Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands


The problem of parking becomes especially tangible during the summer heat. Stokening on the Sun during the day, the car resembles a sauna. This is solved if the "home horse" is equipped with a climate control system. However, such a luxury is not available in all products of the automotive industry, and toning is prohibited by law. Car curtains will help to solve. Several species are available for self-making. About them and talk.

Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

Protection against light and heat in cars

  • Color selection for auto
  • Type of tinting auto from sunlight
  • Types of curtains in the car window

    Each of the presented species is any quality and benefit for the motorist. Solve the issue to acquire your own option will help the goals. So, the car blinds on the windows see the following types:

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    1. Sunscreen. Perform a utilitarian interior protection function from heating. Mostly presented in dark colors, however, for the effects of them are made by light. As a rule, these are tetgers on suction cups that allow you at any time to remove them and open the window. Performed from any tissues, dense, non-commercial, inexpensive.
    2. Frame. Such removable shutters for automotive glass are convenient because it is not necessary to fix them to the details of the glasses. The rules are approved by prohibiting moments even on the canvas of the sunscreen tissue, if they do not relate to the configuration of the car. Therefore, it is easy to remove the blinds without any problems - they simply adjacent to the glass, without additional fixation. They are mastered from the mesh fabric and finish with satin ribbons for the presentation of the species.

      Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    3. Plastic. Folding version of automotive curtains. It is used and removed when it is necessary. But he has a serious drawback - quickly burns out. Having made the car curtains with their own hands of this type and covering each plate with the appropriate cloth, achieve the desired effect without constant design change, is easy.
    4. Retractable or rolled curtains for automotive glass. The option is worthy of attention, as it does not have to constantly shoot or fix it. Performed from any textile. The only minus - the curtains do not repeat all the light circuits, which is why the penetration of the rays and, accordingly, heating is possible.

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    High-quality curtains

    Any of the listed options, the motorist will perform independently. Special skills of working with a sewing machine are not required - simple seams on the curtains in the car to lay in a state even a man.

    How to make car blinds do it yourself

    There are several ways to darken the windows of the machine with a cloth. The easiest - by type of ordinary side curtains-curtains on the cornice string. Suckers or special brackets are used as holders. How to do:

    • Measure the side windows along the length and width, and cut the fabric by the template. If folds are required, the canvas take more than 1.5 times. By the way, when contacting the car shop at a specific type of curtains, the seller wants to know the size of the glass that are marked as M, L, LL. Where the length of the guides is from 37 to 42 cm, from 42 to 47 cm and from 47 to 53 cm, respectively.

      Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    • Further, the edges of the rectangle are passed - the top is important to make a slightly wider, to gently insert a wire or fishing line and drag the folds. If the sliding car curtains from matter on the windshield are required, the holders are inserted into both edges and two sets of suckers or brackets are purchased.
    • End of the fishing line to stretch through the speed and insert into silicone suction cups using sewls. They are simply wound on the brackets and fixed. Carefully pull and drape the curtains on auto drains. An elegant pickup on velcro with a car brand logo is used to open. The ends of the fishing line or the string should be carefully cut to not injure themselves or children when using curtains.

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    There are curtains on suction cups and in a separate version - a canvas on the frame and several holders. Plus - blackout is removed at any time, quickly and without glass defects. Minus such an attachment - suction cups over time are dug. This is due to the presence of dust. This is especially sining windshield curtains for trucks. Therefore, a regular change of sucker is required.

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    Option on suckers

    Manufacturing frame options

    A tool will be required: nippers, roulette, sewing supplies. As a material - a black-colored lining mesh, a satin ribbon, a wire cross section is not more than 2 mm. Frame curtains for auto do it yourself easy:

    • First, all the necessary measurements are produced - the perimeter of the side window + 3 cm is the total length of the wire. If you want to do everything quickly, then two templates are manufactured, on the side windows - front and passenger. The total perimeter will become the entire wire length.
    • Then, cut off wire bend along the contour of the glass. The ends are assigned to the mustache and are fixed with the tape in two turns to the edge to the windows on the windows were too thick in one place. The finished frame should be immediately attached to the glass to check how it will hold.

      Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    • The workpiece is layered on the tissue and cut the contours of the curtains on automotive glasses with 1,5 cm batakes around the edges. It is not necessary to immediately take anything, just to push. The thread is important to use contrasting, so that in case of marriage, it is up and tighten the canvas.
    • The preparation is applied to the glass and align. It is important to straighten the web, while without changing the frame circuits and immediately check the position of the web outside - carcass sunscreen curtains must hide the visible part of the machine interior completely.

      Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    • If the previous condition is performed, and the car skeleton curtains are well kept on the glasses, the fabric finally attach to the frame and give the product aesthetic appearance, finishing it with a satin ribbon. This also keeps the scope of abrasion. If you want contrast, then the corresponding ribbon or oblique beaker is selected.
    • From the side of the lower edge, a small lace-loop is sewn - it will help to quickly pull the frame curtains on the car from their place, if there is ahead of the traffic police. Although the traffic police representatives belong to the mesh tint.

    The grid fabric is good for the frame curtains that it allows you to see what is happening outside and at the same time perfectly darkens the salon, protecting it from excess heating.

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands


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    Plastic holders in the form of tubes will be required - they are lightweight and perfectly stay on the side glasses. In addition, they need transparent dark tissue, a velcro tape from textiles, self-tapping screws with decorative or hidden heads. How to install retractable type car curtains:

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    1. Cut the fabric rectangle, equal to the greatest width and length of the window. Gently handle the edges. At the top edge, one part of the velcro tape is sewn. The lower edge is inserted into the lower edge so that the retractable car curtains remain in the same position.
    2. Work with a frame. It is installed in the opening, after drilling in several places for fastening. On the upper part, a plastic tube with a tip is put as a roll roller, having pre-trimmed with part of the velcro tape. It should not be large - by 1-3 mm more cross sections of the aluminum guide. If there is an opportunity, in the car you get a ready-made system with a checker chain curtains. In the homemade version, raising the driver will have to hand, winding it on the roller.
    3. Collect the design together and use curtains into the car. When screwing on the roller, it creates a seal, so no additional clamps are required. The middle of the curtains decorate a rings for easy opening or ribbon, rolled in a loop.

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    Automashes offer drivers diverse goods - find roller car blinds there is easy, as they are popular.

    Device supply for front and rear windows

    Despite the angle of inclination, it is possible. To work, you will need to purchase guides for curtains in the car - upper and lower. By applying them in advance along the contour, before removing the sticky tape, are convinced of the design proportionality. Further:

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    • Corrected parts of the fabric, are pre-draped and strished in advance, stick to the sticky tape or decorated with hinges for fixing on the hooks. In the back car glass, the fabric is simply glued to the directing guides, without affecting the protective strip, as it does not have to move.
    • By rejoicing the tape, aluminum guides for curtains in the car are pressed against windows for a short time - 30-40 seconds. Focus on locking grooves directed towards the hook of the fixation belt.
    • Hooks, runners, other attachments are inserted into the guides. Sunshine curtains on automotive glass and the grooves are closed with plugs so that the canvas does not come out of them when driving.

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    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    Curtain mounting scheme to guide

    At any time, the curtains on the front glass are moved if the penetration of sun rays will not be enough or the traffic police inspector will be lacht.

    Color selection for auto

    Of course, he is entirely on an amateur, but professionals are advised to navigate the body color, and not the cabin - car shutters on the side windows, the borderline part, visible and outside and inside. To afford bright colors, maybe only autledena, in other cases the exquisite restraint is appropriate.

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    Family cars are not remembered to decorate with contrasting colors, especially in the rear seats, where children are usually driving. If these windows have removable canvases, there will be no problems with the replacement of one set to another.

    Executive cars accept combination of contrasts - black machine and white curtains. If the class of the car is much lower, then the black classic grid on the window is what you need.

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    Type of tinting auto from sunlight

    Replace film tint, on automotive textile curtains easy. However, road rules, still prohibit the use of any structures not related to the configuration of the car. The imposed Penalty from 500 rubles will make comfort not too joyful. The output is - double glazing.

    It is running strictly in service centers and is a typical glass for a machine with a predetermined toning. It is located inside the cabin, in front of ordinary glass. It, as well as rolled car curtains nominate for the desired height, and when necessary is removed. Of course, tuning is worth a lot of money, but the payback on endless fines will still be.

    Car curtains on the side windows with their own hands

    In conclusion, it should be said that such an accessory as car curtains is not only useful for dimming and comfort, but also becomes increasingly popular, due to its individuality, making the car is not a common means for movement, but also as the status activity to the owner. Side windows, windshield and even rear window - they are all draped by the corresponding textiles.

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