Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction


Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

The technique of patchwork sewing is very popular at the present receptional carrier mosaic or patchwork - a popular technique whose variations are invented so much that even experienced needlewomen can not know any nuances. It is a separate art with their rules, technologies, methods and very poetic names of various techniques.

What is a patchwork mosaic

Patchwork mosaic has a lot of other names - patchwork, sewing from patchwork, patchwork sewing. All this indicates the same concept that represents the art of the junction of the patchwork into beautiful patterns.

Cotton fabric is the best choice for patchwork. Because if you are going to sew a patchwork mosaic, do not even throw out small segments.

Patchwork specialists give a lot of tips in their books that help beginner needlewomen to navigate. If you systematize these tips and tips, a small instruction will be obtained.

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Before starting working with a cloth, it must be loosen and reassured

Tips beginner masters Patchwork:

  • You can begin patchwork sewing with tapes and other small details, but this is, let's say, the program is a mug. If you want to learn something in this technique with your own hands, the first thing should be a fairly large product, but simple in its design. The authors of the patchwork books argue: a large product in time will take actually as much as small, but the effect is incomparable. Therefore, a simple bedspread from squares is better than any tape with a complex pattern for the debut in patchwork.
  • Sewing machine is needed. Manual creativity is, of course, great. And if you are completely true to tradition, go hands. But get ready for it for a long time and tedious. And free evenings will go to this complex classes. The machine simplifies work.
  • The workplace must be comfortable, well lit. The chair with the back is necessarily the convenient height of the table - be sure. Eyes should not be tired.
  • Of the additional devices, you will need: millimeter paper, cardboard, cottage, plastic (transparent), circus and ruler.
  • To translate drawing on the cloth, you will need soft color pencils. Sometimes a copyright is used instead. For the translation of the drawing on a dark fabric suitable dry surge or thin school chalk.
  • As a finish, we will definitely use braid, lace (both manual and machinery), tape, bay, beads, buttons and rivets.
  • Accuracy - the base of patchwork sewing. If you have a program on the patchwork mug, you will see what attention is paid to preparatory work. For example, it is impossible to collect patchwork in one pile. Cut off immediately segments, erase, smooth, sort by boxes. You can sort by colors or tissue density. And as boxes are suitable boxes from candy, gift boxes, packaging from dishes, etc.
  • New fabrics must be wetted, otherwise they will sit down.

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Soviets can be given more, but you can go to specific examples to clarify the situation.

Patchwork mosaics (video)

Patchwork mosaic: well

Equipment Well conquers even beginners. This consistent, simple work, as a result of which beautiful patterns are obtained.

Program of action is as follows:

  • The initial element of the composition is a square. It is located in the center and it turns out that he is trimmed from the pillars.
  • Each new strip, forming a well, is called a log. It is applied so that the previous element is captured.
  • The movement goes clockwise, the initial square is increasing the logs of the logs.
  • An important decorative moment forming a beautiful well, color stretching. For example, from a dark well to light stripes, or vice versa.
  • Breeding tiers can be made equal in size, and you can gradually increase.

Frequent occasion - diagonal color breakdown. That is, the square remains in its place, and the rest of the parts are drawn up diagonally.

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Visually two-color scheme is divided into two parts diagonally

Patchwork mosaic with their own hands

To make your own hands to make the first work beautiful, without explicit defects, pay special attention to the construction of the composition.

Any circle of Patchwork focuses on the attention of students at this moment.

What is important for building a composition:

  • Start work with the definition of its size and geometric shape;
  • Between the figure, the center of the composition, and the edging things should be background, the so-called "air" composition;
  • Large and dark figures are usually located at the bottom of the composition, and small and bright - from above;
  • Equilibrium should be on top and bottom, and on the right and left;
  • Do not shift the composite center;
  • The future composition should be located on the floor, look at it from the side, it will be visible, whether all the color dominants are observed.

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Be sure to preview to see the miscalculations on time.

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Patchwork Mosaics: Stitch

Patchwork mosaics always suggest stitch. It can be ordinary, and maybe figure. But in any kind of stitches prescribed the dimension. And it is: 1 cm fabric - five frequent stitches, seam applies standard - "forward needle".

Why do you need a stitch? Its goal is a durable connection of three layers of things (for example, blankets). Usually the stitch is performed by cotton threads, of course, in tone tissue. Stitch is made by hand, use thimble and thin, durable needles.

In the program, the patchwork mug is also well painted these moments, because the stitch is your own hands - a special job that requires patience and non-safeness.

It looks beautiful on the stitch on empty places in the ornament, the stitch on the border is also surprisingly good. Sometimes stitch embroidered initials or some wishes.

Artistic stitch for beginners (video master class)

In the patchwork mosaic many nuances, difficulties requiring perfection. Some moments are performed only with their own hands, without the help of a sewing machine. So patchwork is not only the lessons of needlework, but also the school of perpetuity, thoughtfulness, concentration and relaxation.

Patchwork mosaic (photo)

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

Patchwork Mosaic: Patchwork with your own hands, pictures on paper, program mug, what is well, photo gallery, video instruction

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