Rolled Curtains in Children: Tips for choosing


From the in which the atmosphere grows the child, its mood and well-being depends in many respects. Colors, items, textures, its surrounding, create that unique atmosphere of childhood, which will remain with him for life. Parents who care about creating a convenient, practical, individual interior for their baby, often choose rolled curtains in the nursery.

But in order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to know and take into account the features of this type of home textile.

Rolled Curtains in Children: Tips for choosing

Open or closed

Rolled curtains are, in general, a variety of blinds. Only they are made of fabric and not from individual bands, but from the solid canvas.

They are different types. First of all, you need to make a choice between open and closed (cassette).

  • In the closed cloth folded into the cassette - a box that protects it from damage and dust. They have guides, along which the canvas unfolds. Thanks to them, it is always adjacent to the window, even an attic. Such rolled curtains on plastic windows are perfect. Unlike curtains and open rolled curtains, they will not cling to the leaf open to ventilating.
  • Open-type curtains do not have such advantages, but also the price of them below.

Rolled Curtains in Children: Tips for choosing

Mechanical or automatic

  • Rolled mechanical drive curtains are manually open using a chain. If the child is small, the chain needs to be removed away from it - to fix in a special holder.
  • And those that with electrical drive, open and closed using a remote control. With their control, the child will cope even without the help of parents. Automatic curtains in a nursery for a boy who loves toys with remote control, will become a real event.

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Rolled Curtains in Children: Tips for choosing

Choose a fabric

The material from which the canvas is made is most often polyester with special impregnations. Of course, you can find or order curtains from natural materials: flax, cotton. This is an eco-friendly fabric, suitable for children.

But the polyester does not mind, and the impregnations give him dirt and moisture resistance, they will shove away from fading. Such curtains do not require wasteful washing: there are enough of them with a brush or wipe with a damp cloth. They will come to how it is impossible in the children's room for a girl who already supports order.

The choice of material also depends on the age of the child.

  • Schoolchildren will suit a thin, transparent fabric. She protects the room from direct sunlight, but does not flick daylight, allowing the child to do lessons, engage in other affairs.
  • The medium density canvas shake the room by 30-40% and is suitable for children of all ages, except the smallest.
  • Rolled curtains in the nursery for kids who sleep during the day, must fully block the sun's rays. For these purposes, Blackout will fit.

Rolled Curtains in Children: Tips for choosing

Choose color

The basic principles of choice of color scheme are well known.

  • Light curtains are suitable in a small room, monophonic or small pattern.
  • Horizontal strips visually expand the narrow room, and the vertical - visually raise low ceilings.
  • The color of the curtain in the nursery should not be too bright, so as not to annoy and not excite the child.
  • Textiles in the nursery need to be chosen on the grow. Cartoon heroes, too children's drawings will delight the owner of the room for a short time - then he will grow up, the interests will change, and the curtains will remain.


Choose rolled curtains for the children's room so that they echo in color with interior parts: pillows, upholstery furniture flooring.

So that the child has grown out of the interior of his room, pick up neutral color-beige, white, light gray.

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The color of the curtains in a nursery for a boy can be traditional "male (blue, purple, discreet red, dark green, blue). But in the children's room for the girl, purple, pink, turquoise shades are suitable. For the room of different children, it is better to choose neutral pastel tones.

Rolled Curtains in Children: Tips for choosing

Advantages and disadvantages of rolled curtains

This type of curtains misunderstood so quickly gained popularity, because he has much more positive parties than flaws.

  • Room with cassette rolled curtains is convenient to air in winter: they are not confused, but open with windows.
  • They are easy to clean. Whatever dirty, neither the palms of your chad, can be easily wired with a damp cloth with a gentle cleansing agent. This is especially important when choosing a curtain in a children's room for a boy. The boys all the time something melted, glue, but their arms are not always wash.
  • The mechanism can be fixed not only on the wall, ceiling, but also directly on the window. If you attach rolled curtains to plastic windows, the windowsill is released and becomes part of the children's space. An additional place appears for games or storage of collections, crafts.
  • Unlike bulky porter, their rolled counterparts do not clutter space, save space.
  • Suitable for difficult, such as attic, windows.

The shortcomings are very relative and can be eliminated with the competent selection and use of products.

  • The mechanism may turn out to be noisy for the room where the baby is sleeping.
  • Open-type rolled curtains dust in a rolled state, which may have unpleasant consequences for allergy children.
  • The mechanism of any complexity is always potentially dangerous for children.


Rolled curtains in the children's room should be of the highest quality. To be confident in their reliability and durability, you need to choose verified manufacturers.

Rolled Curtains in Children: Tips for choosing

With the choice of rolled curtains for a nursery can not be rushing. From what they will, the mood of the child, performance and even health depends. Therefore, before buying, you need to consider all the nuances: the floor, age, the temperament of the child.

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It will be useful to listen to the advice of sellers, study the proposals of different manufacturers.

If the choice is successful, the rolled curtains will serve for a long time faithfully, creating in the children's comfort and glad the child ease and ease of use.

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