Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019


Introductory information

Today, 2019 and most people who began to think about repairing the apartment, and, in particular, in the kitchen, seek to follow the latest trends in arrangement and decoration. Most of the CIS brands presented in the Russian market and other countries seek to meet the wishes of potential buyers and issue new collections annually. What are the features of fashionable wallpapers for the 2019 kitchen?

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

In fact, if you wish, you can select basic, basic characteristics. Let's look at the main features that are common to many directories of famous manufacturers.

By the way, about the wallpaper of the new, 2019 you can read in this article on our website.

So, what features should the modern wallpaper walls of the kitchen, produced in 2019? Let's try to combine the main trends, contacting the experience of specialists in design as wallpaper.

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Here are the main one:

  • Significant popularity is obtained a variety of natural, as well as ethnic motives. First of all, it makes sense to talk about Eastern and African plots when designing the interior design of the kitchen. Exotic walls become attractive than ever before. In addition, one of the additional features is the manifestation of contrast, especially in cases where it comes to combined wallpaper, or about a combination with other interior items.
  • Do not forget about such a distinctive and fashionable trend of wallpaper for the kitchen in 2019, as the use of a variety of surfaces. Thus, decorative layer of wallpaper can be matte, glossy, and also have completely different types of texture, which is imitating other finishing materials (tile, ceramic brick, natural stone, etc.).
  • Wallpaper with cards, as always, are relevant. Moreover, their characteristic feature is that they, being modern, in most cases, take the basis of old maps and globes as a basis, to mentally carry us in the era of great geographical discoveries, conquistadors, marine romance and fabulous treasures.
  • Despite the relative novelty, the voluminous 3D wallpaper can boast more and more widespread. Despite the fact that they pretty quickly became fashionable and popular, it should be noted that it is selectively using such a web. You can select one wall for them, or, for example, a fragment of the kitchen, because, otherwise, their use can lead to the fact that the interior will seem unusual and unnatural.
  • Another trend (which however, eats up with ethnic topics, which was said slightly higher) is the use of plant and forest motifs. For example, wallpaper for the kitchen can be made like imitation bamboo or natural wood. As a rule, most of these cauldons will have a clear relief. In addition, we will not forget about such an option as photo wallpaper. They were always very popular and continue to stay in fashion today.
  • Now about the color gamut. It can be said that fashionable colors for the walls of the kitchen in 2019 are both bright colors and more relaxed, pastel tones. The choice depends on the two main factors: the overall design of the interior of your home or apartment, as well as the number of day and artificial light in the room.

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Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

What fashionable wallpaper-companions are better to go

It is no secret that one of the most spectacular techniques in the interior arrangement is the use of combined wallpaper. Let's look at the main advantages that can be obtained with competent use of favorable color combinations.

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

So, what you need to know about combining:

  1. With the help of various use of horizontal / vertical strips, as well as light or dark tones, it is possible, depending on the need, visually expand, or vice versa, to narrow the interior space. The same can be said about the height of the ceilings, which can be visually enlarged by applying various design techniques.
  2. In addition, the use of color combinations allows you to better divide the room to certain zones according to their functional purpose. If we are talking about the kitchen, the zoning in it implies, first of all, the division into the zone of the dining room and the part where the cooking is made.
  3. Finally, we should not forget that fashionable combined wallpaper can be very practical, in the sense that they are able to hide certain flaws and disadvantages of the initial design of the room, or not the imperfect surface of the walls (due to sticking of bright, motion combinations).

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Wallpaper for kitchen and fashion trends in 2019

Whatever your final choice, try to follow general trends, as their compliance ensures that your interior will be not only attractive, but at the same time, and very practical. Choose wallpaper for your kitchen, fashionable in 2019, and you do not lose. Good repair!

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