How to install a gas column? Montaja rules


How to install a gas column? Montaja rules
Comfort is such a thing to which the soul and body quickly gets used, and from which it is not easy to refuse. Hot water is just such a kind of comfortable services that sometimes have to wait long from utility services, and I really want to have in your home or apartment.

When the last hope is disappearing, it remains to take the initiative into your hands. Especially since cold water in the crane is available. Moreover, it is enough to purchase and buy a water heater for the implementation of conceived. About how to establish it, and will be discussed in this article.

Modern water heating devices are divided into two categories:

  • Cumulative principle of action.
  • Flowing.

The flow devices include a gas column. The latest models have an extremely simple principle of operation. When the mixer opens a crane connected to the column, the latter turns on automatically. And when the crane is closed, water ceases to heal, and the device is turned off. The whole process is easily convenient and secured for the user.

Where to install the gas column?

How to install a gas column? Montaja rules

The prerequisite for working column is the presence of a gas source. This means that there should be a pipe that feeds blue fuel. And since gas is not water, and experiments can have unpleasant consequences with him, it is advisable to fulfill all work on the installation of stages. At the same time, it is necessary to know the basic rules that regulate the installation process. Yet, as in any case, when installing the column, "pitted stones" complicating the process may occur.

  • The volume of the room in which the equipment is installed must be at least 15 m3. With the height of the ceilings in 2 m, the area, respectively, should be from 7.5 m2.
  • Necessarily the presence of supply ventilation. A window, a fortietha or forced system can perform as ventilation devices.
  • The chimney is obligatory for the operation of the gas column. At the same time, the ventilation openings are prohibited as a chimney.
  • You can not set the column and in the bathrooms.
  • The protective mechanism is triggered at a pressure of the incoming water equal to 0.1 atmosphere and above.
  • The wall on which the column is installed must be from non-combustible material.
  • Place over the gas stove Water gas equipment is also prohibited.
  • The column must be located in an unattainable place for children from considerations, quite understandable for each parent.

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So, we have a room of the desired volume, working ventilation, a wall that will not light up from the first spark, and there is a place away from the gas stove. When the listed conditions are completed, it is time to visit the gas service.

What documents do you need?

Any equipment running on blue fuel carries a potential danger. And therefore its installation is the case responsible and painstaking. Working with gas pipes is better to leave the appropriate services that have a license and are fully responsible for their actions. Even if you know what and how to do, it is advisable to impose responsibility for what is happening to connect on licensed specialists.

So, before being taken for business, you need to get technical documentation in the form of a "project for gasification". At the same time, it comes into force when you collect all the coordination and solutions of the local administration. Recently, when cases of explosions of unauthorized installed devices, the process of registration of gas equipment tightened significantly. This delivers some inconvenience to users, but at the same time protects you and your neighbors from the accident.

In this regard, it is very desirable that the installation is carried out by a firm with a suitable license. Otherwise you have to overpay for unauthorized connection.

Equipment and tools

To install the gas column you need to prepare the following:

  • Gas column.
  • Water tap in a double instance and gas.
  • Filters: magnetic and salt.
  • Chimney (corrugation of the corresponding diameter).
  • Gas pipe.
  • Dowels.
  • Drill.
  • Anchor.

Gas column chimney

How to install a gas column? Montaja rules

Chimney should qualitatively allocate combustion products outside the room. Accordingly, the safety of the inhabitants of the apartment or at home directly depends on its quality.

A hole for the exit of the corrugation is made in the wall, which joins the water. As a result, we get a flexible connection in accordance with the project with the help of an exhaust corrugation in the wall with a flange on the unit. In other cases, a galvanized adapter can be applied.

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Fastening to the wall

First of all, you need to place the place of attachment on the wall and drill under the fastening of the hole. Since the column will be filled with water, its weight will be decent. For this reason, the mount should have an appropriate margin of safety.

The frame with anchors is attached to the wall, after which it is possible to start water supply.

Water submission

How to install a gas column? Montaja rules

Installation of the water supply occurs in accordance with the technology for a specific type of pipes. In the case of a plastic wiring, a tee is enough to crash into the pipe. Then the line is planned, according to which the pipe supply to the column will be carried out and the communications is carried out. At the same time, the pipes are attached to the base with a step in one meter.

Filters are installed on the speaker approach. In the completion of the process - connecting the pipe with cold water. To do this, use a cape of the speaker itself.

In the same way, hot water is wiring.

After everything is connected, you need to check the system. We serve cold water and see if there are no leaks. If such are detected, you remove them.

Gas connection

How to install a gas column? Montaja rules

If the supply of water supply pipes, a chimney, ventilation, and the mounting of the column attachment can be carried out independently, then the gas connection must be performed only by a specialized organization. The representative of GEANTERS produces a knock on the existing gas highway, a meter is installed, the gas pipe is supplied to the column and connect it.

After the installation is required to check the tightness of all joints. To do this, use a soap solution that is applied to the connections using a brush or sponge. If the solution is foaming, then the leakage is fixed and immediately eliminated.

Running a gas column

How to install a gas column? Montaja rules

First of all, you need to check the presence of thrust in the chimney with a match. Then open the gas crane. There should be a characteristic sound of the gas entering the column. It should be paid attention to the absence or presence of water leaks in the column itself. Electronic ignition and display are operated from the batteries that need to be inserted into the apparatus.

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So, the batteries "revived" display. Now open the nearest "hot" crane. Water is poured. First it will be cold, but then automatics will work, including ignition. Now water begins to warm up.

Since the device in the factory conditions is carefully lubricated with the appropriate materials, when you first start you can feel that water has the smell of oil. After a while, the lubricant will wash off, and water will lose a specific smell.

This connection and installation of the gas column occurs. Yes, there are nuances, you need to collect the necessary documents and invite specialists. However, the pleasure of the current hot water crane is worth all these efforts.

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