Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design


Very many apartments owners, conceiving the repair of the kitchen, and as a result, the replacement of old wallpapers on new, have certain difficulties in the purchase. And in fact: the choice of new wallpapers in the apartment is not easy. Many owners of apartments, houses and cottages are wondering: What wallpaper it is better to break the dining room?

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

After all, any owner of both typical and individual housing I want to make the kitchen interior more cozy and expressive so that the color of the purchased wallpaper has harmonized with furniture and kitchen utensils. At the same time, even if you like a certain type or color, you can not forget about the technical features and capabilities of the room itself.

Helpful advice! The main task that stands in front of the apartment owner before buying wallpapers in the dining room is to buy at the same time attractive, and functional canvases.

Choice of dining room: how to buy cheap and practical options

The choice of wallpaper offered today in construction stores, and specialized Internet sites, very wide. In this you can make sure to look at the photo on the site. It should be noted that the inhabitants of Russia and other CIS countries are very popular various types of natural canvases. Of course, they look very attractive. Nevertheless, for the kitchen and dining room, such wallpapers will be impractical, because in this part of the apartment there is a cooking. Therefore, even in those dining rooms, where a good modern extractor is installed, it is desirable to refrain from pasting with wallpaper from materials such as bamboo or various types of textiles. Such coatings can quickly come into disrepair, since after a while they are soaked with smells from the plate and become gradually covered by the evaporation of the soot and fat.

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Approximately the same applies to inexpensive wallpapers from paper, which we often choose because of their low price and limited budget. The fact is that when buying cheap options that do not have a special impregnation should be understood that the next repair will not make himself wait for a long time due to their rapid damage and pollution.

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Please note that in the case of pasta of kitchen walls, with a material that has enjoyed acrylic patterns and patterns, the walls can not be well and well wash. Such walls soon cover the layer of fatty evaporation, which can no longer be washed or cleaned. The notation that we see on the wallpaper means how to glue them, and also explain the rules for care and compatibility with various surfaces.

What wallpaper to choose for dining room: basic conditions

As for the purchase directly, then, according to the reviews of specialists, the first thing it makes sense to decide on the material of future cloths, and then it is possible to make a choice in favor of color. So, with regard to the main points that it is recommended to pay attention to:
  1. Wallpaper density. It is from her that how long they will serve you, decorating the interior of the dining room.
  2. Resistance to light. Due to the fact that the windows of most modern kitchens have a sufficiently large size, a rather high amount of sunlight penetrates through them. And if the wallpaper is not resistant to the effects of these rays, they will become fast enough to fade.
  3. Moisture-resistant qualities. The kitchen and dining room is such a place where unexpected contaminants occur. Thanks to the moisture resistance of the wallpaper, you can wash them.

Expert Reviews: What wallpaper is better suitable for dining

So, we have already considered the main points associated with the choice. Now you will get acquainted with the advice and reviews from the repair professionals.

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Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

At the same time, with regard to the material, it is desirable to use this kind of wallpaper:

  • Paper wallpapers made on a fine vinyl-based basis are ideal for limited in cash;
  • Also, paper wallpaper with a special impregnation can be considered as an affordable option, which made them very popular;
  • Vinyl wallpaper is also an excellent option for kitchen walls. Possess both excellent moisture resistance and high light resistance levels. At the same time, specialists are not advised to acquire wallpaper from foamed vinyl for the kitchen;
  • A good option will be glazed. This is explained by the fact that the wallpaper of fiberglass is characterized by a high level of fire safety and vapor permeability. In addition, they can be repeatedly soaked, which is especially valuable for the kitchen;
  • And finally, wallpaper on a fliesline basis. Due to the high density, the phlizelin wallpaper for the dining room is not subjected to donkeys and other types of damage.

Color selection: Proper design

So, you have already decided what color wallpaper to buy for the interior of your dining room? In fact, how to buy the right material, the color of which came exactly for your apartment? Many designers advise to buy precisely those options that can then be repainted. So, if some particular color of the walls in the kitchen came to you not to taste, it can always be replaced with a new, more suitable. Moreover, painting can be done with your own hands without resorting to the help of specialists.

As for small rooms, as well as a dining room - living room, to avoid visual decrease in space, it is recommended to use mainly light wallpapers, as well as options with a small pattern or pattern. Do not use dark colors. If the windows of the room come out on the south, take care of such shades like blue, blue, gray or salad, as well as their varieties. For the northern windows, it is advisable to pick up the so-called. "Warm tones": peach, yellow or cream, and their variations.

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Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Wallpaper in the dining room: the correct interior design

Tip! You should not overstat the interior with a dining room with a variety of colors contrasting among themselves. Options are suitable with two shades, as well as a variant with one monochny, and the second - patched coating.

Interestingly, both of the most excellent combinations can be selected and implemented for a completely acceptable price. For beautiful interior design dining room, it does not always make sense to choose expensive wallpapers. Including, you can pay attention not only to import, but also on wallpapers produced in Russia. Very often come across very decent options that are well suited for this room.

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