Ceramic heaters: cheating manufacturer, pros and cons


Recently, subscribers started actively began to ask the question: What is a ceramic heater? At the moment, such a heater is gaining serious popularity and can be found in almost every store. Plus, there is a huge amount of misconceptions on his account, so in this article we decided to give an objective assessment to such a heater.

Ceramic heaters: cheating manufacturer, pros and cons

Ceramic heaters or why are you cheating on ignorance

Principle of operation

The ceramic heater works on the principle of forced convection and infrared radiation. Therefore, it is not strange that manufacturers began to say "about a miracle of technological thought." For example, here are a few advantages about which the manufacturer declares:
  • It does not dry the air at all - the floor is lying! Any heat source dries air, even if we speak the heating radiator, which often does not heat up 80 degrees;
  • Service life of 30 years - and what can work so long? Wiring is designed for 15 years, any heating element is wearing in three years, the housing is constantly overheated and cooled. Well, how he will serve such a period of time - we do not understand;
  • Safety - What, an electrical device? Any electric probor is a danger. Another thing is how the defense is thought out and from which materials it is made. There is only a security class, absolute nothing, even clean water can be dangerous to health;
  • High efficiency - perhaps, but then we will argue with it;
  • Does not raise dust - and what should raise it? It's not clear here;
  • Useful infrared radiation - so far there is a huge number of disputes on this. The radiation cannot be called safe IR, especially if it interacts with the skin, as it is seriously dried and causes irritation;
  • Electricity savings up to 35% - and here well, there are a lot of questions. Again, the manufacturer talks about the "Miracle of Technology", which has not been proven in any way.

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As you might notice, there are not so many real advantages, so talking for a "miracle technology" there is no common sense. But there is nothing wrong with them, then we will remember the main advantages.

How to choose a ceramic heater

We highlight several basic recommendations that will help you choose to correctly:

  1. Select the power by simple formula: 1 square meter is 100 watts. There is no common sense to count on a miracle.
  2. There are two ways to fastening: on legs or wall. We recommend choosing a way to mount on the wall.
  3. Select devices where there is a built-in thermostat. Otherwise, it will have to separately buy it or constantly include a ceramic heater and turn it off from the outlet, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Attention! How to deceive the manufacturer! He says that it is enough to choose a 10 m2 device with a capacity of 100 W - this is the swelling lies that we have seen. Such a heater never and in no circumstances can heat such a room. For example, 100 watts can consume a tablet during charging, and he can warm the room? Therefore, do not see the technology miracle and make normal calculations, especially since the network feedback on this topic is a huge amount.

Pros and cons

Despite the fact that the manufacturer brazenly deceives its customers, there is something good in this heater. Therefore, allocate a few advantages:
  • Quickly quickly heats up and maintains a stable temperature;
  • electricity consumption corresponds to reality;
  • The design of the ceramic heater does not contain elements that may overheat, this is a serious advantage and plus in karma;
  • You can install in the bathroom. It is in it that we recommend installing them, because they often have a small consumption, but with their tasks they do well;
  • easy to install;
  • Works without noise. But, after time, in any case, extraneous sounds begin, they are not found from them, since the body is constantly heated or cooled, and this provokes its deformation.

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  1. The manufacturer brazenly deceives its customers, promising unrealistic savings and performance. Do not see for it - the arrogant deception for which you need to judge.
  2. Many models are not equipped with thermostators. Therefore, it is necessary to independently buy thermostators or constantly turn on and off depending on the heating of the room.
  3. Price. The cost of ceramic heaters is clearly not justified, even despite the fact that they have a beautiful appearance. For such money you can buy an excellent convector Nouro, which is famous for its quality and high efficiency.


The cost is clearly not justified, it is more logical to buy a regular convector or an oil heater, the price will be more, the price is lower. Advantages - this is a quiet job and a high level of security.

Ceramic heaters: cheating manufacturer, pros and cons

Is it worth buying ceramic heaters

We do not recommend buying ceramic heaters, too high cost. It is just a divorce for money here, and many stores are supported.

Video on the topic

Let's give a few rollers who will help to understand the main subtleties and controversial moments. Note that video advertising nature, they are here only as familiarization.

Have something to supplement? Write comments, let's prove to people together that there is no common sense to buy them. We are only a team of authors, and the opinions of our users will always help other people during the choice.

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