Bahrome for curtains: how beautiful and properly sew?


Many hostesses prefer to create decor elements with their own hands or at least independently form an ensemble from the finished fittings. Master's great popularity enjoys a fringe for curtains. These accessible and diverse products are harmoniously fit into most of the stylistic directions. To form an attractive image, it is necessary to take into account the set of factors: the type and color of the fabric, the decor style, the type of fringe, the features of the storm shaft and even laying the room.

Bahrome for curtains: how beautiful and properly sew?

Views and features

The fringe is a special finishing braid, from the edges of which are hanging brushes, cords, threads or decorative suspensions. This element is widely used for the design of the curtain, as well as suitable covered and pillows suitable to them in order to create a harmonious image. Similar decoration can be purchased in the finished form or create your own hands, but it is a fate that it is a long and painstaking work. It is much easier to simply seize the product to a simple curtain fabric and get a fresh and original version of the decor.

Most often, the fringe has a significant weight, therefore it is used to decorate the dense port. But there is a special wicker braid, which can be used on lung curtains, without sacrificing the aesthetics of the product. The fringe with tassels are used not only for the design of the Niza and the side of the curtains - it is often possible to use the lambrequins and pickups.

The following types of fringe are distinguished:

  • Curving - has a edged clear edge;
  • Mishury - consists of twisted decorative threads attached to the head;
  • Ferry - features curly edges and beautiful festons;
  • Block - consists of various color blocks.

The decor elements are made of natural and synthetic threads, performed in one color or as a cascade of shades. There are varieties with massive brushes, pompons, buckets. The hand-embroidery braid can serve not only the basis for the fringe, but also act as an original addition. Among modern design decisions, products decorated with rhinestones, beads, stones and glassware. Similar accessories can be purchased separately and sew to the finished product with their own hands.

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Bahrome for curtains: how beautiful and properly sew?

Criterias of choice

Selecting the curtains with a fringe, it is necessary to take into account the stylistic direction of the room. More recently, the fringe and brushes were considered the prerogative of classic and eastern interiors, but with the advent of the amazing diversity of the fittings, it was possible to choose something suitable even for the interior in the style of country or modern.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing inserts, you need to focus on the type of tissue tissue. This will emphasize the special form of the ensemble, give the way the completion and harmony.


If an error occurred during the calculation of the tissue and the curtains turned out shorter than you need, you should not use blocks from the same matter to lengthen the panels - it will look like it will be crying. It is better to use a suitable fringe. This will make it possible to get a decent length and refresh the decor.

It is important to remember that tight fabrics are better decorated with massive fringe with brushes and pompons. It will not only look appropriate, but also help stretch the cloth, smooth out folds and irregularities. Light curtains are made up with an elegant braid with silver and golden threads. This will avoid the cream of paints, will enter the style and purity.

If the decor of the room looks dull and it is not enough for something, then it is recommended to use brushes from beads, large beads and rhinestones. Materials do not have to be transparent, bright fittings will create a romantic or festive atmosphere in the room.

Bahrome for curtains: how beautiful and properly sew?

Send a fringe yourself

If it is incorrect to sew a fringe, then the fabric or tape can be shy, giving the curtains an unclear look. Without possessing basic sewing skills, it is quite difficult to attach accessories to matter with your own hands, in this case, it is recommended to purchase ready-made curtains with fringe. If necessary, it is possible to attach decorative brushes or beads.

To implement the whole process yourself, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points.

  1. Before the work of the matter, which "rolls" must be processed or burned.
  2. Accessories is attached not over the fabric, and under the bottom.
  3. Incorrect side parties and matter should come into contact, this will allow fixing the accessories in the right and durable position.
  4. In the next stage, the braid turns over so that the fabric is located below. The final line is made, the free ends of the fringe are fixed.

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With the right carrying out of all stages, it turns out beautiful and clean fixation without protruding parts, reddings and folds. It is worth considering that attaching a fringe with her own hands to a light, flying tissue is much more complicated than to massive and dense porters.

Bahrome for curtains: how beautiful and properly sew?


The fringe is one of the most popular and affordable curtain decoration methods. Select fittings are recommended for the color of the main cloth, contrasting options apply only in special cases. In this case, the clear correspondence of the shades is not welcome, there must be a slight discrepancy, which will emphasize the color of matter.

When placing rectangular, simple-shaped frisms are sewn only on the lower part of the curtains. The diagonal options with pickups will look more attractive with accessories, barely also along the edge of the canvas.

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