Rectangular Bedroom Design: Recommendations, Interesting Takes


Well, when the bedroom, living room and all other rooms have a standard approximate to square shape.

Rectangular Bedroom Design: Recommendations, Interesting Takes

Laying of laminate in a narrow long room.

If there is a room in your apartment or house, the shape of which is more like an elongated and narrow rectangle, do not hurry to get upset: you only need to make a little effort, and it will become very comfortable, comfortable and pleasant to stay.

Basic guidelines for building a narrow room

Rectangular Bedroom Design: Recommendations, Interesting Takes

Mounting diagram lamp with outdoor light bulb location.

First of all, it is necessary to think through the bedroom design, a living room or other rectangular room so that it does not look too elbow and too narrow. There are many different techniques that allow you to create excellent design and not limited to the installation of various partitions and the right arrangement of furniture.

Often the design of the elongated premises involves zoning. For example, you can highlight a sleeping place and a working area, a dressing room and a recreation area, etc. Such a design does not imply the use of partitions height into the entire room, because It can make a bedroom lighting combined with a living room, unnatural. It is important to choose the appropriate materials for flooring, walls and ceiling and choose the optimal color.

Thus, when drawing up a designer project, we need to consider at least the following points:

  • finishing surfaces;
  • configuration and placement of furniture;
  • lighting;
  • zoning;
  • Additional decor.

Recommendations for furniture arrangement

Rectangular Bedroom Design: Recommendations, Interesting Takes

Furniture arrangement in a narrow rectangular room.

The design of a narrow room involves a certain placement of furniture. No need to place it along the wide walls, even if it is so convenient for you. Because of this placement, the bedroom will seem even more narrow and long than is in reality.

If your bedroom is elongated from the window opening, you can place the workplace near it. Install a computer table, a few shelves, a bookcase. Soft furniture and TV can be placed in the center of the room. If you plan to equip the dressing room, it is not recommended to embed a wardrobe near a narrow wall. You should not hang on it mirror doors: because of this, the bedroom will seem even longer.

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If the window opening is on the long bedroom wall, you can choose another design. For example, build a wardrobe ward on the entire wall in a narrow wall. Pick up such doors whose color would be well combined with the color of the walls. Such a design will visually make a room more square.

What materials use to finish?

Rectangular Bedroom Design: Recommendations, Interesting Takes

Installation of the suspended ceiling.

In the process of planning a narrow bedroom design, you need to find the appropriate finishing materials. To visually expand the room, you can save the wall with a window and the one that is located opposite it, wallpaper of a more rich and dark shade, and for the remaining walls to choose a brighter finish. Glossy materials are excellent. On long walls will be appropriate mirrors. Thanks to this design, a narrow room will visually expand.

If the window is located on a narrow wall, hang curtains from sufficiently dense tissue width, slightly exceeding the size of the window opening, and at some distance from it. Certain with this task will help you the cornice of the appropriate size. Curtains should be noticeably darker than walls.

It is important to think about the floor design. You can use different techniques and materials for finishing and thanks to this to create the zoning effect. For example, laminate or parquet laminate or parquet in one zone in the same area, and in the other - otherwise. Either use for the design of the floor materials of different colors. For a visual increase in one bedroom measurement, laminate can be laid along short walls, but it will require more time and strength. In the center of the bedroom, put a square-shaped carpet or make a square pattern with finishing materials of different color.

Treat the ceiling design. It is undesirable to be white. Beige and gray shades will help make a bedroom more cozy. Excellent tension and suspended ceilings of various designs will look. It is recommended that the design repeats the pattern on the floor.

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It is very important to think about the light design. For narrow rooms, several different light options are suitable: in the center of the room, in the work area and around the perimeter. It is not recommended to hang too cumbersome chandeliers.

Interesting design techniques for a narrow bedroom

Rectangular Bedroom Design: Recommendations, Interesting Takes

Bed location scheme.

There are many designer techniques and tricks that allow you to make a rectangular bedroom more cozy. First of all, you can hang mirrors on a long wall.

The rectangular bedroom is similar to the "penalty" or "car". With visual expansion of space, mirrors are perfectly coping with. Creating reflections, they will expand 2 times the bedroom.

Mirrors should be perpendicular to the short walls of the bedroom. Otherwise, the room will become even more elongated and narrow. There is a huge selection of various mirrors. They can be in beautiful and original frames, look like intricate decorative objects, to be part of the cladding, etc. In this case, it all depends only on your personal preferences and features of the style of the style of the dwelling.

When designing a rectangular bedroom design, the main goal is to bring the formation form to square as much as possible.

To do this, you need to create appropriate visual associations. You should use a square shape wherever possible. Hang on the wall square picture, lay on the floor rover square shape, check the square dressing table, pouf or bedside table near the bed.

If the furniture for your bedroom will be manufactured by individual order, you can use it with it to correct the proportions of the room. In the event that the bedroom is very elongated, then a closet can be installed near the short wall or even make a dressing room. At the window, put a table with shelves, drawers and various racks. Such a deep design will be positively affected by the perception of the room. Along the long walls of the bedroom it is better to establish ergonomic furniture, but somewhat less generally accepted standards, or at all the most narrower, which will allow you to preserve the already non-fragile passages. For example, you can hang a narrow shelf over the bed. It will replace the bedside table and will allow you to save space.

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Close the form of a rectangular bedroom to a square can be used with light. It is best to give your choice in favor of central lighting. You can also install dot lamps along narrow walls. A combination of desktop lamps and lamps will be perfectly looking - they will be at different heights, which will make it profitable to emphasize the best places of the rectangular bedroom.

Use color trips. It is known that in order to distract attention from one of one, you must intentionally attract it to something else. If you do not want your bedroom to be perceived as too narrow, try creating such a visual center that would attract all the attention to yourself,

Recommendations for zoning a rectangular bedroom

If the bedroom has a rectangular shape and its length is much higher than the width, you can split the room on 2 zones without using no partitions for this. For example, you can set the bed in the depths of the bedroom, and to the foot back to watch a compact sofa in the width of the bed. Before the sofa, place the original coffee table, and you can hang plasma on the wall. As a result, you will get zones for sleeping and relaxing in one room, but visually it will be divided into 2 separate rooms.

Such zoning is particularly well suited for the rooms of adolescents, because these rooms are sometimes combined in themselves and the bedroom, and the living room, and the work area, etc. How exactly and on which zones are separated by the room - depends on personal needs and preferences.

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