Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets


Standard apartments are usually equipped with balconies in living rooms or bedrooms. It is not always convenient, as it causes difficulties in the formation of any particular style. Nevertheless, it is always possible to look at the loggia. For this purpose, the right textiles are chosen - curtains on the balcony door. Variants mass and decide only after a scrupulous selection.

Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets

Decorating a window with a balcony door

Requirements for the curtains on the balcony

The rule relating to the curtains on the window with a balcony of all types of window textiles - prevent obstacles when opening the window. Folding or swinging flaps must function easily.

Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets

Other conditions:

  1. Harmony with style. Unimaginably, if the canvases are beautiful, but at the same time curtains on the balcony window "Neither to the village or to the city". It is necessary to think through the style in advance, given the appointment of the room where the opening is.
  2. Preservation of sufficient lighting with natural light. Sometimes it is difficult to achieve this, especially if the loggia is glazed, which in itself darkens an apartment. Therefore, light curtains for the balcony door are used for opening impressions, tulle curtains or mounted additional light sources inside the balcony.
  3. Forced asymmetry, which is created by a balcony door with a window, is beneficial - not to take advantage of this feature for playing with the porters, is unacceptable. But it is impossible to "overdo it" - otherwise the curtains in the living room with a balcony door will become nonsenpice.

    Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets

  4. Balcony windows are not decorated with bright curtains. She should not distract the attention of apartment visitors from the overall interior. If the design of the balcony itself is not traditional in color or form, it is only slightly emphasized using functional parts. Window side, for example.

The taste and vision of the beautiful people are different. Prior to the final choice, the set of curtains for the window with the door to the balcony and choose the most acceptable to all family members.

Suitable styles

The traditional design of two-layer curtains, takes place, but loses relevance due to the variety of other types of porter.

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Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets

For example:

  • In the classic style, rolled curtains on the balcony door are performed from any kind of material - fabrics, plastic, even paper. Color and texture are combined with the overall concept of destination - often the balconies are in the kitchens, where these options are appropriate. The style of the room does not tolerate strict monochrome curtains, geometric patterns, abstraction.
  • Combined kits from the Roman curtains and single-band curtains on the recordings - rings strictly metallic. Corresponding to the rule does not interfere with the opening of the balcony flap. In addition, woven folds are not heated from sunlight, which can not be avoided with plastic blinds. Preferred fans of high-tech styles and minimalism.
  • Bamboo models. Appropriate in the kitchens - there is the most "natural" atmosphere. Using the curtains for the window with a balcony door, get a Japanese style with the appropriate entourage. It is also used in the living rooms, setting several crafts on sluts in a cornice with several grooves.

    Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets

  • Jalousie. If the balcony is completely glazed, they are used there, because at home, regardless of the purpose of the room, it looks dry and officially. If without them inside the apartment can not do, then you use blinds on the balcony door, identical to the color of the window design. So, it will be imperceptible. An obligatory second layer of porciers of natural fabrics is important.
  • Asymmetric curtains. A popular solution for drapeting a balcony window. The design of the curtains windows with a balcony door is made simply - the long flap is covered completely, the second ends at the windowsill, challenges the pickup or decorated with a titon, demonstrating a rich lining fabric.
  • Curtains "Coffee Shop". Recommended in the kitchen, as they consist of a variety of ruffles, frill, layers. Delight for country style or Provence. But at the same time, the balcony opening is located away from the working area. The corresponding furniture is a round table and chairs with high backs, complement the image of a street European cafe.

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Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets

Choosing one or another style, it is important to see practical benefit from curtains on a balcony door with a window. In one case, a wide windowsill operates, in the other - interferes.

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Choosing cornice

Now there is no lack of curtain accessories. A variety of holders sometimes rolls. The following decisions are interesting:

  1. Light curtains in a room with a balcony door, created from tulle, organza, silk, to keep well on strings or thin metal rods. Color is chosen by a contrasting cloth.

    Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets

  2. Traditional Roman curtains on the balcony door are decorated with rings, therefore, they are under the lubricants of the eaves - thick smooth rods with the second layer of curtains.
  3. Eaves for rolled curtains on the balcony door made in the factory conditions are plastic box with inside the shaft, which is wound with the fabric. It is not necessary to wise when fixing - he just clings to the sash. Easy handling makes model superpopular.
  4. Double straight cornices are good for long curtains in the floor consisting of two strips and lambrequin. Such a combination does not interfere with the opening-closing of the window. Even if the band is one, shifted towards the balcony door, it gives the charm of the entire structure of the cloth.
  5. Asymmetric eaves are good when the design of the balcony window with curtains is performed by appropriate fabrics. The limiters in this case will become a designer find - they will distract attention from the design of the window opening.

    Curtain design windows with a balcony door: you will learn all the secrets

  6. Hooks, rings. Good when the cloth is perfectly draped and there is a desire to hit all luxurious folds. For example - silk curtains on a window with a balcony door or linen from bleached material with spark.

Choosing a suitable set, you should not hurry - the scrupulous approach will give the best result. Beautiful rolled curtains on a window with a balcony door - not the only option to decorate the opening. Carefully examined the options, you can admire variety, and find the only one, pleasing eye and soul.

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