Bedroom repair 12 sq m: Paul, ceiling, walls


Everyone wants to feel comfortable and cozy in the bedroom. Currently, as in the times of the Soviet Union, builders build buildings, making a bedside of minor size.

Bedroom repair 12 sq m: Paul, ceiling, walls

The repair of the bedroom includes several stages: renewal of the ceiling coating, replacement of windows, floor repair and walls.

Bedroom repair 12 sq. M is not such a simple task as it may seem at first glance. The space in such a bedroom is limited, but I want to do it cozy. Many are trying even from this small area of ​​the apartment to make an excellent corner in which it will be nice. Then we will discuss how to make the budget repairs of the bedroom, the area of ​​which is 12 square meters.

Where to start construction?

Repair in the bedroom 12 square meters is not much different from the repair of other premises located in the apartment.

First you need to dismantle the entire finish.

Bedroom repair 12 sq m: Paul, ceiling, walls

For better air circulation in the bedroom, replace the old windows.

In the bedroom must be excellent air circulation, which will allow you to comfortably feel at any time of the day. That is why start repair is necessary with dismantling the old window. It will need to be replaced with the purpose of improving air circulation at any time of the year.

If there are little children in the room, then for the window, it is necessary to provide blocking knobs. The room has a relatively small size, so it is worth putting a fairly large window that allows you to fill all its rays of light. This will allow visually to increase the size of the room. You also need to take care of the warmth in the room. It is very important to correctly select a heater, which will allow you to keep warm in the room in the winter.

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Specialists are recommended when repaired in the bedroom, the area of ​​which is 12 sq m, sharpen and launch the walls with the ceiling. On the floor, you can make a screed. It is worth considering each of the above options in more detail.

Repair of the ceiling in the bedroom 12 sq m

Bedroom repair 12 sq m: Paul, ceiling, walls

Bedroom repair must be started with the ceiling update. It can be: paint, blazing, cover with tiles, replace on the suspension.

Of course, all work starts from above, and, accordingly, you need to update the ceiling first. Here you can go in two ways - to whitewashing the coating or completely replace the ceiling, for example, on the suspension.

It can be started only when old coatings are removed from the ceiling. They need to get rid of obligatory.

Next, the ceiling must be wetted, which will make it easy to align it. Only after that you can proceed directly to the repair of the ceiling. It can be blocked, paint, cover with tiles or wallpaper.

Repair of walls in the bedroom 12 sq m

If you choose the right color gamut, then you can visually increase the space inside the bedroom (including if it has the same opposite sides - a peculiar square option). It is necessary to approach the wall repair of the walls in the bed. To begin with, it is necessary to paint the windows, ceiling and doorways in advance so that the paint subsequently did not hit the wallpaper. If the walls are planned, then the procedure can be skipped.

Bedroom repair 12 sq m: Paul, ceiling, walls

Properly selected color scheme, will help visually increase the space space.

Glued wallpaper is not really so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. However, in this process you need to be extremely neat. Only so you can save the walls as high quality as possible. If we are talking about a small bedroom, then it is better to pick it up with light tones of wallpaper. They are able to increase the space, namely, it is necessary for a small square room.

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In the event that it is planned to paint the walls, you need to take care of the competent choice of color. Very often well-known designers use only two colors in such premises. One paint, for example, doors and plinths, and the other ceiling and walls.

Recently, various decorative finishing materials are often used to repair small rooms. Five years ago, such chic could afford only wealthy people. Now almost everyone can purchase such a luxury, which over the years has cheaper significantly. With the help of various decorative elements, you can easily create a unique design in the room and hide the existing defects. In addition, decorative elements can be easily installed independently. For this you do not need to be a professional builder or finishing.

Of course, if a person likes everything non-standard, then when repairing the bedroom it is worth paying attention to individual options. Currently, wallpapers with original drawings are very common. With their help, you can decorate the sleeping room. You can try to change the contrast of paints, and you can use stencils when staining the walls. Of course, it is permissible to combine both methods, if a person has a stormy fantasy.

Floor repair in a small bedroom - features

Bedroom repair 12 sq m: Paul, ceiling, walls

When choosing finishing floor materials, focus on the quality of the material, the design of the design and color gamut of the room.

At the present time, there are no problems with the acquisition of one or another coating for a small bedroom. The market presents a huge number of different types of flooring, each of which will fit perfectly into the design of a small room.

However, when buying it is worth paying close attention to the quality of the material and its color gamut.

If the quality of the proposed coverage is suspicious, it is better to overpay a little and acquire something really valuable. As for the color scheme, then, as in the case of the walls, it is better to choose light tones that will increase the space inside the bedroom.

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Repair of windows in the bedroom 12 sq m

The windows are one of the most important parts of the interior that require updates. This also applies to a small bedroom. The windows play a very important role in each room. They allow you to maintain heat indoors, fill it with bright sunlight, and also bring to the house comfort.

  1. From the correctly selected window, much depends on the further human accommodation in this apartment. Currently, vertical, horizontal disintegration and combined models of windows have been widely used.
  2. When designing the position of the window, it must be sent to the east or south-east. Only in this case the sun's rays will fill the room for almost all day. Sunlight, as you know, is very useful for the human body. Of course, natural light can be replaced with artificial, but always need to remember that only real sunlight causes the body to work 100%. In this case, this light also destroys a large number of microbes that could settle in a small bedroom.

So, repairing a bedroom 12 sq. M is the task is quite difficult for most orders. Many with such issues are addressed to various specialized organizations engaged in the repair of residential premises.

However, now you can and do not overpay by hired workers. All repairs in a small bedroom can be made with their own hands. It is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. This instruction will help everyone who decided to make repairs in his small bedroom.

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