Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself


Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself

A shower cabin is so comfortable and practical that many of us have long refused the bath in favor of this device, more corresponding to the modern tempo of life. However, despite a number of obvious advantages, showers are not deprived and disadvantages - there are several items for which traditional baths are greatly superior.

One of these items is wear resistance. A simple cast-iron bath can be able to serve dozens of years, without requiring repair (except for periodic updates of enameled coating). The shower cabin has a more complex device, so there is quite often breakdowns with it - both mechanical and electronic character.

This article is devoted to repairing pallets of shower cabins: We will tell you about the types and causes of damage, as well as how to eliminate them.

Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself

Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself

Causes of breakdowns

A high-quality shower from a reliable manufacturer should break only in exceptional cases. Most often, in the crashes occurred, the installers or users themselves should be blamed. Consider the most common causes by which the pallet begins to repair:

  • Errors allowed when mounting. Installation is very important to comply with the requirements specified by the manufacturer in the installation manual. So, if you put a cabin on an uneven surface, the load on the pallet will be distributed unevenly, which will damage it.
  • Non-compliance with rules of operation. This applies mainly by weight load or mechanical impact. Pallets made of fragile materials, such as acrylic or plastic, often break if the weight on which they are not designed for them are often broken. In addition, small chips and cracks may appear due to the fact that heavy items are thrown onto the pallet, for example, a shower.
  • Manufacturing defects. If the pallet broke due to a defect made in the production stage, then your guilt in this will definitely not be. By the way, it happens quite rarely and, if the warranty period has not expired, it will not be difficult to solve the problem.

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Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself

What to do?

The amount of work and the set of necessary tools is determined by the seriousness of damage. They are light (scratches or shallow cracks), medium (small chips) and severe (through holes). Let's see what can be done in each of the cases.

Small crack

If the damage is not serious, you can cope with it very quickly. To do this, you will need: degreasing solution, rags, brush, acrylic paint to the pallet. To begin with, rinse from dirt, wipe dry and degrease damage damage. This can be done with alcohol, acetone or lacquer removal fluid. Then arm with the paint and the tassel, and gently nimble the crack (you need to work on a dry surface). After drying the paint, if necessary, apply a second layer. A day later, the pallet will be ready to use again.

Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself

Deep crack

From cracks of great depths, it is almost impossible to get rid of acrylic paint alone. A more correct solution will strengthen the basis with the help of acrylic liner. Here you have two ways - to purchase a finished product or make it yourself.

To make the liner with your own hands you will need a large number of acrylic paint and hardener for her. The proportions of mixing are indicated on the package - they need to be carefully observed.

Before proceeding with work, the pallet should be carefully flushed, remove all pollution, degrease and dry. Then the entire surface of the pallet must be evenly coated with the prepared composition. Make sure that the layer is not too thick, but at the same time covered all the cracks.

After drying, the composition of irregularity can be cleaned with sandpaper.

Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself


In case of end-to-end damage, we also need to make something like a liner, but more durable and complex in composition. In addition to acrylic and hardener, it will be necessary to purchase epoxy.

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Preparatory work will be the same as in the previous case. When everything is ready, apply a layer of epoxy resin on a damaged place. When it dries, cover the pallet surface with a mixture of acrylic paint and hardener. After drying the second layer, an acrylic varnish can be applied on top of it - it will give the product even greater strength.

In the video below, you can see how you still repair the pallets of shower cabins on their own without the help of a professional.

How to replace the pallet?

If the damage is so serious that it is not possible to eliminate it, the most correct solution will be the acquisition of a new pallet. The greatest difficulty is to find a pallet in stores compatible with your shower in size, shape and constructive features.

The new shower tray must be installed on an ideally smooth surface. It must be located strictly horizontally (the construction level will greatly facilitate the task).

Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself

How to set the pallet of the shower cabin, can be viewed in the next video of the channel "Leroy Merlin Russia".

Do not forget to provide free access to the sewer pipes and the drain shower system.

What if the partition cracked?

Partitions of shower cabins crack significantly less often than pallets, because the load on them is not so strong . However, if the crack on the wall or door after all appeared, do not be discouraged. Return the perfect appearance partition is unlikely to succeed, but it is quite possible to restore the strength.

To do this, you will need the same set of tools and materials as for repairing the pallet. Conducting preliminary surface preparation, treat the crack with epoxy. After it dries, apply the acrylic paint layer. The final stage is the surface coating with acrylic varnish.

Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself

Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself


  • Follow the sequence and rules for installing the shower room shown in the Installation Guide.
  • Do not move on the pallet too actively, do not jump, and try not to throw heavy things into it.
  • To care for the shower, use only soft detergents, avoid powder facilities with aggressive chemical composition, which can damage acrylic and glass surfaces.
  • Choosing a shower cabin, prefer the product from a reliable, well-proven manufacturer who provides the most long warranty.
  • You can strengthen the bottom of the shower cabin with the help of one people's way - bricks pillows. Instead of cement mortar, it is recommended to use the mounting foam.

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Repair pallets of shower cabins do it yourself

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