Bedroom Design with Wardrobe: Location, Form, Size Definition


The modern life of almost every resident of the planet is so rich that spending time on some extraneous or not quite meaningful activities is considered inappropriate. For example, instead of thinking about how one or another space in the house can be issued, someone will hire a professional designer, and someone will simply find a room project in some source of information, and then he will attempt to realize it . And the one and the other option has the right to exist. Especially since a fairly limited number of people can independently calculate everything that is required for the improvement of a room or another.

Bedroom Design with Wardrobe: Location, Form, Size Definition

Compared to a regular wardrobe, the dressing room contains more things, besides, it looks very stylish.

Wardrobe, which are constructed in a particular part of the bedroom, are represented by a variety of shapes and sizes, allow you to place the required number of shoes and clothing. Therefore, if you are not a supporter of the purchase of a large number of wardrobes, it is better to equip the dressing room once in the bedroom. It is in it that the number of hangers will be gradually added, which is much more convenient and cost-effective.

Bedroom design combined with dressing room: location, shape, sizes

Bedroom Design with Wardrobe: Location, Form, Size Definition

Bedroom design in Loft style is freedom and freshness of the interior.

An additional stimulus for the creation of a particular interior "by someone outsiders and similarity" is transmitted from generation to generation, from the people to the people of tradition. For example, quite a large number of design solutions in the interior came from the United States. This is the style of Loft, the ability to combine living room with a kitchen, and, of course, the inclusion of a wardrobe room in the bedroom interior. It is quite natural that such a convenient solution so quickly found its fans in our country and each time they are becoming more and more.

This bedroom design and its design is perfectly suitable for various types of interior.

Even in a small room you will definitely find a place for the dressing room. And if you try and attract all your abilities, fantasy and imagination to this event, the result is not just a room in the room, but an ideal solution and addition of ordinary design. The room will be original and practical.

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How to make a bedroom design with built-in wardrobe?

The question associated with how and exactly to keep even a small amount of clothing and shoes, it is always quite acute worth not only before the avid fashionications that this good is more than enough. Even those who adhere to the minimalist destination are confronted with these problems. At the same time, many believe that this question may decide due to the expansion of the living space.

But this does not always turn out to be true, since the incorrectly equipped wardrobe rooms also sometimes do not cope with constantly arriving flows of clothing. So, even those who live in sufficiently spacious private homes, there are serious problems with such a question. Even though the possibilities in the latter case are open more than promising, not everyone can handle the situation independently. In the large-sized bedroom, of course, equipping comfortable and roomy wardrobe is much easier, and the result will be much functional. But even not distinguished by the wide bedroom area may well be decorated with the dressing room.

Features of the interior of the bedroom combined with the dressing room

So, you decided on such an event as the equipment in the bedroom of the dressing room. The solution is quite logical, as this room has a rather significant advantage.

Bedroom Design with Wardrobe: Location, Form, Size Definition

Figure 1. Installing a partition from wooden panels or glass blocks - solving many designers.

  1. The bedroom is the place where you go to bed, dress up, worshiped. And therefore, you constantly need to have access to all existing clothes. And do not just have access, but also to be able to calmly choose one or another suit, dress. Wardrobe, combined with the bedroom, is a very good solution, since the bedroom itself will be performed solely from its functions in this case, and will not be lit.
  2. The following advantage concerns that if you live in an apartment or in the house is not one (not alone), then the wardrobe in the bedroom will allow you to quickly and freely change your outfits, not disturbing your households.
  3. Wardrobe in the bedroom also allows not to be at all in pajamas or in some other inappropriate form, but only after you put yourself in order, go to the guests or other visits.
  4. Well, another factor affecting the positive selection of the dressing room is due to the fact that in this case, neither the bedroom, nor in other rooms of the apartment or at home there will be too much cabinets, chest of drawers or bedside tables. It can also be placed such things like: ironing board, laundry basket, temporary hangers and so on. In other words, all that I can not find in your home of your final place.

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The main methods according to which you can enter a dressing room in the interior of the bedroom

Bedroom Design with Wardrobe: Location, Form, Size Definition

Figure 2. Location of the dressing room in one of the remote bedroom corners is the right solution.

The wardrobe room can occupy completely different positions in the bedroom. But wherever she is, it is required to hide, extinguish from the bedroom itself. After all, if this requirement is not respected, then no comfort, which was previously described, will not succeed. Hide the same part of the room can be some ways. It can be:

  1. Installing a special partition from wooden panels or glass blocks (or combine these 2 material, as in Fig. 1).
  2. Placing the dressing room in one of the remote corners of the bedroom (Fig. 2). In this case, this room should be fenced off from the bedroom by any partition. It must be solid to the entire height of the room, but to save space it is recommended to build sliding, jiggle doors. If you choose this location in a small room, then the bed is best to install across, diagonally. It will not only be practical, but also functionally, and even original.
  3. Another embodiment of the interior, in which the dressing room is organized in the bedroom, assumes that the sliding structure is used, while the dressing room is satisfied with one of the rooms walls (Fig. 3). In this case, the inputs can be done at once (for example, 1 for shoes, the other for clothes), and the facade of the wardrobe wall can be arranged with mirrors. This move contributes to a visual increase in the size of the bedroom.
  4. In addition to installing partitions or other elements similar to them, a suitable detail of the bedroom interior will be a variety of drapery. To do this, you must attach only to the ceiling in the right place Gardin, with which there will be a beautiful fabric. Combining a wide variety of textures and details, it is possible to give a room one or another design, create the right atmosphere. In some cases, it is possible to form a bedroom along with the wardrobe in the future style.

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Bedroom Design with Wardrobe: Location, Form, Size Definition

Figure 3. Option Location Wardrobe in the bedroom - Sliding construction, which in our time is popular and original.

In connection with all of the foregoing, we can safely say that the design in the bedroom is a dressing room is the most practical solution to the combination of 2 premises in one. After all, in this case you will not need any extra lockers and shelves - everything will fit even on a small portion of the bedroom. In this case, the most important stage is the calculation of such widths of the dressing room. In order for it, a sufficient number of things fit in it, and at the same time you might freely move in it, it is recommended to remove in a width of at least 1 m.

In the same case when you live in a fairly spacious room (in the house or in the apartment), the bedroom layout will be much easier. After all, in a large room, it is much easier to restore this or that space under the design of the dressing room. If the dimensions allow you to neglect the installation of a large mirror in it, which will reflect you in full growth. In addition, if the dressing room will contain not only clothes, but also shoes, you will need to take care that there are several docks in it or put a comfortable shop.

Bedroom Design with Wardrobe: Location, Form, Size Definition

Figure 4. If you contain your things in order, then quite interesting will be the design of the almost transparent partition between the bedroom and the dressing room.

If you are accustomed to keeping all your things in a simple order, then quite extravagant will be the design of the almost transparent partition between the bedroom and the dressing room (Fig. 4).

Thus, the design of the dressing room in the bedroom becomes the most popular, practical and even trendy trend in redevelopment of the location of the rooms in the house. Surely everyone agree to take a few square meters from the bedroom to this case so that in the future do not worry due to the fact that the accumulated clothing does not fit into the closet.

Instead of acquiring new furniture and think, where to put it, wisely and more profitable to attach a few more hangers in a dressing room, where the clothes of all your households can fit.

The main rules for designing such a premises indicate that in order to organize a comfortable and beautiful layout in the house, you need to choose the right bedroom design for combining it with a dressing room. This condition allows you to achieve maximum result.

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