Curtains in a cage to the kitchen: how to choose ideal curtains?


To date, print tartan, or a cell, are at the peak of popularity, it is widely used not only in clothing, but also in interior design. For example, the last trendy need was the decoration of curtains with curtains in a cage. With this concise, weathered ornament, the room can be given a completely new, unusual view. But on which cage to stop your choice so that it is the most harmoniously fit into the design of the room and the winningly emphasized him?

Curtains in a cage to the kitchen: how to choose ideal curtains?

Curtains in the kitchen: varieties of cells

Thanks to the history of its origin, the cell is called "Scotland". Dense woolen fabric in Scotland performed a symbol of the clan, each family had different in color and the size of the pattern. A cell or Tartan (Tuar Tan in translation means "color of the terrain") was painted with natural dyes (alder bark, blueberry berries, seaweed), so each color was characteristic of a particular location. But today, in addition to the classic "plaid", a lot of cell varieties appeared:

  • Vichy. It is an integral attribute of country style or provence. This is a small cell, which most often consists of white and bright color (red, blue, pink). Print first appeared in 1850 and was named after the French city of the same name.
  • Madrasskaya. Distinctive features of such a cell are a lifetime, bright colors and asymmetry. The Motherland of the Print is a major industrial city of India Madras.
  • "Goose foot", "dog tooth". This is a contrast square with an extended angle. Such a drawing was particularly popular in the 20-40s due to the collections of the famous Coco Chanel.
  • PIPIT. The appearance is very similar to the "goose paw", but there is still a difference. In addition, the native of Pita from Spain.
  • Barberry Cage. Since 1924, known as Nova. It wonderfully intertwined red, black, white and sand tone.
  • Royal steward. Perhaps the most popular red checkered print, is the personal Tartan of the British monarch.

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Curtains in a cage to the kitchen: how to choose ideal curtains?

Color spectrum

Most of the kitchen houses have a rather limited area, so it is very important to choose the right curtains. Light and lungs help visually increase the space, and dark and heavy reduce it. However, for those who have excellent designer flavors, there are no strict rules. In other cases, checkered curtains under the color of wallpaper or furniture will win overview. It is also worth considering that the lighter and large cell, the better. Dark minor ornament often looks gloomy, untidy.

In the event that the interior is designed in a certain style, you must follow the special rules.

  • If the kitchen design is classic, the cell will be the most winning, the cell in red, yellow, orange, green, blue, turquoise color scheme will look.
  • To create a modern interior, you should give preference to black and white, beige-brown, gray-green, gray-pink, orange-green cage.


Checkered curtains are remarkably combined with polka dot patterns, striped and small flower.

Curtains in a cage to the kitchen: how to choose ideal curtains?


Fabric selection is one of the most responsible moments. It is very important that it was resistant to all sorts of pollution, because the curtains are dirty in the kitchen faster. In addition, at the highest level there must be the quality of staining, it is important that the material does not fade in the sun and did not learn when washing. The best fabric for kitchen curtains is considered flax (with a small amount of synthetic fibers). They are not very frozen, easily erased and looks always worthy. Also good fabrics from polyester or viscose, they are easy to care for them, they are practical. In addition, they, as a rule, have a huge range of colors.

Curtains in a cage to the kitchen: how to choose ideal curtains?

Varieties of curtains

Another important moment is the choice of the type of curtains. Which of them choose - Roman, Japanese, on the challenges or curtains? It all depends on personal taste and preferences.

  • Roman.

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Simple and at the same time elegant, the most functional curtains. Most often they are attached directly to the plastic window frame. Thanks to the special design, they can be adjusted in height, and due to the small flow of fabric, the care of them is quite simple.

  • Japanese.

Panel curtains that are something similar with vertical blinds. The width of the panels, as a rule, ranges from 0.4 to 0.8 meters, and the height depends on the distance from the cornice to the floor. Such curtains are excellent for ethnic or modern minimalist kitchen design.

  • On the challenges.

This kind of curtains, how can not be better emphasized the beauty of the fabric, the geometric pattern will look just excellent. However, due to their conciseness, they are more suitable for the modern minimalism interior.

  • Gardina.

These are lightweight, translucent curtains that are best suited for a room in which there is no need to protect against prying eyes and sunlight. Usually curtains freely drape, which gives the room a kind of charm, as well as a romanticity.

Curtains in a cage to the kitchen: how to choose ideal curtains?

What length to choose?

Of course, long curtains to the floor look much more than noble, rather than ordinary short. However, if the kitchen area is small, then for reasons of convenience, you should give preference to the second option. In this case, the curtains must end below the windowsill at approximately 15 cm. It is such a size that allows you to freely use the space near the window and does not violate the integrity, the harmonicity of the image.

In the case when a balcony door is located next to the kitchen window, you can experiment with a length of the curtain. For example, it is interesting to combine short and long curtains, or for the window to use blinds, and the door to drag the curtains.

Curtains in a cage to the kitchen: how to choose ideal curtains?

Useful advice

  1. Cell - the drawing itself is bright and original, so if there are other bright interior items in the kitchen, it should be used with extreme caution.
  2. The best plaid curtains are harmonized with furniture made of natural materials - wood, leather, metal, decorative stone.
  3. If you choose the cage, then it should stand out on a general background. It is usually calm shades of furniture, wallpapers and bright, contrasting cells.
  4. The magnitude of the pattern should be harmonized with the size of the room. For a small kitchen, you should choose curtains in a small cell, and the drawing is suitable larger, volumetric.
  5. Do not forget about accessories, with their help design kitchens can be done truly unique and unique.

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Curtains in a cage to the kitchen: how to choose ideal curtains?

Curtains in a cage are not in vain won wide fame and popularity. They are in demand in a wide variety of styles - English, classic, country, Provence and even modern. We can say that this drawing is universal. Correctly combining it with the rest of the interior items, you can achieve absolutely any effect. Depending on the type and color palette, the cell can create comfort, or on the contrary, act as a bright, intriguing accent.

However, immersed in the world of styles and paints, should not forget about the practicality of matter. Curtains must be functional, do not be littered and not flawed. In addition, it is important to take into account other characteristics, such as the length, dust and dirt resistance of the tissue. Only by creating all the factors together, you can choose really flawless curtains in the kitchen.

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