Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev


What is the problem

Despite the fact that housing in our time is built by a high rate, and construction technology is becoming more and more perfect, the legacy of past decades is still not going anywhere. Despite the fact that since the start of their construction has passed for more than 50 years, many five-story buildings have passed, which most citizens of the countries of the former USSR in habits are called Khrushchev, continue to be actively operated. Features of such houses and their small-sized apartments force residents with all thoroughness approaching the selection of finishing materials. How to choose wallpaper for kitchen? The photo for the apartment Khrushchev is given as examples of this article.

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Despite the seeming simplicity, in fact, in order to correctly pick up the wallpaper for a small narrow kitchen in Khrushchev, it is necessary to spend not little time. In addition, you will need at least in general terms to explore the basic principles that will need to be taken into account when choosing. The fact is that in addition to an attractive appearance, when finishing such apartments, you must be guided by additional parameters, including a small size of rooms and premises. It is for this reason that it is necessary to try to select such finishing materials that would not create a visual illusion of even narrower and closed space, but on the contrary, we would visually expand the size of the room and would have done the height of its ceilings with a visually more substantial, compared with the famous 2.50 m.

Attention! In addition to all the listed requirements, we will not forget that such factors such as reliability, durability and especially, the ability to carry out wet cleaning using chemical detergents should be taken into account. The latter is a particularly important circumstance, considering how often the walls of the kitchen can be exposed to pollution.

How to choose the material

Before deciding what wallpaper to choose for a kitchen in Khrushchev, you need to decide on the right choice of material. This is the most important criterion for the right choice, despite the fact that in addition, when choosing, as a rule, it is customary to be guided by such characteristics as an appearance and other consumer characteristics.

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Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

So, here is the most common varieties of coatings listed according to what raw material is used in the production of such wallpapers:

  1. Paper. Despite such advantages as affordable price and relative simplicity in the installation, this type of bulk coatings is not optimal for use in the kitchen room. The thing is that, as already noted, slightly above, the walls of the kitchen are the object of regular contaminants, which causes the need for constant wet cleaning. Paper wallpaper for the kitchen will not be a good choice not only for Khrushchev, but also for any other type of apartments. In addition, they do not differ in particular durability. It is for this reason that it is customary to use paper wallpapers with various types of additional coatings that perform the role of a kind of protective layer. This can be both a water-repellent coating and a layer of decorative vinyl. This type of finish is already significantly better than the wallpapers that are made exclusively from paper, whether it is a single-layer simplex or two-layer duplex.
  2. Vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis. Present a practically optimal choice for a small kitchen interior in the Khrushchev apartment. Due to the ability to withstand the impact of moisture, as well as the ability to spend wet cleaning with them, you can cope with the problem of regular contaminants on the walls. In addition, thanks to a sufficiently large thickness of the material, the vinyl wallpapers not only have a high level of resistance against obtaining various damage, but also able to hide small damage that are available on the wall surface. This quality turns out to be the most valuable when preparing before sticking wallpaper was carried out not in the best way, and small chips, cracks and scratches remained on the wall. By the way, about how to glue them correctly, you can find it in the article "How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis."
  3. Other types of wallpaper (textile, bamboo, etc.). All these types of wallpaper look like, beautiful. Nevertheless, their operational qualities will not quite relate to those tasks that are designed to perform finishing materials in the kitchen. The thing is that the kitchen is a room with rather complex operating conditions. It is for this reason that all covers that can be used to design a kitchen interior should be made with compliance with these conditions. In order for you imagine how such covers should look like, we present a whole gallery "Wallpaper for a small kitchen in Khrushchev". Photo of examples, we hope to help you with the ideas of registration and the right choice.

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Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Other features

In order to choose a suitable wallpaper option for a small and narrow kitchen in the interior of Khrushchev, it is advisable to take into account the additional parameters that high-quality coatings should be posted. So, here's what characteristics should consider:
  • Good fire safety level. Considering the fact that the kitchen is the very place where food is preparing, and, therefore, there is a source of fire or high temperature in the form of a gas or electric stove, all surfaces and finishing materials must be repeatedly adapted to withstand high temperatures. And do not ignite with the possible spark.
  • Strength that depends mainly from such a parameter as the proper density level. In addition, it is from this characteristic, to a large extent, it depends on how long one or another wallpaper will also serve.
  • Not everyone thinks about it, however, not least you need to pay attention to the fact that the wallpaper for the kitchen had a good level of resistance to the exposure to sunlight. In particular, this applies to those rooms whose windows overlook the sunny side of the house.

What you need to know about the appearance

So, having understood what material is most preferable, as well as how high quality coatings should have, let's go to such an important characteristic for any finishing material as an appearance.

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Based on the fact that the kitchen, on a par, perhaps, with the living room, this is the most popular room in almost any apartment, it should be understood that the appearance of wallpaper is extremely important for the interior to be pleasant to the eye, harmonious and balanced. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible combinations with other wallpaper-companions, as well as combinations with photo wallpapers, kitchen objects of furniture, doors, homemade household appliances and appliances, as well as decorative products. This design techniques can be used for the interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev:

  1. Use wallpaper predominantly light and pastel tones, such as pink, blue, lightning, mint or gentle-violet color. Try to avoid dark and gloomy colors.
  2. Your little kitchenette is truly transformed if you decide to punish the wallpaper of orange.
  3. It is not necessary to resort to the use of drawings and patterns of large size, as well as glue striped wallpapers with vertical positioning of the bands, since such a reception can create a visual illusion of a more compressed space.
  4. In the case of bright shades, it is desirable to use them locally, as well as in the role of minor, but not in the crust of the non-dominant tones.

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We hope that all these tips will help to cope with the choice of wallpaper for the kitchen in the apartment of a small size. After all, even a small kitchen, with the right approach, can become not only practical, but also very cozy and externally attractive. In addition, sticking almost any canvases can be done with their own hands.

Wallpaper for kitchen in Khrushchev, photo:

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

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