DIY kindergarten


DIY kindergarten

Plot of kindergarten is not just a place of daily walks of children. With a certain proportion of fantasy and interest from educators and parents, the site can be a real magical world.

Surely you paid attention to how diversity can be decorated in kindergartens. Here you can find a variety of shells for sports activities, games for games, bright unusual flowerbeds and other decorations.

Of course, any parent want his child to live in an attractive, interesting setting that promotes successful development and training. You can choose this option of kindergarten at

But back to the decoration of the site. As a rule, the educators themselves are engaged in this, attracting particularly active parents. And there are several features.

How to decorate a kindergarten plot with your own hands?

The original, non-similar to the rest, is rather an exception than the rule. Previously, all the plots were the same, thanks to the efforts of the authorities. And only initiative and active educators are able to change this situation by making a plot of truly beautiful and interesting.

First of all, it is worth saying about the appointment of decorations of the plots as such. With their help, several goals are achieved at once:

  • A favorable environment for learning children and their development is organized;
  • Children at the site should not be boring, so the decorations will be diversified in due expensive;
  • Finally, competently selected landscape design elements are able to raise good taste in children.

In a word, little to make several jewelry and scatter them on the site, it is also important to organize the entire system of jewelry in a special way.

DIY kindergarten

In addition, it is not necessary to forget that the elements of the decor of the kindergarten are provided with special requirements, which are also not forgotten.

  • The playground must be structured. Ideally, each child should have 7-9 square meters.
  • Central, and the largest part is intended for general mutual classes. There are sports shells and fixtures.
  • On the perimeter of the site, additional decor elements are installed: a canopy or house, sandbox, flower beds, hemps, and so on.
  • Decorations can be stationary, which "live" on the plot and in winter, and in summer, and removable, which can be changed annually.

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What should be the decorations for the kindergarten site? Of course, beautiful. Bright, unusual elements attract the attention of even the youngest children. And if the decor elements can also be used in the game, for example, a house or tent, then it is interesting in doubly.

Another, especially the actual rule - the safety of the decor. Unfortunately, to the detriment of safety, decorations are created especially often.

Safe must be like materials from which the product is made and the sample design itself. If the installation is planned at a place of active game, it should not have sharp corners, speakers and other elements that are easy to hurt.

As for the materials, it is not all suitable for use in a children's area. You can not decorate a piece of glass, metal with raw edges, toxic materials that can have a negative impact on children's health.

But the tree and plastic are quite suitable for staying at the children's area. At the same time, it is worth talking about the proper handling of the product that will make it safe.

DIY kindergarten

Some time ago, there were crafts from automotive tires everywhere in the sections of kindergartens. What is just not able to fantasy creators! Tires are converted both in simple and famous swans and in completely incredible designs, interesting and unusual.

However, now in a number of regions, the use of rubber car tires in the sections of kindergartens was prohibited. So before designing something from such a material, you should make sure that it is not prohibited.

Thus, security should become a determining factor when choosing elements for decorating the site.

  • Draw a plot plan to determine the location of each element.
  • The general plan will also make it also to decide on the size of the flower, tracks and other decorations.
  • It is better to coordinate the manufacture of decorations collectively so that the result is not broken, and all the elements were combined with each other.

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Of course, the sector of children can be left unchanged: there are probably a couple of benches and a gazebo for games already. However, the plot decorated is pride for the educator and parents, and the joy for the guys themselves, playing on the decorated platform it will be every day.

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