely close the window opening.
  • When fixing the curtains on one side, the maximum penetration of sunlight into the room is ensured, it is possible to qualitatively ventilate the room.
  • A small amount of material exempt kitchen surfaces. Similar sections of the fabric are not so much dirty as massive classic curtains, and do not absorb unpleasant odors.
  • Using unilateral curtains, you can reduce the risk of their fire, distinguishing the cloth from the stove.


An important point when decorating the window opening is the choice of material for the curtain. It is worth paying attention to artificial or mixed fabrics, they are less prone to strain, do not burn out in the sun and repel dust. Of these, beautiful waves and folds that do not require painstaking care are formed.

Kitchen curtains for one side: traditional and unusual solutions

How to make a one-sided curtain of classical curtains?

One-way curtains can be created "from scratch" or update an existing model. In the first case, everything is quite simple. You need to take the segment of the tissue, to choose its width so that even with the folds window can be completely closed. At the same time, the product should not be very lush. Fasten similar kitchen models is better on loops or rubberized champs. Options on the rings will constantly move in one direction from a light draft or an inappropriate touch. Fixing the curtain on the cornice, the web is shifted in the selected side and fixed with pickup or magnetic clamp.

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If the curtains in the kitchen are already hanging, but they want to change, you need to remove both web, remake the top of one of them under the loop. As a last resort, if there is no desire to do additional work, the luberers or rings can be left, but then you will have to come up with the method of fixing the curtains. It can be a decorative bow or imperceptible loop, it all depends on the desired image and fantasy.

In both options, it is necessary to take care of the opposite side of the curtain. It is best to attach a short curtain from the Tulle or the same fabric that was used for the main web. Otherwise, the image will be incomplete and somehow torn off. For the complement, you should not use complex textured matter: the ensemble will be too distrend.

Kitchen curtains for one side: traditional and unusual solutions

Homemade unusual curtains asymmetric

Original and unusual kitchen curtains are obtained from products made in Macrame technique or crocheted with very thin cotton threads. Such solutions will be perfect for a small room in which the lack of sunlight is acute. Neat and elegant models of light colors will not take a lot of space, they will decorate even the most simple and boring cuisine, they will give it ease and even visually add free space.

It is worth considering that such curtains must be accompanied by auxiliary elements, such as rolled light filters. This plays an important role not only in the functional plan (protection against external factors is ensured), but also in decorative. Blinds are recommended in bright colors with floral ornament. The ensembles are very harmonious fit into the classic interiors or the kitchen in the Art Nouveau style. In rooms, furnished with a bias in high-tech or minimalism, the models will not be appropriate.

The only minus option is the high cost of handmade. Similar models, only skillful craftsmen are usually decorated with such models.

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Kitchen curtains for one side: traditional and unusual solutions

Side London Type Curtains

For owners of a stylish kitchen with a small window, the version of London curtains with the original knob of the fabric cloth for one side is suitable. The model is no different from the traditional version of the London curtains, but its design and operation have a number of nuances.

  1. The mechanisms raising the canvas must be no more than two. Moreover, they should be located at the distance as much as possible from each other. On the sides you only need to leave a little space to form a neat fold.
  2. The width of the product must slightly exceed the width of the window.
  3. The length of the canvas in the massacled form should be lowered by several centimeters below the windowsill.
  4. The whole secret is that only one edge of the curtains needs to raise, the second will remain in place, forming an original diagonal bevel. To ventilate the room, you can completely collect the canvas or simply raise it in the second part. If necessary, the lower part of the canvas can be fixed to the wall.

This option is not suitable for overall windows, high and narrow window openings, niche non-standard form.

Kitchen curtains for one side: traditional and unusual solutions


One-way curtains can be used in any room, but in the kitchen they are especially relevant. If you wish, they can be accompanied by rolled curtains, which will ensure maximum control over lighting and become an additional decorative element.

It is worth considering that one-sided curtains are recommended to support using asymmetric lines in the setting. It can be unusual solutions in furniture design or just an original drawing on horizontal and vertical surfaces.

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